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Savage Love

Dan explains why the Schwarzenegger affair isn't his fault.

By Dan Savage

My husband and I recently realized that in order for us to remain happily married, we need to fuck other people.

Enter the boyfriend. This twenty-year-old hunk has opened the sexual floodgates. He's gorgeous and athletic and enthusiastic, he gets me off at least twice every time we get together, and tales of our exploits have made things even hotter between my husband and me. Everybody's happy!

So what's the problem? Well, after two months of dating and numerous sexual encounters, my new lover has yet to get an erection. I know he's been able to get it up with previous partners, so I suspect this has something to do with our situation. Maybe there's a subconscious part of his brain that doesn't want to bone a married woman? I've made it clear to him that there is no pressure and that I am more than satisfied. He insists that he is very attracted to me and that our current activities (lots of oral and hands everywhere) are incredibly satisfying.

Am I missing something, Dan? How can I coax this young man's erection out of hiding?

— Nouveau Mrs. Robinson

Before I get to your question, NMR, I need to address the recent Arnold Schwarzeneggerunpleasantness. 

I'm getting a lot of mail from people insisting that it's all my fault. The affair, the love child, the split with Maria Shriver — I'm apparently to blame for everything, save Arnold's oldest son's slammin', nearly legal bod. This is the case because (1) I'm a big proponent of nonmonogamous/monogamish relationships and (2) aging Hollywood action stars don't get erections without checking in with me first. And look where the nonmonogamy stuff I'm always pushing got Arnold! Look at the chaos that nonmonogamy creates! Failed marriages! Devastated children! Scandalous scandals! 

In my defense, ladies and gentlemen of the angry e-mob, I would point out that Arnold wasn't in a nonmonogamous relationship. Arnold was in a monogamous relationship. Arnold failed at monogamy. He did not succeed at nonmonogamy. If there is a lesson to be drawn from the Schwarzeneggerunpleasantness, it's not that honest nonmonogamy never works. Rather, it is the critical importance — particularly during adulterous heterosexual encounters — of anal intercourse. 

And please bear in mind, e-mobsters, that you rarely hear about honest nonmonogamous relationships that work, to say nothing of marriages like Mr. and Mrs. NMR's, i.e., marriages that were saved by nonmonogamy. Successfully nonmonogamous straight couples typically aren't out to their friends, families, and coworkers. We tend to learn that someone we know is in a nonmonogamous relationship when it implodes and people — both inside and outside the relationship — cast around, looking for something or someone to blame. If the couple was nonmonogamous, nonmonogamy gets the blame, even if it had nothing to do with the breakup. 

On to your problem, NMR… 

What a delightful problem to have! A gorgeous, athletic, and enthusiastic hunk with a hard dick is better than a gorgeous, athletic, and enthusiastic hunk with a soft dick, I'll grant you. But better a gorgeous, athletic, and enthusiastic hunk with a soft dick than no gorgeous, athletic, and enthusiastic hunk at all, amirite? 

And while I can't tell you exactly what's wrong with your hunk's dick — it could very well be the infamous limpothalamus (that would be the part of the brain that doesn't want to bone a married woman; most men don't have one) — I can tell you that you're doing everything right. You're not pressuring him, you're taking pleasure in him regardless, and you're not neglecting your husband. And if your hunk was getting it up for his previous partners, it's only a matter of time before he's getting it up for you. 

But was he getting it up for his previous partners? Unless you've seen some video — and that's video we'd all like to see — all we have to go on is his word, NMR, and he could be lying. Young hunks with erectile problems, too embarrassed and/or ashamed to admit they have a problem, will sometimes lie to their partners and refuse to speak to doctors. But your hunk has someone older and wiser telling him what to do, NMR, and you're going to tell him to talk with a doctor.


Is it better to stay with your overweight wife — who happens to be the mother of your infant daughter — and cheat on her to get sexual gratification (and be a shit of a husband) or leave her (and be a shit of a father)?

