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Prostitutes In Russia Make Lateral Career Movement to Therapists

Posted by Drew Grant


Mixed feelings about this Washington Post article claiming that Russian men hiring nightly escorts are no longer looking for sex, but rather a shoulder to cry on.

On the one hand: Hey, it's these dude's money, and  it's probably awesome for these women to take a break from the endless, cold, har Siberian sex to make ends meet, and to just sit and be a good listener for 45 minutes.

On the other hand: Really? You're going to a prostitute to complain about your shitty economic condition? You know these women aren't just handing out blow-jays because they're bored in the Motherland, right?



JCF said:

No joke.  People have been paying prostitutes just to get someone to listen to them for centuries.  (Go ask Ken M. in your history department.)  If confronted, they can pretend like they were just paying her for sex, which is much less shameful than buying a friend.

May 5, 2009 8:33 AM

About Drew Grant

I don't know about your brain- but mine is really bossy I come home from a day on the golf course and I find all these messages scribbled on wrinkled up scraps of paper And they say thing like: Why don't you get a real job? Or: You and what army? Or: Buy a horse!
