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Trailer Roundup End of Year Special- Best Fake Trailer

Posted by Paul Clark


While it's nice to have the extended cuts of Death Proof and (to a lesser extent) Planet Terror out on DVD, for me the movies don't feel quite right without the trailers that played with them. Every Grindhouse had his favorite of the four trailers, but while Robert Rodriguez's memorably trashy Machete and Eli Roth's sick joke Thanksgiving were both worthy, for me the best of the lot was Edgar Wright's Don't. Not only is it hilarious (love the way he sets up that wonderfully awful last line) but it's probably the only one of the four I could imagine playing at a real grind house. Unlike his fellow Grindhouse trailer directors, Wright plays it almost completely straight, mimicking the atmospheric shots, frenzied editing, and borderline incoherence of 70s advertising campaigns for Eurotrash thrillers like Torso. I somehow doubt that a real-life version of Don't would have been very good, but this trailer would have guaranteed my presence at the theatre opening weekend.



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