— Almost Twice The Wife

Cheating shit or leaving shit — are those your only options? 

If they are, ATTW, then stay and cheat. Abandoning an infant — to say nothing of abandoning someone with an infant — is a shit move. So is cheating on the mother of your infant daughter, of course, but it's slightly less shitty. 

Here's another option: you could go without for six months or a year — you know, like most new parents.

Backing way up: You were presumably attracted to your wife before the baby… otherwise there would be no baby, right? And presumably, the mother of your infant daughter is going without right now, too, as she's probably too exhausted to bother with sex. Because she just had a baby. She also may not be feeling it for her asshole husband, a man who she senses doesn't find her attractive in her current state — a state he helped put her in.

Take a little responsibility here, ATTW: you knocked the wife up knowing that pregnancy and its tragic aftermath, aka "parenting," leave new moms with very little time for the gym. If you expected your wife to bounce back to her pre-baby weight in ten weeks, like some sort of celebrity mom, then you needed to get her two nannies, a personal trainer, and a full-time nutritionist. 

Perhaps I'm being too hard on you, ATTW. Your letter — reproduced here in its entirety — is all I had to go on. For all I know, your wife is one of those lousy spouses who abandon routine physical maintenance once the first kid arrives, because, hey, now you're stuck! Forgoing routine physical maintenance is the mother of all take-you-for-granted moves, one that quickly kills desire and slowly smothers love, and it can constitute grounds for cheating and/or leaving. (Normal and natural aging, health issues that make routine maintenance impossible, etc. do not by themselves constitute grounds for cheating and/or leaving.) But it's too soon to know if your wife is one of those lousy take-you-for-granted spouses, ATTW, as your daughter is still an infant

Masturbate, help out, make sure your wife has the free time she needs to take care of herself, and you may find that you don't have to be any sort of shit.


I'm writing about the "Choicer Challenge" you've issued to all the bigots out there who say that being gay is a choice. I think you've set yourself up for a possible failure here, Dan.

I'm a straight guy. I am also a stubborn motherfucker. If I were one of those choicers, Dan, I would suck your dick just to win the argument. That's why the Choicer Challenge should say that they have to suck you off while maintaining a glass-cutting boner. I could probably will myself to blow you to prove a point, but willing myself to get hard during it? Not possible!

— Bone Machine

Good point, BM. The Choicer Challenge is hereby amended to include the production of a glass-cutting boner while blowing me. I'm waiting for your call, John "Choicer" Cummins.

Find the Savage Lovecast (my weekly podcast) every Tuesday at

Commentarium (31 Comments)

Jun 01 11 - 4:55am

Here we go...let's hear from all of the people who say I would never cheat and there is no reason anyone should ever cheat....they should not have gotten married if they wanted to sleep with other people or they should break up with their partners if they want to be with other people...
Here is the preemptive rub....serial monogamy is no higher an ideal than cheating, breaking someone's heart on a yearly (or every few years) basis because you wasnt to sleep with someone new does not make you a better person. Granted, lying is not the most mature way to deal with this either but people 'love the lie' of monogamy. They love it so much they will ignore all of the signs of an affair and would rather not live in the idea of an open relationship. How many people do you know who have been together for 10 years or more that have not had one indiscretion (if you would even know about them)....the asexual or those with a very low sex drive. That is the answer for those of you who want total monogamy, marry someone with a low sex drive. Problem solved.

Jun 01 11 - 7:53am

I'm so tired of people with childlike lack of self-control assuming everyone else is like them. I have a really high sex drive, I also have perfect self (almost wrote "sex") control. I would think about sex with all sorts of people, but I wouldn't cheat. If I wanted an open relationship, I'd talk to my partner about it first. It's not difficult, really.

Jun 01 11 - 9:01am

Wow, cjt, sounds like you have been hurt and/or need a seriously better partner. I know lots of people - including myself - who have had happy and sexually fulfilling long-term monogamous relationships.

