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new this week
Dating Advice From . . . Prop 8 Protesters by Meghan Pleticha
Q: What makes a protest a good date? A: Nothing makes people connect like a common enemy.
Ginger Red by Aaron Cansler
Screengrab by Various
Today in Hooksexup's film blog: Mickey Rourke in Iron Man 2.
The Modern Materialist by Various
Almost everything you want. Today: A plethora of ways to feel so good.
61 Frames Per Second by John Constantine
Today in Hooksexup's videogame blog: Street Fighter. The movie. A new one. With that chick from that Superman show. Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about!
The Remote Island by Bryan Christian
Mad Men's January Jones struts her stuff in Vanity Fair. Plus: Damages returns, the latest Gossip Girl guest star and Donna Martin capitulates.
Date Machine by Various
Today in Hooksexup's dating blog: Are all women GAY?
The Truth is Out There by Iris Smyles
First-date love, lies and X-files. /personal essays/

Yogi Bare by Arianne Cohen  4.13.2007
Celebrity yoga master Rodney Yee on sex, scandal, Speedos and enlightenment. *the sports issue* 

Cheaters Sometimes Win by Kai Ma  4.12.2007
A sociologist on what makes pro athletes stray, and why they're forgiven. *the sports issue* 

Altered State by Rev. Astrid Storm  12.25.2006
Meet Mary Lou Wallner, former homophobe, now pro-gay evangelical. /a life's work/ 

No, It's Not The Tom Cruise Story by Ada Calhoun  12.12.2006
Playwright Douglas Carter Beane on his play about a Hollywood star and his hustler boyfriend. *celebrity/gossip/scandal issue* 

Mythbuster by Jocelyn Guest  11.28.2006
The scientist who exposed the greatest sexology hoax of the 1970s is back. /regulars/ 

Out of the Woods by Gwynne Watkins  11.22.2006
The first summer camp for gay Christian youth is turning the political tide. /a life's work/ 

The Devil's Dictionary by Mark Peters  11.13.2006
Grant Barrett collects sex slang, one dirty word at a time. 

Term Limits? by Will Doig  10.25.2006
The conservative state senator from Crow Wing County, Minnesota, finds himself out of the closet — and up for re-election. *politics issue* 

Key of G by Kate Sullivan  10.10.2006
Frank Zappa's former sound engineer on his album for religious couples. *music issue* 

Altar Ego by Rev. Astrid Storm  8.30.2006
A female Episcopal priest interviews a Roman Catholic who got herself ordained — and ousted from the Church. /regulars/ 


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