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Friday Shades of "Grey's Anatomy": In Love and War

Posted by Lindy Parker


What better way to celebrate Halloween Friday than with some pig's blood?  Here we go...

Lindy-Low:   Izzie's tantrum over Dr. Hunt's pig stabbing session.  Not that we're pig haters, but we might be tantrum haters.  A close runner-up is Lexi stroking the aforementioned pigs and waxing emotional about the pig's former days in the mud.  Lexi is creeping up to compete with Meredith on the irksome meter.  Seriously, with Lexi whining to George and whispering sweet nothings to the pigs, Meredith's gotten downright bearable.  That is until she starts bringing surgery Barbie to work.

Olivia-Low:  Why don’t the secondary characters just rise up and take over this show?  This bus is going nowhere with Meredith Grey in the driver’s seat.  Revoke her license.  Let somebody else drive.  Can’t we turn it into Christina’s show and call it Yang’s Anatomy?  Or we could call it Callie’s Anatomy.  Has anyone else noticed that Sara Ramirez has been showing some serious skin in these last few episodes?  Stripping down with Sloan.  Rocking the itty-bitty nightie with Erica (Get it Girl!).  And Erica, oh Erica.  The Callie and Erica stuff is incredible, right?  The exploration of self, the vulnerability, the warranted first time girl-on-girl freak-outs.  More of that!  More Sloan!  More Yang and Dr. GI Joe Hunt.  Less Meredith and her Mommy’s Journals.  Less of Patrick Dempsey’s hair.  In fact, no journals.  Journals are no longer allowed.  And shave Dempsey’s head.

Lindy-High:  Two things:  First, we LOVE Dr. Hunt.  We love him.  He's both badass and willing to learn new things.  Also, Christina needs someone to talk to besides Meredith.  Second, we LOVE Dr. Sloan.  We love him and Callie as BFFs.  The Erica-Callie romance with Mark Sloan color commentary is so bringing back the first blush our Grey's Anatomy love.  Speaking of our first love, we're starting to get on board with Alex and Izzie back together if only so we can see Alex standing around in only his scrub pants more often.

Olivia-High:  Christina grabbing Meredith and running, like full-on second period gym class wind sprints running, down the hallway upon seeing Major Owen Hunt, the army doc she made out with after he pulled an icicle out of her side.  Perfection.  First of all, the fact that Christina runs from anyone is huge.  Second, their little 50-yard dash is set to some sort of African drum remix, hilarious.  Third, the look of sheer and utter terror on Meredith’s face is to die for.  If someone could scare Meredith that much every week, viewership would go up ten-ba-gillion percent.  Ten-million-gillion, in fact.



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About Lindy Parker

Lindy Parker has worked as a ghostwriter, editor, dance instructor and a purveyor of dreams, one beer at a time. She now writes for's TV blog, "The Remote Island." She loves Charles Dickens and Gabriel Garcia Marquez and also, straight-to-video releases with Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. It's possible she reads more teen fiction than she should. She hails from Los Angeles, her hometown and soul mate, but she lives in Brooklyn, the fling she'll never forget.




