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Savage Love

I'm about to move in with my boyfriend, but I don't think I love him anymore.

By Dan Savage

I am a bi woman happily married to a straight man, and we both "participate" in hot sexy times with other women during threesomes. It's hard to find hot thirty-ish bi girls where we live, but the encounters we've had were for the most part excellent. Everything was great until three weeks ago, when we had a miscarriage. We'd been trying for almost two years, so the recovery is not just physical but emotional for both of us.

We were only recently given the go-ahead to have sex again. We have a well-rounded sex life — kink, BDSM, toys — and both of us have said that, just for right now, we're not looking for anything more than just us.

I went to the computer this morning to find that my husband had left his e-mail open. His inbox was filled with replies to recent queries sent to girls looking for couples to hook up with. His e-mails to these girls ask what gets them hot and when/where we can all hook up, and they state that his wife is really excited about f-ing her. I'm probably overreacting due to all the extra hormones, but he's lying to them, and I'm not sure what he's doing to me.

Confused & Hormonal

I'm so sorry for your loss, C&H. A miscarriage when you're trying to conceive is an utterly heartbreaking experience. My heart goes out to you — both of you.

Two things in your letter leaped out at me: "It's hard to find hot thirty-ish bi girls where we live" and "Both of us have said that, just for right now, we're not looking for anything more than just us." And one thing that isn't in your letter leaped out at me: you found no evidence that your husband was planning to meet up with any of these girls alone. He isn't cheating and wasn't planning to. He was making very tentative, vague plans for the three of you to get together at some point in the future. And that isn't gonna happen — that can't happen — until you're ready, right?

So here's what your husband is guilty of: he is looking forward — too soon and too eagerly — to the time when you're ready to start having threesomes again. And it looks like he was trying to dig up one of those "hard to find" hot thirty-ish bi girls so that when you were ready for "more than just us," a hot thirty-ish bi girl would be all lined up.

Was that a shitty thing for him to do? Perhaps. But again, C&H, all you discovered was evidence that your husband was making plans for sexy times at some indefinite point in the future. And are you sure he understands that just looking is out-of-bounds? Perhaps when you said, "We're not looking for anyone else right now," he heard, "We're not sleeping with anyone else right now."

As upsetting as it was to find those e-mails, I think your husband deserves some credit for being... considerate. Your miscarriage was no doubt upsetting for him, too, C&H, but it didn't impact his sexual interests or needs the way it impacted yours. But he didn't push the issue. He didn't put any pressure on you — he didn't even bring the subject up. All he did was put some feelers out and do a little online flirting and planning. Half the fun is to plan the plan, as Mrs. Lovett once said, so he probably enjoyed those e-mail exchanges. But he didn't tell you about them because there was no way to talk about them without making you feel pressured.

So let's pretend that you never ran across those e-mails, C&H. Let's imagine that six months or a year from now, you're starting to feel the urge to have some sexy times with a hot thirty-ish bi girl. And you go to your husband, who has been patient and understanding, and you say, "I think I'm ready to have a threesome again." And your loving, kinky, considerate husband replies, "Hey, that's great. I've been chatting with a few hot thirty-ish bi girls online I thought you might like. You wanna see their pictures?"

You probably wouldn't have said, "YOU ASSHOLE! You weren't even supposed to be LOOKING until I said so!" I'm thinking it's much more likely that you would've said something like "My husband is the best."


I'm about to move in with my boyfriend of four years. He's still very attracted to me, but my attraction to him has faded. I think the anxiety of finally moving in together caused something to snap. I went out for innocent drinks with a colleague and ended up back at his place. I love my boyfriend, but I'm still giddy from the hot sex with my colleague. I'm confused! Especially because I don't feel guilty — I feel great! I have no plans to tell the BF, a man I love very much and don't want to hurt. What do I do now?

Girl Hot Tin Roof

Unless you're planning to put your boyfriend painlessly to sleep in the very near future, GHTR, there's no way to avoid hurting him. You're not really in love with him, you're not attracted to him, and the longer you drag this relationship out, GHTR, the greater the hurt will be once you finally screw up the courage to dump him, or more likely, once he discovers the truth on his own. I would tell you to DTMFA, but you're the MF in this scenario, not him. End it.


THE CHOICER CHALLENGE: Last week, the leader of British Columbia's Conservative Party, John Cummins, told a radio interviewer that gay people shouldn't be covered by the BC Human Rights Act because being gay is "a conscious choice."

Like truthers (9/11 was an inside job!), birthers (Barack Obama was born in Kenya!), and deathers (Osama bin Laden is alive and well and living in West Hollywood!), choicers would appear to be just another group of deranged conspiracy theorists who can't be dissuaded by science or evidence or facts. And John Cummins isn't the only choicer out there. We have lots of choicers right here in the United States (Tony Perkins, Rick Santorum, Stephen Colbert, et al.).

