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Ken: Tool, Eunuch, Possible Creep

Posted by Colleen Kane


Slate ran a piece today about the gent who has lived in Barbie's curvaceous shadow for most of her 50 years: Ken. Two books have come out about Barb, but in both, Ken was given little play.

In the article, writer Troy Patterson brings up a few interesting points: that infamous vague crotch bump in lieu of anatomical correctness, that Ken is never depicted as married to Barbie, even though Wedding Day Sparkle Groom Ken is the best-selling Ken doll, and that Ken is often dressed in boy versions of Barbie's sparkly getups, which doesn't always result in the most masculine looks. Patterson described the following Ken doll as gay iconic, and since it's been a while since we've checked in with Ken, let's review some of Ken's other looks.

 Earring Magic Ken

But I'm more concerned about Little Patient Tommy here, and Ken's raised hand.


Is it terribly cynical that I can only see this as sinister?


Ken is always hanging around with a mini-me.

Here's a special edition Harley-Davidson model, or Ken as drag king:


And check out Ken's new face as of 2006-- less manly, more teenish:


Fashion Fever, indeed.


Life-Sized Barbie Dream House: I Want to Go to There

The Real Story Behind Barbie... And The Truth About That Ken Dude


Video of the Day: Barbie and Ken (and Some Guy) Make a Porno

Image, and



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About Colleen Kane

Colleen has been an editor at BUST and Playgirl magazines and has written for the endangered species of dead-tree magazines like SPIN and Plenty, as well as Radar Online and other websites. She lives in exile in Baton Rouge with her fiance, two dogs, and her former cat. Read her personal blogs at