Jun 01 11 - 11:23am

Interesting that you would read that into my mini tirade, as I have never been hurt due to infidelity. Furthermore, you prove my point about long term, one partner monogamy in saying that you have 'had' long term monogamous in the past tense. My point is that going from one relationship (long term or otherwise) to another is seen as the greater moral choice but it can leave as big a path of destruction as those who cheat and get caught.
@nn I am not sure child like is the right word but as one person's vice might be chocolate cake, drugs or alcohol another person's weakness might be sex. It does not preclude personal responsibilty but it illustrates the many weaknesses the human animal tries to master. I have been in a 5 year semi-open relationship based on honesty and a constant redefining of the rules based on our comfort but most people are not ready for that degree of honesty (unfortunately).

Jun 01 11 - 12:35pm

uh, not really proving your point - we are celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary this year.

But I agree, monogamy is not for everyone.

Jun 01 11 - 12:36pm

Someone sounds like a presumptuous asshole that is assuming all monogamous relationships fail for the sole reason of sex and wanting different sex.

Just FYI, relationships are based on more than that as is their failure and successes. I've had a long term monogamous relationship and yes it ended. But it was not for sexual reasons. I had plenty of hot monogamous sex and neither of us wanted anyone else. But he was an asshole aside from the sex so it didn't work out.

It's probably best to understand the differences that make situations individual rather than make sweeping generalizations that are bad for your health yes?

Jun 01 11 - 1:07pm

The scariest part of all of this is how you can get away from the person you want to be. Most people never realize this, and blame, blame, blame their problems away. To say nothing of the excuses people make for their partners, out of willful blindness, "love," fear of being alone, laziness, the desire to be "right" when one finally leaves, &c &c &c.

I'm not a big fan of long-term romantic relationships in general, since they turn pretty much everyone I've seen in them into manipulative, selfish, cruel pieces of shit. But I mean, what are the alternatives? Prostitutes? Loneliness? Prostitutes AND loneliness?

And then you have the nonmonogamous crowd. Sounds like such a great idea, but just like we still have our monkey spines, we're not going to shake the green-eyed monster. And it gets practically Gordian when one partner is jealous that the other partner isn't acting jealous ENOUGH. To say nothing of one partner going along with anything just so that they don't lose the other person.

tl;dr Most people are shit. They make people who aren't into people who are. It spreads like the flu, it's comin' for you, and I don't have any actual answers.

Jun 01 11 - 3:30pm

@LH If you are going to call me an arsehole just say it, saying it in a passive aggressive way is a bit cowardly. At no point have I said that I do not believe monogamy is doomed to fail....I just think for a large portion of the population that it does not exist in the pure form that they wish it could do so (statistics support this not my own conclusion).
BK et al: Many people are not as lucky as bk in having a 20 year completely monogamous relationship where neither party has a hiccup at any time. You are statistically exceptional. I just believe we should not throw away relationships so quickly based on the odd indiscretion. We are too quick to condemn the human condition and its weaknesses (and yes people break up for different reasons but we are talking about infidelity here). Even though I am in a semi open relationship we have only acted on it once each and that is right after we were married.
@Nat Jealousy is not our monkey brain it is our modern socially adapted brain....isolated subsistence societies do not have the same traits of jealousy that we have adapted over the years concerning sex.

Jun 03 11 - 1:12am

@cjt: The problem isn't that monogamy doesn't "exist in the pure form that they wish" for a large portion of the population. It's not like digging for a sand dollar on the beach! =)

The problem is that you don't wish for monogamy and "find" it by accident - you work at it. It's dependent on people being respectful, honest, and most of all hard-working in maintaining their connection with their partners, and that's a long-term responsibility that I think many people have lost the ability to navigate successfully in an age where immediate gratification is so prevalent.

I'm not saying that infidelity needs to be a deal-breaker. But I think the idea that monogamy is innately unobtainable for the majority of people, or "unnatural", is bunk. Cars are unnatural. The human brain is capable of achieving a lot - we just need to be aware of how to accomplish it.