But what if the choicers are right? What if being gay is something people consciously choose? Gee, if only there were a way for choicers to prove that they're right and everyone else is wrong... actually, there is a way for choicers to prove that they're right!

I hereby publicly invite — I publicly challenge — John Cummins to prove that being gay is a choice by choosing it himself.

Suck my dick, John.

I'm completely serious about this, John. You're not my type — you're about as far from my type as a human being without a vagina gets — but I have just as much interest as you do in seeing this gay-is-a-choice argument resolved once and for all. You name the time and the place, John, and I'll show up with my dick and a camera crew. Then you can show the world how it's done. You can demonstrate how this "conscious choice" is made. You can flip the switch, John, make the choice, then sink to your boney old knees and suck my dick. And after you've swallowed my load, John, we'll upload the video to the internet and you'll be a hero to other choicers everywhere.

It's time to put your mouth where your mouth is, John. If being gay is a choice, choose it. Show us how it's done.

Suck my dick.

Find the Savage Lovecast (my weekly podcast) every Tuesday at

Comments ( 119 )

May 25 11 at 12:39 am

I am getting sick of Savage...or maybe I'm just growing up. I no longer publicly profess him to be my ''rabbi'', nor do I do Jell-O shots on week nights.

May 25 11 at 1:05 am

Cool story, bro.

May 27 11 at 12:39 pm

He's yesterday. I particularly think it's funny when presumably heterosexual women ask him questions.

May 25 11 at 1:32 am
uh, ok

Of course it's a choice. It may not be a "wake up one morning and decide you want to be fireman" type of choice but it certainly is influence by many factors. I couldn't tell you why I prefer brunettes to blondes, smaller tits vs 38DDs, but I know that I wasn't born with that ingrained in me or that it was genetically predetermined. Straight is the only natural occurrence whether you believe in a god or pure evolution from nothing. Think about it: would natural selection create something that would mean that an entire species couldn't multiply? Of course not. There is a reason that it takes a man and a woman to reproduce. The fact that science has created a shortcut for same sex couples doesn't really support the "gay is natural" argument. Savage is a dick. If he really wants to help his cause, he should be more MLK and less Malcolm X. Suck that, Savage.

May 25 11 at 1:35 am

hey, genius, yes, reproduction involves a vagina and a penis *naturally,* but how does that prove that it's natural for women and men to couple with each other for extended periods of time?

May 25 11 at 3:02 am

Which has anything to do with what, AT? He wasn't talking about marriage, per se. He was responding to another Savage rant about whether being gay is genetic or the result of choices and varying influences on a person. Did the word marriage even appear anywhere in Savages closing salvo or uh, ok's comment? No. So I would say that, yes, uh, ok is a genius compared to someone that doesn't even read the comments.

May 25 11 at 3:35 am

Homosexuality occurs all the time in nature. There is a lot of evidence that shows being gay isn't a choice...but even if it were a choice..who cares? It'd be a perfectly valid choice.

Also, MLK was a hell of a lot more radical than you think he was...Dan is pretty mild in comparison.

May 25 11 at 6:57 am

uh,ok... nailed it

May 25 11 at 8:41 am

There are lots of reasons why homosexuality might not be selected against. Evolution through natural selection is a lot more complicated than just winner-takes-all.

For a start, read:

May 25 11 at 12:00 pm
uh, ok

I'll cede a point to lrn2evolution. However, hmm's point that homosexuality occurs all the time in nature is a silly point. My dog does a lot of things that are instinctive(humping pillows, eating shit, etc.) that I wouldn't use as a rational for homosexuality being a genetic condition or because it occurs in other species. There are many factors that go into the choice to be gay, but I believe that it is just that, a choice.

May 25 11 at 1:06 pm

@uh, ok "would natural selection create something that would mean that an entire species couldn't multiply?" There are gay animals, so natural selection can and does produce homosexuality. In fact, if I recall correctly there are even gay penguins that raise babies - in that case natural selection for homosexuality has actually contributed to the continuation of the species.

May 25 11 at 1:41 pm
uh, ok

Point was already ceded, thank you very much. Gay penguins nurturing offspring doesn't quite fit into the argument of furthering the species in terms of the fact that the babies most definitely did not come from same sex parents. There aren't gay animals, there are only animals with instincts in which they will hump anything. If you want to put human homosexuals in that category, then that doesn't exactly do much for the cause, does it?

May 25 11 at 3:12 pm

I think you're hung up on the humping. A gay mated pair of penguins totally furthers the species if they take care of the offspring successfully. Yes, a male and a female have to mate in order to produce offspring in most species - but the survival of that offspring is also included in the scope of evolutionary fitness.

If you want to focus on animal gayness and humping, then we should really be talking about hyenas or bonobos.

May 25 11 at 3:26 pm
we have a winner

I think rather than "point was already ceded" you meant, "I've already clearly lost this argument".

