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"Stylista": Kind of Like High School, But Bitchier

Posted by Lindy Parker


Here's the thing.  Our feeling about Stylista (the CW's newest competitive reality show) is basically that not unlike it's semi-fictional literary counterpart The Devil Wears Prada, we would've enjoyed it more if it gave us an interesting, nuanced look at working in the fashion industry from the bottom to the top, rather than focusing on the sad attempts of a group of fashion-loving peons to prostrate themselves before a campy, overbearing, power-hungry fashion editor in oversized sunglasses and heels that we swear to God, she removes when she goes off camera.  Turns out, the behind-the-scenes turmoil of Stylista might actually be more interesting than the show...

So, the whole big debacle involves network politics and Harvey Weinstein and complicated negotiations between print and television publicity that we don't really understand, but in a nutshell, the drama is this: Project Runway judge Nina Garcia was fired from her post as fashion editor of Elle Magazine, and went to work at Marie Claire.  Last night's premiere of the Tyra Banks produced reality competition, Stylista, served as something of a coming out party for Garcia's replacement at Elle, Anne Slowey, the former fashion new director who traded off judging duties with Garcia during Runway's first season until producers decided they preferred Garcia's personality (for the record, we do too).  Meanwhile, Nina Garcia is slated to star in her own show, Running in Heels, a fly-on-the-wall look at the in's and out's of life at Marie Claire that will air on the Style Network in March.  It's a whole thing, y'all.

The eleven hopeful competitors arrive at the Elle offices in hopes of winning the grand prize: a one-year junior fashion editor position at Elle Magazine, and the first challenge involved them buying and presenting fashion editor, Anne Slowey, with her morning breakfast.  Slowey click-clacked from peon to peon saying things like, "Oh, I never eat almonds unless they are soaked in water over night" and "No, no. Melon should never be served with any other kind of fruit."  Seriously Anne Slowey?  We're already over it.  We don't have time to have you flapping your power wings in our face over ridiculous nonsense just because you can.  

Additionally, the contestants themselves are no less ruthless when it comes to tearing each other apart.  The worst offenders so far have been entrepreneur Megan (whom we've nicknamed "Snooty Booty") and freelance stylist DyShaun got the party started by callously ostracizing well-endowed, legal secretary Kate for her impossibly perky rack, and spent the entire episode referring to her as "Boobs."  Dude.  We haven't seen this much petulant vitriol since junior high soccer try-outs.  It's possible there was a side competition going to see who could make Kate cry the most times, but we can't be sure.

The thing is, it's possible we would have loved this show with Nina Garcia at the helm.  Even though she certainly holds no punches during Runway judging, we can't picture her upbraiding nineteen year olds for bringing her the wrong kind of coffee mug.  We feel like our girl would've kept it strict and professional with a little praise thrown in when due.  Our verdict: Maybe we'll ditch Stylista and hold out for Running in Heels instead.  



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About Lindy Parker

Lindy Parker has worked as a ghostwriter, editor, dance instructor and a purveyor of dreams, one beer at a time. She now writes for's TV blog, "The Remote Island." She loves Charles Dickens and Gabriel Garcia Marquez and also, straight-to-video releases with Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. It's possible she reads more teen fiction than she should. She hails from Los Angeles, her hometown and soul mate, but she lives in Brooklyn, the fling she'll never forget.




