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Abortion Rates are the Lowest They've Been in 30 Years and Nobody Knows Why?


Abortion rates are lower than they've been in thirty years, according to a new report. And the study's author says she doesn't know why. We'd like to make a non-educated guess. 

It couldn't have anything to do with the fact that there are more babies in Hollywood than chiuauas right now, could it?

Also, we seem to recall that GenerationXYWHAT is having far less random sex than those who came before us.

[Previously on Scanner: Hey Mom, Can I Borrow Your Lube? Mine's All Dried Up

[Yahoo!:  U.S. Abortion Rate Falls to Lowest Level in Decades] 

Comments ( 4 )

The morning after pill also wouldn't have an effect, now would it?

Anonymous commented on Jan 17 08 at 9:32 pm

Uh, what about limited access to abortions? The entire state of Mississippi has one abortion clinic and tons of bureaucratic restrictions, and not surprisingly has an abortion rate much lower than the national average.

Anonymous commented on Jan 18 08 at 3:53 am

amen, "also confused"..... just because abortions are being counted doesn't mean they aren't happening...

Anonymous commented on Jan 19 08 at 12:08 am

It was a busy week here at Scanner. We got a new URL, we thought a lot about boobs (big ones! Jessica Alba's!), we found some new furniture, and unfortunately, a few people died. Anyway, we're spent. But in case you missed any of it, here's

Anonymous commented on Jan 19 08 at 10:21 pm

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