The possibility of homosexuality surviving evolution is eloquently explored in the new scientist article, the rest of the ramblings in this thread are a moot point. All other references to animal behavior are unnecessary.

Dan makes a very simple point - if being gay is a choice, anyone should be able to make that choice. Otherwise, it's not a universal choice, and gay people do, in fact, exist. Shocking, I know.

May 25 11 at 4:08 pm


"would natural selection create something that would mean that an entire species couldn't multiply?"
Natural selection "created" cancer, AIDS, miscarriages, infertility etc, none of which is a choice and all of which can prevent one from multiplying.

May 25 11 at 7:08 pm

^What MS said. Also, it always made sense to me from a natural standpoint to have a minority of a species (including humans) be homosexual. Think about it... if every sexual pairing reproduced, it may cause overpopulation and overconsumption of resources, and then the whole species would be screwed. As a disclaimer, it's just an idea and I don't know if there's any science to back it up, but things like infertility, miscarriages, and homosexuality do seem to serve a purpose (and should not be stigmatized regardless).

May 26 11 at 11:47 am

I read a wonderful article that compared sexual orientation to handedness. Our human environment is mostly set up for/by right handed folks. Lefties have consciously cope with the ill-fitted environment, or else reorient themselves into using their right hands (which they were often forced to do in the past.) We all have a powerful predilection to right or left-handedness, just as we all have a naturally occurring sexual orientation. People can reorient their sexuality if they choose... but it's mighty uncomfortable.

May 26 11 at 3:24 pm

In what universe does a small percentage of homosexuals in a given society imply that "the entire species can't multiply"?

Most of the population is still heterosexual and horny, and knowing about the existence of gay people isn't a particularly effective form of birth control.

May 26 11 at 6:28 pm

I dunno about you, but the first time I met a gay man my ovaries fell out.

May 27 11 at 6:05 am
Irish Brian

Why do people misunderstand what evolution is about? So many times you see people think it's about working towards a single uber-creature with all the best features..... when it's actually the opposite.... it's about creating as many different versions so that the species will survive whatever nature throws at it..... a single version no matter how fast, strong or fertile is extremely vulnerable to being wiped out by a virus or change in environment ... I'm Irish ... think about the potato blight :-)

May 27 11 at 12:38 pm

@uh, ok - The strawman argument about nature - they are contested btw - is a smokescreen. Being gay is largely a choice but let's pretend it's not. There are studies showing that being an alcoholic is genetic. Shall we celebrate alcoholism?

May 25 11 at 2:07 am

brilliant challenge. i laughed.

May 25 11 at 12:59 pm

I can't STOP laughing. It's about time someone said it.

May 25 11 at 2:51 am

Stephen Colbert? /Stephen Colbert?/ Is that a joke or is Savage really that clueless?

May 25 11 at 3:05 am

He's that clueless. That was the most pointless rant that Savage has ever put to print and that's really saying something. If I were a supporter of gay rights, I would beg Savage to shut the fuck up.

May 25 11 at 3:15 am

I was wondering about that one, is it true?

May 25 11 at 7:56 am

gonna go ahead and assume he meant Stephen Colbert the TV persona not real-life Stephen Colbert. whatever that means.

May 25 11 at 6:28 am

Perhaps both nature and nurture arguments come into play with the sexuality of a human being. Whatever the case though, someone's sexuality should not determine if they are worthy of basic human rights. I hope John Cummins really does recognize how asinine his assumption is regarding a basic human rights.

May 25 11 at 4:14 pm


May 25 11 at 7:32 am

I am bi-sexual, does that mean I choose to be attracted to both sexex, in which case in means I could choose to turn off one of the attraction and just decided to be attracted to just men or woman. Hmmm, I am soooo curious how that works but on the other hand I now realise that this means that ALL woman can make a choice to be bi-sexual and so no more of this, I am not attracted to woman, excuse can be expected....yeah right!


May 25 11 at 5:28 pm

Please stop posting. You're awful, and your website is creepy. kthxbai.

May 25 11 at 11:35 pm

Yeah, I second that. Molly is creepy as fuck.

May 26 11 at 2:47 am

Holy shit. You're right! I never thought to click it but yeah.

May 27 11 at 7:29 am

And exactly what makes it creepy? .. and who made you click on the link?

May 27 11 at 12:31 pm

Hey, Molly, your punctuation gave you away.

May 27 11 at 6:14 pm

It's creepy to me because she has children. And you can see her face in many of the shots. Man I would be so humiliated if my parent ever did some shit like that and put it on the internet for everyone to see. *shivers*

May 27 11 at 8:00 pm

@lezley, I'm not molly in spite of your amazing detective tools. I'm a semi-proud American @nan Really? So sexually active adults should not be open and proud of who they are? I'd be ashamed if I was a public Christian and my kids could see that online. I'd rather my kids understood about being open about sexuality than watch blood and gore on TV... and once again I have to ask.. who made you look at the link?

