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Trailer Review: The Spirit

Posted by Paul Clark

With all the comic book movies coming out in the next few months you'd think it would be too early to start looking ahead to 2009's offerings. However, you would be wrong. Not being a reader of comics, I can't attest to how closely Frank Miller captures the style of Will Eisner's original vision. However, it does look like Miller, in his first solo directorial effort, is working in a similar style to his own Sin City. But what really sticks out is how relatively lighthearted (especially from a visual standpoint) this teaser feels compared to Sin City. Also, maybe it's just the DePalma fanboy in me talking, but I love the use of Ennio Morricone's theme from The Untouchables here, complementing its retro-stylish sense of fun. The film's still a long way off- there's sure to be at least one full-length trailer to spotlight the movie's hot female supporting cast (Eva Mendes, Scarlett Johansson, Paz Vega et al)- but I'm certainly curious now.



eurrapanzy said:

looks slick.  could also be terrible, though.

April 21, 2008 10:06 PM