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Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist
3/21/2008 1:28:45 PM

Another year, another Easter, and another two hours spent looking for the clip from "Dr. Katz" about the different types of Easter Eggs. Oh well. Here's a bunch of random clips from the show. Stay tuned for the part about postcards at the end. That always kills me.

--Oliver Miller

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Frodo, Don't Wear the Ring.
3/21/2008 1:01:12 PM

Ummmmm. I don't know how I found this video. And it's from "Flight of the Conchords," which is a show that I've never seen, because -- once again -- I only get two stations on my TV, which -- once again -- is part of what makes me so qualified to write a blog about popular culture. Though I do occasionally read my girlfriend's copy of "US Magazine," which helps keep me up to date, a little. Did you know that Heidi and Spencer are considering breaking up? Did you know that they're the least interesting people of all time? See? I know these things, thanks to the power of "US Magazine."

ANY-way, here we go with a parody of the "Lord of the Rings" movies, which -- once again -- were a bunch of movies that I didn't like. Though I did play "Dungeons & Dragons" once, and only once, as a thirteen year-old. I was an elf. I fell into a pit. I couldn't figure out how to get out of the pit. My friend Colin was the "Dungeon Master." Eventually I said to him, "Either get me out of this fucking pit, or I'm not playing anymore." He gave my elf the magical power to get out of the pit. I stopped playing anyway. End of story.

--Oliver Miller

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3/21/2008 12:27:31 PM

It's the best TV pilot that never saw the light of day. ...From the early 90s, it's "Lookwell!," created by Robert Smigel and Conan O'Brien. And starring that god among men, Adam West.


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The Easter Bunny Still Hates You.
3/21/2008 12:05:37 PM

As "Birth of a Nation" is to film, and "Video Killed the Radio Star" is to music videos, so this clip is to the fine art of video blogging. Yes, yes, yes, it's that time of year again. The Easter Bunny still hates you. Indeed he does.


Special Bonus Video: The Easter Bunny hates Bugs Bunny, and vice versa. It's "Easter Yeggs," from 1947. Classic.

--Oliver Miller

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Conrad Besselheimer, Internet Life Coach
3/21/2008 11:01:16 AM

Teaching us how to sex better, with five simple rules. (I knew I should be wrestling more!) Also, the song at the very end makes it totally worth it.

— Caitlin M.

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War on Terror Porno Musical
3/21/2008 10:59:02 AM

Kid Does His War on Terror School Project using Porn (Clean) from Arman Noory on Vimeo.

Wednesday, to mark the sixth anniversary of the war, I was outside of the Army recruiting station in Time Square, knitting stump socks for amputee veterans and Iraqi children with the Granny Peace Brigade. Across the way, of course, there were war supporters screaming vitriol and nonsense at these little old ladies as we quietly knit row after row. It was all very unsettling, and too familiar.

This video has nothing to do with the grannies, but I thought it was a really inventive take on our current situation from one of our young neighbors to the North. Made by Canadian high school student Aman Noory for his senior project, he explains it thusly: “I took a porno from '81, remixed it into an American-perspective War on Terror Porno Musical where the main character goes into trances at the subject of discussion and, gradually, the true nature of the porno begins to rise.”

I guess it’s interesting to me because sometimes I feel like what it means to love this country has been co-opted and turned into some huge exercise in self-congratulatory masturbation. But that’s just me.

Anyway. War on Terror Porno Musical. Good times.

— Caitlin M.

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James Franco and His Brother Teach Us How to Emote
3/20/2008 1:17:04 PM

Up until the writer’s strike, when he started to collaborate with some stellar comedians – including one spot-on spoof of The Hills wearing the most ridiculous wig I’ve ever seen – I didn’t have much faith in James Franco. I always assumed that his acting abilities were limited to playing the whiney, melodramatic sons of crazed scientists. But, oh, little did I know that James Franco would some day teach me how to cry.

— Caitlin M.

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3/20/2008 12:33:47 PM

...So we're coming up on the holiday of Easter, the holiday that I understand and relate to least out of the currently existent holidays. (Possible exceptions: Arbor Day and Martin Luther King Day.) What with me being Jewish and all, I don't actually celebrate Easter. Instead, I celebrate the secret EVIL Jewish holiday of "Anti-Easter." It basically involves me running around, spending a lot of money, investing in property, and controlling the media. Also: well-poisoning and baby eating. It's a fine, fine holiday. You should check it out.

ANY-way, below is the funkadelic-est version of the life and times of Jesus Christ; the song "Superstar" from "Jesus Christ, Superstar," natch. I love it! And I can't believe that I missed out on the 1970s. That would have been a great decade for me: drugs, yurts, pop-topping, poorly-conceived fashion trends... I love all of these things! Instead, I got the 80s: day-glo and "mobile" phones that weighed twenty pounds. Ugh. Oh well.

Anyway: Jesus Christ! Superstar! Who are you [something something] say you are! Good stuff. ...And enjoy.

--Oliver Miller

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Steven Wiltshire -- The Human Camera
3/20/2008 11:36:57 AM

...In other documentaries of amazing things, here's Steven Wiltshire. Born autistic, he is capable of reproducing anything he sees in a drawing, down to the tiniest detail. ...In the above clip, he draws the entire city of Rome, down to the smallest side-street and window, after taking a forty-five minute helicopter ride over the city. Incredible.

In other news, when I was a kid, I used to fantasize about becoming autistic. It seemed like it was fine, as long as you were confined to counting cards or doing math equations in your head. ...The other day, I saw this movie about the Dalai Lama, and now I have this whole long fantasy about becoming the next Dalai Lama. I think that I'd be an excellent Dalai Lama. I'd be very approachable and humble. "Lord Buddha..." people would say to me. "Yes?" I'd say.

I also have long fantasies about becoming President and also, um, the Pope. I get assasinated in both of these because I'm too good and noble for this world, and therefore, I must be taken down by evil forces. Anyway, whoever coined the phrase "dream bigger" obviously never met me.

--Oliver Miller

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3/20/2008 11:15:43 AM

Makers - A short-subject documentary about the Do-It-Yourself Counterculture from Brian Boyko on Vimeo.

...Here's a short documentary about the Austin Makers Faire, home to giant angry robots, Tesla coils, life-size mousetraps, and, of course, Mentos and Coke. Enjoy! (And thanks to for the link.)

And on an unrelated note, here's my current favorite website. I want the acrylic turntable! And the Galaga quilt! And the Etch-a-Sketch clock! I want it all, actually...

--Oliver Miller

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