May 27 11 at 8:26 pm

No one made me. I chose to click and now I don't anymore. And PARENTS are of course adults who make their own sexual choices, but discretion is also a factor. Kids go online, and I would hate for a kid to find that about his own mom, or have it brought to his attention by a classmate. Sexy naked times do not need to be chronicled on the internet for everyone to see. And what you said about Christians was uncalled for.

May 27 11 at 10:15 pm

There are no pictures that could possibly scar a child as much as knowing your parents refer to each other as "Master" and "Slutmine." It's not that what Mom and Dad are doing is wrong, it's that it's an absolute trainwreck of suburban spice-up-your-marriage cheese. On moral grounds it's perfectly fine, it's just aesthetically indefensible.

May 28 11 at 12:58 am

@lezley -- love it!

Really though, people on this site are ridiculous about the internet. It's a big fucking place. Unless it shows up when they google their parents' name, the kid is almost definitely not going to randomly stumble on it. It's a lot more likely they'd actually walk in on/overhear goings-on, a good ole fashioned scarring as old as shame. Your house is a lot smaller than the internet.

May 28 11 at 7:13 am

@nan My comment about christians was not aimed at you personally, it was aimed at public behavior that I find offensive. I could have listed many other types of public behavior that I find offensive, but since the Jehovah's Witnesses had just knocked on my door they sprang to the top of my mind.

@lezley, So because this lifestyle is aesthetically outside the norm it is indefensible? How do you reconcile that with your own lifestyle being outside the norm? I'm not being snarky, I would truly like to know.

May 28 11 at 8:07 am

@Signs... you're new to the whole "humor" thing, aren't you.

May 28 11 at 8:39 am

@lezley, My apologies then. As far as being new to humor, I truly hope not, for a man of my advancing years that would be hard to recover from. :-)

May 25 11 at 7:37 am

Religion is a choice, but we can't fire people for being religious. So fine, if you insist gay is a choice, I will insist that gay is a religion.

May 25 11 at 2:34 pm

@moops +1

May 25 11 at 8:55 am

aw, i wrote to miss info with the same move-in question. i moved in with the dude anyway, and it got more and more awkward until i had to kick him out and change the locks and deal with him flipping his shit and being way immature while still moving out.
it doesn't get better if you keep waiting. kick the dude out now.

May 25 11 at 9:50 am

So you basically lied to him, strung him along, and then, my god, he 'flipped his shit' eh?


May 25 11 at 10:46 am

To quote Melvin Udall: "I think of a man, and remove all reason and accountability."

May 25 11 at 1:11 pm

@cc - way to make yourself the victim when in fact you are the perpetrator! let's get you a humanitarian of the year award!

@moops - seriously? why are you trying to make this about gender?

May 25 11 at 10:23 am

Brilliant challenge! Throw it at Santorum next.

May 25 11 at 10:37 am

Seriously, Dan? Your advice to Confused and Hormonal was crap. Maybe this couple likes to look for hot bi girls together rather than just have the man make all arrangements and order one up from the web. Threesomes aren't only about the sex. And do you really think that a man's sexual needs aren't affected by a miscarriage? I would be devastated if my wife miscarried our baby, and threesomes would be the furthest thing from my mind. This guy sounds pretty thoughtless and insensitive to his grieving wife. Please remember that for most people, sex still has a LOT to do with reproduction, whether immediate or planned. And yes, by "most" I mean "straight". So suck that.

May 25 11 at 1:09 pm
a o

thanks, ugh, for representing those of us out here who actually do care about our partners feelings. also, the woman writing for advice seemed bothered by the fact that her husband is lying to these other women as well as hiding the fact that he was seeking more threesome partners from her. her instincts are probably telling her that something is wrong here.

May 25 11 at 2:39 pm

I usually like Dan's advice, but I have to agree with ugh on this one. Seriously, the miscarriage was only THREE WEEKS ago...and he's been emailing back and forth with multiple women, which strongly suggests that he's been doing it since almost immediately afterward. And he isn't trying to set something up for six months out, as Dan disingenuously suggests - he's falsely claiming that his grieving wife "cant' wait" to sex these women up and suggesting that they schedule a time and place, in direct opposition to his wife's request that they cool it for now on the threesomes (I'm assuming that wife has honestly and forthrightly communicated this, rather than just thinking it without saying it). Husband may be upset and/or in denial and dealing with the situation in an inappropriate fashion in order to take his mind off it, but he's still being dishonest and careless with all women involved.

May 25 11 at 3:03 pm

Glad someone mentioned this, I think Dan's advice was strange. This element of their relationship may also have been just for them to look for a third together, with the woman making the final decisions. What this woman's husband is doing just seems super shady.

