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This Drummer Will Be Your Cabana Boy...If the Price is Right

Posted by Colleen Kane


This is Josh Freese, a session drummer and member of Devo, A Perfect Circle, and the Vandals, and formerly Nine Inch Nails and Guns n' Roses. 

As part of the promotion for his new record Since 1972, Josh created a menu of sorts, indicating how much Josh Freese and assorted rock ephemera your money will get you, and the prices go up to $70,000.

Starting with the $50 package, you get a personal phone call from the drummer, where he suggest you can ask such Qs relating to his experiences as "Which one of Sting's mansions has the comfiest beds?"

For $250, you get a bunch of album-related junk and a lunch date with Josh to P.F. Chang's or the Cheesecake Factory. 

Five hundo will bring you, among other things, a dinner date at Sizzler. Josh sez: "get your $8.99 Steak and 'all you can eat' Shrimp on"

For $1K, you get drunk with Josh and "cut each other's hair in the parking lot of the Long Beach courthouse (filmed and posted on youtube of course)"

For the limited edition of one $10K package, you get to go for chicken n waffles along with Twiggy from Marilyn Manson, and you get to have Josh's Volvo, to keep, just asks that you drop him off at home first. 

The $20K package includes a foot and back massage from Josh (couples welcome, discreet parking available) and any three items from his closet. 

And finally, here are my favorite two items from the $75K package:  "-Take a limo down to Tijuana and he'll show you how it's done (what that means exactly we can't legally get into here) -If you don't live in Southern California (but are a US resident) he'll come to you and be your personal assistant/cabana boy for 2 weeks"

So apparently, the attention of impoverished musicians can be bought...who knew? (Groupies did.)  


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Emilie said:

LOVE IT! Welcome to the new creative underclass prostitution, folks!

February 26, 2009 3:41 PM

thinkywritey said:

Brilliant. I'd take the Volvo.

February 27, 2009 9:45 AM

About Colleen Kane

Colleen has been an editor at BUST and Playgirl magazines and has written for the endangered species of dead-tree magazines like SPIN and Plenty, as well as Radar Online and other websites. She lives in exile in Baton Rouge with her fiance, two dogs, and her former cat. Read her personal blogs at
