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Bizarre Oscar Flashback: Rob Lowe Serenades Snow White


We think it's safe to say that even if you hated Hugh Jackman's opening number at this year's Academy Awards ceremony, it doesn't even come close to touching the level of BAT SHIT CRAZY that was the 1989 opening number featuring, Rob Lowe, Snow White, and a frenzied rendition of Tina Turner's Proud Mary...

Just for the record, it's likely there will be several moments during this video where you'll think you've seen enough, that it couldn't possibly get worse.  Take it from us -- it can. And it does, right up to until the end when a dancing waiter crawls down the stairs on his stomach and hurls a shoe at Lily Tomlin...

Yeah, our thoughts exactly.  Wild.  Wonder what Rob Lowe has to say about that little gem these days?  Check it out...

(via Deadline Hollywood Daily)


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