May 26 11 at 7:02 am

I hate to say it but I think this one may have landed in Dan's gay-man blind spot (and I'm a gay woman.) I'm willing to say (based on just observing) that committed gay male couples have a much easier time dealing with the emotional complications of recreational group sex than het couples or gay women. I think lots of gay male partners would respond to a surprise anniversary present from craiglist with a hearty "WOOOO!" but for het and les couples, even if you'd done it before, "um, you should have asked me about this first" is likely to come up.

May 26 11 at 9:14 am

i agree, he probably should have asked her. but it also seems possible that he thought it would help to make sex about pleasure and not reproduction again, even if he miscalculated on how to go about it. a miscarriage is particularly depressing when it seems like getting pregnant is the sole purpose of sex, and possibly also of their relationship--and i think it can seem that way when one is "trying" for 2 years. he also probably understood on some level that she's not ready to talk about it, but that doesn't mean that it's not at least potentially a nice thing that he wants to restore the value of what they had as a couple.

May 25 11 at 10:41 am

Shouldn't the challenge be reversed? Anyone can "conciously" choose to be the sucker. It would seem the real test is whether the suckee pops a woodie. Although I suppose some suckers sport wood from sucking, so that could be monitored too. Anyway, the parameters of this challenge need more definition.

May 25 11 at 12:55 pm

Let's not go for half-measures here...Cummins should suck, be sucked, and be topped.

May 25 11 at 11:58 am

I've never understood choicers. Even if you grant them that your sexuality is a choice (and I think it's 100 percent true that your sexuality isn't completely predetermined at birth, though that doesn't mean it's a choice), why does that matter? Proving that homosexuality is a choice is a difficult hurdle to overcome; proving that it is wrong or immoral is impossible.

May 25 11 at 1:48 pm

Proving that it is wrong or immoral is impossible. Proving it, yes. But if you are religious, then that's where the belief that it is wrong comes in to play. Those who are religious and in favor of gay marriage, which was a religious sacrament long before the law got involved, are those who believe that God should conform His will to ours and not the other way around.

May 25 11 at 4:43 pm

"which was a religious sacrament long before the law got involved"

That's absolutely untrue. Prior to the rise of Christianity, marriage was entirely a social and civil contract. Even today the religious ceremony of marriage is exactly that, ceremony. The marriage license itself is a legal document registered with the government.

May 25 11 at 6:12 pm

Sorry Nope, but you're wrong.

May 25 11 at 7:24 pm
Nope Again

Kay, I'll just leave this here then:

May 26 11 at 12:56 pm

Good idea, because never in the history of journalism has anybody ever written an article proving a point that the author wanted proved. If I wanted to bother, I could find an article that proves your point incorrect which would actually prove nothing. But hey, thanks for trying to sit at the big-kids table.

May 26 11 at 7:53 pm
Still Nope

This is not a question of journalism or bias, but history. You made a state of historical fact that does not match up to my education on the subject and provided no evidence to support it. I corrected you with one of many available citations. I did not fault you for your ignorance until I found out it is willful.

You don't want to bother to support your claims and instead attempt diminish me, that's fine. It just makes you another internet tough guy throwing out opinions like gospel.

May 26 11 at 9:21 pm
uh, ok

And you're another condescending internet blowhard that claims that their education makes them an expert on history from the beginning of time. I read an interesting book denying that the Holocaust ever happened and because that was what I wanted to hear, it must be absolutely true, right. Gospel is gospel. Gay isn't natural. And you're state of historical fact doesn't match up to MY research and education. You aren't anything other what you've claimed about me.

May 27 11 at 7:37 am

"Gospel is gospel" So your citation of the bible is to be left as irrefutable? Yet all other sources of information are suspect? ..can you close your mind any tighter?

May 27 11 at 3:56 pm
This is pot

Calling kettle, come in kettle...

May 25 11 at 1:14 pm

*IF* being gay is a non-genetic choice...whether 100% choice & 0% genetics, or 1% choice & 99%'s a choice that is probably formed very young, not consciously (but rather due to environmental influences that you exerted no control over), and irreversible. So, IF it is a choice, it's a choice you had little control over when you made it, and a choice you can't change now.

As a hetero, I don't "choose" women because I perceive them as being sexier than men. It's not like a hot woman is a "10", and all guys max-out at "5", so I "choose" the hotter mate. I date women because I have zero attraction to men. Given that I'm unable to "choose" a man, how can someone expect that a gay man could "choose" a woman?

P.S. Holy $#!t, Colbert is NOT a choicer, that's a clueless statement.

May 25 11 at 1:20 pm

YA know Should Become a LAW that If Any one Changes His Or HER SEX AFTER they are brought on to the earth SHOULD NEVER BE HIRED & NO TAX PAYERS HAVE TO PAY for there Weird Living Habbits

May 25 11 at 2:41 pm

I think it should be a law that if a woman gets a breast-job she should never be hired either.

