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Check It: The Baseball Boogie
2/29/2008 2:24:59 PM

Yesterday, it was seventy nine degrees in my home town – I, however, was traipsing around this city dressed in what amounts to a sleeping bag with sleeves, trying to keep the snot dripping from my nose from freezing on my face. So what better to remind me of the fun I’m missing than a video of the 1986 Dodgers awkwardly singing and even more awkwardly gyrating to the Baseball Boogie? Actually, I’ve never really been a baseball fan – nothing about it reminds me of home. But, I am a fan of cheesy ridiculousity. Hopefully, you are too.

—Caitlin M.

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When Did Scarlett Inherit Kathleen Turner's Voice?
2/29/2008 2:20:55 PM

Scanner asked “who would you rather?”: Natalie Portman or Scarlett Johansson. After this interview via, can I say “neither”? There is zero chemistry between these two; let’s hope they bring they bring it on the big screen. Or at least show some cleavage...

— N.A.

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Still yet more "Daily Show" clips.
2/29/2008 11:23:55 AM

What can I say? I'm lazy, they're funny, and it saves me from having to think of jokes on my own. Here's John Stewart on the 20th and -- oh god yes please -- hopefully final Democratic Debate. And also, Samantha Bee on the vast left-wing Anti-Hillary media conspiracy. "...Is it sweeter to crush a dream in the bud, or just before it ripens?" Classic.

Last Tango in Cleveland:

Anti-Hillary Conspiracy:

--Oliver Miller

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Total Eclipse (of the Starbucks)
2/29/2008 11:04:21 AM

"Is it just me, or are there no douchebags on laptops in here?" ...Two days ago, all Starbucks nationwide closed down so that they could retrain their staff, perhaps so that they might come up with yet more pretentious names for their drinks: "Ah, yes, I'd like one triple soy latte Dodeckahedron, please." ...Jason Jones and "The Daily Show" explore the fall-out from the closing:

--Oliver Miller

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Barack Drops It Like It's Hot
2/29/2008 10:14:05 AM

I'm glad Barack Obama is super charismatic and stuff, because brother can't dance in this clip with Ellen DeGeneres. Whatevs, he and Ellen make a cute pair!

I want an awkwardly-dancing president. Most of us dance pretty awkwardly anyway, so he's just like us.


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Cute Things! Happy Friday!
2/29/2008 9:46:09 AM

If you need a cute animal to get you through the day, I highly recommend watching the above clip of Christian the lion re-uniting with his rescuers. You think he's going to maul them horrifically, but... he hugs them! Super sweet.

And if you need even more of a cute fix, check out this story about a dog taking care of a baby goat in The Daily Mail. Cutegasm!

Happy Friday, all of y'all. Stay out of trouble.


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Total Eclipse (Of the Moon)
2/29/2008 9:41:49 AM

Were you too busy playing YouTube clips to check out the totes gorgeous lunar eclipse last week? Me too!

Thankfully the Internets has brought the eclipse to my nature-hating ass thanks to YouTube!

Oh, and happy Leap Day. Are you supposed to wish people a happy Leap Day? I suck at this stuff.


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Valley of the (Sex) Dolls
2/28/2008 3:50:43 PM

Reuters brings us this deliciously creepy segment about a man with over 100 sex dolls in his cramped apartment.

I'm not one to judge, but this living Lars and the Real Girl stuff leaves me... well.. squicked.

Or maybe I'm too judgmental. Would you ever come home to a "love doll?" Be honest!


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Hot Nerd Girls Want to Talk to You!
2/28/2008 12:33:25 PM

Everyone knows nerds like to have cybersex and write dirty fanfic about furry versions of Harry and Voldemort exploring their "wands". But did you know that some nerds have...needs... that must be met aurally? Do you know what the word "aurally" means?

You might want to give 1-900-Nerd-Girls a try. These chicas are hotter than the burning fires of Mordor!


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Barack Meets Bollywood
2/28/2008 12:24:01 PM

East meets West in this Bollywood version of the Barack Obama campaign... yeah I really don't know what the hell is going on either!

Watch and revel in the utter strangeness of the Internets.


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