Jun 01 11 - 7:04am

The whole Arnold thing is horseshit. My father's friend has made her career in Hollywood for years and twenty years ago she was telling me that she refused to work with Arnold because he was a serial philanderer with no sense of boundaries. This stuff might make juicy tabloid fodder now, but it's not a new thing for him.

Jun 01 11 - 7:14am

So it looks like Dan is officially a pedophile, lusting after and POSTING a photo of an underage "slammin', nearly legal bod". At least Hooksexup had the sense to remove the link. I thought last week's column was bad, but it was nothing compared to this one. I think I better stop reading this column (and Hooksexup) before it crosses the line and posts illegal photos.

Jun 01 11 - 8:30am

Actually, Hooksexup just accidentally messed up the link. I think if they were making an editorial statement, they would have put in a "REMOVE-THIS-IF-YOU-REALLY-WANT-TO-SEE-IT" message. It's pretty easy to figure out what the real link is. I don't think you have to worry about actual illegal photos ever appearing here, as Hooksexup probably prefers to stay in business.

Jun 01 11 - 1:49pm

Pedophilia only applies to wanting to have sex with (Is "lusting after" appropriate there?) kids who have not yet hit puberty, so Pat Schwarzenegger/Shriver doesn't qualify. It would be illegal for Dan to have sex with him, but posting a topless photo hardly qualifies.

Jun 01 11 - 2:33pm

Actually, people do go to jail for having photos of (and yes, "lusting after") underage people, even if it hasn't been proven that they touched an underage person. Creepy is but a cousin to illegal. It's a line I don't want to be anywhere near, thanks. I certainly wouldn't invite Dan to Thanksgiving if my handsome high-school-age nephew was coming.

Jun 01 11 - 3:33pm

So we should lock anyone up with a Miley Cyrus video or Justin Bieber calendar?

Jun 01 11 - 5:43pm

Dan has a photo of the son of a famous celebrity. Oh, and the photo is on the Internet. It's not like he installed a hidden camera in the Schwarzenegger bathroom (but if he did, CA-CHING) and is jerking off to pictures of the kid taking a shit. The idea that he's even walking the line between creepy and illegal (or even approaching creepy, really) is ridiculous.

Jun 01 11 - 8:40pm

Dan is just trying to get his edgy cred back now that people are actually referring to him as an ethicist :)

Jun 01 11 - 7:44am

Bad advice to the man -- he should leave and cheat. Otherwise his wife may end up catching some of his STDs when they do get around to fucking. Give the mom a chance to know what kind of asshole her husband really is, so she can find someone better.

Jun 01 11 - 10:29am

To the man in the 2nd letter: Interesting that you are painting yourself as "shitty" with no provocation from anywhere. Do you think you're shitty? I know a great way to escape that feeling: Do whatever your wife needs so she can sleep. Change the baby's diaper, hold the baby once s/he's fed but not sleepy so mama can sleep. Wash all the clothes, wash all the dishes, prepare all the food. Do that for at least 4 months in a row (trust me, soon you won't remember any of it). Your wife will be so grateful you will get the most enthusiastic sex ever, once she's ready (give her at the very least, 40 days post baby).

Jun 01 11 - 12:33pm

Yeah but she's fat, obvs, so he couldn't enjoy that sex or get familiar with some of the changes in her body that came from the baby he helped to create. SOOO yeah. Overweight wife, ick.

Jun 01 11 - 1:00pm

Gaining weight while pregnant is a given. It's not even remotely reasonable for him to demand she drop the weight in a few weeks, hell even a few months. Losing weight takes time - he's a douchebag for even considering cheating or leaving because she's not back to her pre-baby body. He needs to grow the fuck up.

Jun 01 11 - 2:19pm

To be fair to that guy, his letter wasn't very detailed. We don't know the exact situation. But, yeah, he kind of sounds like a douchebag.