May 25 11 at 4:28 pm

And no-one should hire anyone as illiterate as bond.

May 26 11 at 5:37 pm

I think he must have meant "Weird Living Rabbits", that would make more sense, especially considering the two b's.

May 27 11 at 7:39 am

I was sure bond meant to say "Weird Living Hobbits" .... the taxpayers should never be forced to support mythical creatures :|

May 25 11 at 3:52 pm

"Unless you're planning to put your boyfriend painlessly to sleep in the very near future, GHTR, there's no way to avoid hurting him."

I didn't want him to suffer so.... It was the humane thing to do.


May 25 11 at 5:49 pm

Are u guys seriously saying being gay is a choice?i totally disagree.if it were a choice,u honestly think anyone was going 2be gay,with all the discrimination,as a result of homophobia?no one would be gay.if u research how identical twins are born,u will find out that it is one ovary that is fertilised and it divides and they mature into zygotes which grow 2 foetus,whateva.haven't u seen that identical twins,if gay,both are gay?where has any of u found identical twins who are,the other is gay and the other straight?u tell me.i did a thorough research and am coming to gay and not proud at all,i have suffered and reached a point of saying,"let me kill myself"i again thot about it and said i need answer in's sad how people like me are treated because they "chose"2be gay,as u really sad.

May 26 11 at 5:36 am

I'm sad too, but life is what you make most times. I know its different in Africa but use the internet to access other options you might have of overcoming this. Because I have trouble dealing myself I can't tell you how to fix it. I can however confirm that identical twins can have a gay one and a straight one because my best friend is the gay one and there is no way his bro is gay too.

May 25 11 at 5:50 pm

Are u guys seriously saying being gay is a choice?i totally disagree.if it were a choice,u honestly think anyone was going 2be gay,with all the discrimination,as a result of homophobia?no one would be gay.if u research how identical twins are born,u will find out that it is one ovary that is fertilised and it divides and they mature into zygotes which grow 2 foetus,whateva.haven't u seen that identical twins,if gay,both are gay?where has any of u found identical twins who are,the other is gay and the other straight?u tell me.i did a thorough research and am coming to gay and not proud at all,i have suffered and reached a point of saying,"let me kill myself"i again thot about it and said i need answer in's sad how people like me are treated because they "chose"2be gay,as u really sad.

May 25 11 at 5:52 pm

Are u guys seriously saying being gay is a choice?i totally disagree.if it were a choice,u honestly think anyone was going 2be gay,with all the discrimination,as a result of homophobia?no one would be gay.if u research how identical twins are born,u will find out that it is one ovary that is fertilised and it divides and they mature into zygotes which grow 2 foetus,whateva.haven't u seen that identical twins,if gay,both are gay?where has any of u found identical twins who are,the other is gay and the other straight?u tell me.i did a thorough research and am coming to gay and not proud at all,i have suffered and reached a point of saying,"let me kill myself"i again thot about it and said i need answer in's sad how people like me are treated because they "chose"2be gay,as u really sad.

May 25 11 at 5:52 pm

Are u guys seriously saying being gay is a choice?i totally disagree.if it were a choice,u honestly think anyone was going 2be gay,with all the discrimination,as a result of homophobia?no one would be gay.if u research how identical twins are born,u will find out that it is one ovary that is fertilised and it divides and they mature into zygotes which grow 2 foetus,whateva.haven't u seen that identical twins,if gay,both are gay?where has any of u found identical twins who are,the other is gay and the other straight?u tell me.i did a thorough research and am coming to gay and not proud at all,i have suffered and reached a point of saying,"let me kill myself"i again thot about it and said i need answer in's sad how people like me are treated because they "chose"2be gay,as u really sad.

May 25 11 at 5:53 pm

Are u guys seriously saying being gay is a choice?i totally disagree.if it were a choice,u honestly think anyone was going 2be gay,with all the discrimination,as a result of homophobia?no one would be gay.if u research how identical twins are born,u will find out that it is one ovary that is fertilised and it divides and they mature into zygotes which grow 2 foetus,whateva.haven't u seen that identical twins,if gay,both are gay?where has any of u found identical twins who are,the other is gay and the other straight?u tell me.i did a thorough research and am coming to gay and not proud at all,i have suffered and reached a point of saying,"let me kill myself"i again thot about it and said i need answer in's sad how people like me are treated because they "chose"2be gay,as u really sad.

May 25 11 at 5:55 pm

Are u guys seriously saying being gay is a choice?i totally disagree.if it were a choice,u honestly think anyone was going 2be gay,with all the discrimination,as a result of homophobia?no one would be gay.if u research how identical twins are born,u will find out that it is one ovary that is fertilised and it divides and they mature into zygotes which grow 2 foetus,whateva.haven't u seen that identical twins,if gay,both are gay?where has any of u found identical twins who are,the other is gay and the other straight?u tell me.i did a thorough research and am coming to gay and not proud at all,i have suffered and reached a point of saying,"let me kill myself"i again thot about it and said i need answer in's sad how people like me are treated because they "chose"2be gay,as u really sad.

