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  • Sundance Channel Picks Up Figure Skating Reality Show With Johnny Weir

    True story: One of our first ever childhood crushes was on Ukranian figure skater Viktor Petrenko.  We loved his Kirk Cameron hairstyle, his puffy shirts, and the way he took poor, orphaned Oksana Baiul under his wing.  Even though it's been many moons since we actually watched male figure skating (once Viktor retired what was the point?), we could maybe get on board with a figure skating reality show  as long as it doesn't involve Dave Coulier.  Apparently, Sundance Channel is on board too...

    New series featuring U.S. figure skating Olympian Johnny Weir...The half-hour "Be Good Johnny Weir" will follow its subject, his coach, choreographers and hangers-on as they ready for the 2010 Winter Games. Sundance has ordered eight episodes of the series, which is produced by Endemol's Original Media.  (Variety)

    Since we're out of the figure skating loop and aren't really familiar with the work of Johnny Weir, we did a little research, and we discovered three reasons that we will definitely be watching...