Jun 02 11 - 4:42am

It is true, there are a lot of holes that are easy to fill in the blanks BUUUT there are also some keywords in there that kind of hint at where he's coming from. And it's like 'haha whut."

Jun 01 11 - 3:39pm

Haha! Dan makes a great point (or three) to Future Shitty Husband. FSH didn't really complain that his wife wasn't putting out at all, he was complaining about the sorry state of her post-pregnancy body. I like an in-shape spouse as much as the next person but damn, it seems a bit early to be window-shopping for replacement hotties before your kid even starts crawling. Cut your wife a little slack! Sure, it sucks, but as Dan said, it's par for the course for new parents. I really loathe when people compare getting fat to getting cancer or in a car accident, but I actually think the car accident analogy is appropriate here. What if FSH got in an accident and hurt, say, his leg bad enough that it'd take about a year to get back to where he was? And in the meantime, he puts on a few pounds because he just can't be as active? I bet FSH would feel a bit resentful if his wife were giving him the fisheye and mentally writing Casual Encounters ads for prettier dick after 6 months.

If she's still got "baby weight" when the kid's out of diapers, then he might have a point.Til then though, sheesh.

Jun 01 11 - 6:57pm

Guys, you're being harsh. All we have to go on are a few sentences. Maybe he spent hours trying to boil his quandary down into a few words, and those happened not to be the best ones. For all we know, he could be a paralyzing overthinker. Overthinkers often shoot themselves in the feet. What if his wife was overweight before the baby? Maybe unequal levels of laziness/energy have been in the picture for a long time. Being a father just complicates the picture a whole lot more. I feel bad for both parties here. It's not easy being yoked to someone you don't admire anymore. If she appreciates and loves him, then I'm on her side. But if she takes him wholly for granted, then I'm on his.

Jun 02 11 - 3:11am

I'm amazed he looks like a human being; not at all like his dad!

Daaaanaaaaa!!!! Noooo!

Jun 02 11 - 3:47pm

I think it's interesting that people get so wigged out about lack of fidelity. I was writing a series of interviews with married women on their sex lives and one of the women I interviewed ending up finding sex outside of her marriage. She was bright, clearly explained her rationale, discussed her preemptive measures pre-affair, but readers freaked out. It was a completely black and white issue for them. I am not saying cheating is good or bad--but, look at statistics, obviously it is happening and to act so shocked and judgmental seems disingenuous.

Jun 02 11 - 5:29pm

Jill, awesome blog!

Jun 02 11 - 9:49pm

thanks pinky!

Jun 02 11 - 5:43pm

Weight and infidelity, where do I begin?

Losing weight sucks. I broke my ankle about a year ago and promptly packed on 15 pounds. I dragged my ever-expanding ass to the gym with a cast on my leg and a crutch under my arm. I still gained weight. The cast is off, the crutch and the cane are gone, I go the gym 3-5 times a week and I've only managed to lose 7 of those beastly pounds. Last night Mr. Pinky begged me to please take a day off from the gym. He said he loved me the way I am. Mr. Pinky is a VERY SMART MAN. Some people skip dinner for a week and lose 5 pounds. For the rest of us, it's a bit harder. Asking someone to lose weight while caring for an infant is a special kind of asshattery.

The first Mr. Pinky cheated. I found out and dumped his ass. The current Mr. Pinky is allowed to have a harem if he wants, only I have to like her, too. We discussed polyandry, but that means I'd have to clean up after two men. If Mr. Pinky has the opportunity to shag [insert name of hot actress here], I will totally high-five the man. If I get to shag [oh, like I'm going to tell you], I get the high-five. It's all about honesty. If you're not honest, you're not faithful. I once dated a guy who slandered my name all over Creation. He never "cheated" on me, but I feel that he was the least faithful man I ever dated, I don't care where he inserts his penis.

Jun 11 11 - 6:59am

Wow, your post makes mine look fbelee. More power to you!

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