May 25 11 at 5:56 pm

Are u guys seriously saying being gay is a choice?i totally disagree.if it were a choice,u honestly think anyone was going 2be gay,with all the discrimination,as a result of homophobia?no one would be gay.if u research how identical twins are born,u will find out that it is one ovary that is fertilised and it divides and they mature into zygotes which grow 2 foetus,whateva.haven't u seen that identical twins,if gay,both are gay?where has any of u found identical twins who are,the other is gay and the other straight?u tell me.i did a thorough research and am coming to gay and not proud at all,i have suffered and reached a point of saying,"let me kill myself"i again thot about it and said i need answer in's sad how people like me are treated because they "chose"2be gay,as u really sad.

May 25 11 at 6:09 pm

Once more in english please. And this person that did thorough research can't put together a coherent sentence. There you go, the science proves it once and for all.

May 25 11 at 9:47 pm

He says he's in Africa. You know, that continent where Uganda is still debating death penalties for gay sex. He's realized that he's gay. He asks you, why would I choose this for myself, given the level of persecution I am going to face? Your move.

May 25 11 at 11:00 pm

Surprised, I think you made the best point of anyone in this forum. All you choicers, please take a closer look at this guy's comment.

May 26 11 at 1:43 am

This is exactly the argument I was thinking of. People are not going to consciously choose to be ostracized, humiliated and tortured their whole lives, which is often the case for someone who is gay. Some people have used all sorts of torturous methods trying to "turn straight," but it just doesn't work (some people will argue that it has, but let's be real here, that's bullshit). People hide their sexuality, get married and live the expected hetero lifestyle, but despite all those efforts it doesn't make them straight. They have tried to choose to be straight, but it just doesn't work because sexuality isn't a conscious choice.

May 26 11 at 1:03 pm

You all should look at the top of the comments. uh, ok hit it right on the head. It isn't a choice like what you have for breakfast. A person decides they are gay based on influences and factors that they may not even be aware are occuring. Nobody, repeat, NOBODY is born gay. It occurs, just not naturally. And I don't want to hear about the animal kingdom, either.

May 26 11 at 5:44 pm

huh?: "Nobody, repeat, NOBODY is born gay."
I love how people say things like that, as if they're the world's leading scientist on all the "gay" research out there.

@ huh?, from what your reasoning skills imply ("And I don't want to hear about the animal kingdom, either."), I can only imagine what your credentials are. Mail me an autograph??

May 26 11 at 9:25 pm

You are so quick to discredit me for my opinions simply because we disagree. I could email you my resume and anything else and it wouldn't matter to you because you don't want to hear it. I stand by my statement that nobody is born gay. The may end up that way based on external influences, but nobody is born that way.

May 27 11 at 7:43 am

@huh I.. like the others, are very impressed with your bold statements of "truth" Might I inquire as to the source of all of your knowledge so that I might attempt to humbly become as enlightened as you seem to be?

May 27 11 at 11:03 am

Probably the same credentials as everybody else on this site; the kind that everybody else will debunk if they disagree with you. :-)

May 27 11 at 4:00 pm
This is pot

I've seen his credentials. He keeps them in a hole under a bridge where he gets by asking for his tolls...

May 27 11 at 8:06 pm

Troll tolls.. Why am I reminded of Billy Goat Gruff?... that probably shows my age :(

May 25 11 at 7:21 pm

Sexual *behavior* can be a choice...I don't think attraction is. You can decide that being gay freaks you out so much, you'll go to a deserted island and not touch another person. But a gay person would probably be thinking about the same sex the whole time.(FTR, I don't think this would be a healthy thing to do...don't misunderstand.)

May 26 11 at 5:43 am

Hmm, well I think you're partially right. However on a deserted island, sex with someone else is the last thing on my mind. I'm not sure whether you're trying to say gays are sex addicts or not. Straight people are just as liberated with their bodies as we are.

May 25 11 at 7:54 pm

I think he just told the 2nd person to euthanize her boyfriend.

May 25 11 at 8:53 pm

Not that I agree with John Cummins, but I have to wonder if this isn't an intentional misunderstanding. "Choosing to be gay" is ridiculous, while "choosing to have gay sex" is just like "choosing to have pre-marital sex".

May 25 11 at 9:50 pm

Nope. He's claiming the ridiculous one, as is at least one person in this comment section.

May 26 11 at 5:51 am

Well accept for that most of us gays can't legally get married. So should those of us who like to have sex with someone just not do it ever? I get what saying though. My church as a kid compared it to alcoholism. Some of us should just never drink apparently. Consequently, I'm still fucked up. I can't date and no therapist can cure me. This is what people like Mr. Cummins cause.

May 26 11 at 5:51 am

Oh barf. "Except."

May 26 11 at 6:41 pm

I get kind of hung up on the choosing to be gay thing, because Dick and I have had some good times, but I only ever fall for with women and if I ever crush on men it's because they're some sort of archetype I like. I didn't really consider the possibility that I was anything except maybe a little bi until I was in my early 20s. I consider myself emotionally gay, if that makes sense, but my hormones are bi.

Now, that said, say that I've slept with a number of women that is somewhere in the upper teens. I would say that AT LEAST half of them are not in any way gay. Some were culturally-motivated LUGs and some were classic erotic tourists but they're not lesbians, they were interested in having sex with a woman and (probably because I am not super-culturally-politically-etc-invested in Team Dyke) I am totally down for taking a straight girl on a short cruise to the islands.

I contrast this with my gay male friends who say that if a dude has your dick in his mouth after the age of sixteen, nineteen times out of twenty that dude is GAY.

This may be cultural, but even so it either argues against Dan's Born This Way-ism or argues that it's different for women than men.

May 27 11 at 8:12 pm

@lezley I think that defining people as straight or gay with no in-between is too narrow. Human sexuality covers a wide spectrum of possibilities, even as far the Plushy crowd.
I don't find men sexually attractive, so I identify towards the far end of the "Hetero" scale, but I do think that still means I was born this way. Sure cultural difference might sway me a little on that scale but I really don't think you can be "converted" to gay or straight for that matter.

May 27 11 at 10:28 pm

well, yeah, that's what I said. I think men may be different than women, though I think a big, big part of that is cultural.

my point is that *my* experience is that having gay sex is a choice, at least for most women I've had gay sex with, that doesn't necessarily mean you're gay. Being gay may not be a choice, I am undecided on that, but having gay sex is a choice. It's a choice I'm TOTALLY in favor of :), but a choice nonetheless.

I think the "born this way" crowd that Dan speaks for is speaking from a cultural experience of personal struggle and perceived otherness that doesn't necessarily have that much to do with which bits you like to rub together once you're a grownup. I mean, I don't have a wrenching coming-out narrative. When I told my dad I was gay he said something to the effect of "well, we knew that when you got your soccer scholarship." Most gay women I know don't have difficult coming-out narratives unless they also have lots of other difficult narratives in their lives that don't necessarily have anything to do with being gay.

May 29 11 at 1:12 am

Choosing to have any sex, gay or straight, is a choice. You can choose celibacy. What is not a choice that you can consciously make, is deciding who/what is going to make you hard, or wet.

May 26 11 at 1:49 am

I've seen a few people state that Colbert is not a choicer. Does anyone know that for sure? I know that he isn't the caricature he plays on TV, but does anyone know his real political views on this? I feel like it's hard to know his actual position on issues when his job is to subvert the far right.

May 26 11 at 1:48 pm

Well, Colbert advocates for gays...often in his "own way" by ripping-apart those who are anti-gay. Is he definitely not a choicer? I don't know for sure, and who long as you defend their right to choose.

May 26 11 at 6:23 pm

He's religious, but he's pretty liberal. I can't link to anything proving that he's not a "choicer," but I'd put good money on it.

May 26 11 at 10:33 am

@ you are right.Dating is a 'bad idea' for us,you don't want to raise eyebrows,u know?

May 26 11 at 12:06 pm

That last part is the greatest thing I have ever read at 9 a.m.

May 26 11 at 2:09 pm

one day every one who thinks they are gay will wake up! because GOD will NOT TAKE people who are not telling the truth UP and In HEAVEN! ITS all a fad Kinda like Gangs Except This Way No one Puts Children ON earth Witch will realy make GOD up set

May 26 11 at 5:47 pm

I can't wait for the fad that must be influencing your spelling and grammar to die out, because it's driving me nuts.

May 26 11 at 11:52 pm

Oh thank goodness. Gay people don't go to heaven. This is great news because SNORE, white harps and the bearded dude? I'm going to the rave in HELL, baby.

May 27 11 at 2:15 pm

You won't be missed.

May 27 11 at 4:02 pm
This is pot

Right Christian sentiment there... way to turn that other cheek.

May 30 11 at 11:56 am

Did I just read a column in which Savage addresses a letter from a bisexual woman married to a man who has sex with both her husband and other women? Did I then read Savage try to claim homosexuality is not a choice by demanding a presumably heterosexual man "choose" to suck his dick? Is the married bisexual women choosing or is she genetically predisposed? Why does she have sex with both men and women?

Is Dan unaware of "lesbian until graduation" phenomena? Is he unaware of the choice to engage in homosexual sex under certain conditions, like prison?

If that's the logic of his argument can I prove the opposite by having a gay friend lick my wife's pussy?

Jul 21 11 at 8:46 pm

Never would have thunk I would find this so indisnpesable.

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