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D-Day For Dov Charney

We can't help but wonder whether, in the inevitable tell all bio, today will be remembered as the beginning of the end for Dov Charney, the creepy and shameless overlord of the thriving American Apparel empire. For today is the beginning of his very first sexual harassment trial.

In a deposition, Charney "absolutely" admits to calling women "sluts" and the female genitalia c-word, because, you know, it's "endearing." "There is no evidence to say that you can't walk around in your underwear all day anywhere in the United States of America," he testified.

Hmmm... we're no legal experts or anything, but we would classify this strategy as being a) unsurprising and b) unbefreakinglievable. The big question is: will it work? Is he gonna ride unapologetic bravado right out of the courtroom? We figure he'll try -- it's a civil trial, so if he loses, it'll only be cash out of his pockets (should he actually be wearing pants). But even if he wins the actual trial, if enough dirt comes out... (Guess that's why two other suits have been settled out of court.)

Well, what do y'all think?

Comments ( 3 )

Today, Scanner has finally found a way to make us want to work out, and improve upon the ThighMaster

Anonymous commented on Jan 09 08 at 4:35 pm

You know I am torn about this guy. He is clearly from the post-PC generation, and I give him some credit for following his heart or his penis or whatever guides him in a non-hypocrtical way (he admits it all). On the other hand it sounds like he probably takes advantage of young female employees, and creates an environment that is comfortable pretty much for him only. So he should probably pay a fat fine and change his ways and then make a movie about his early oblivious misbehavior.

mindfeck commented on Jan 10 08 at 10:15 am

Yeah... um, "endearing" to whom? Misbehavior can't be excused by how happy the perpetrator is with his actions, jeez. We also have a long history of men getting away with rape because, you know, boys will be boys, and they didn't mean to hurt anyone, and it was all in good fun. Imagine someone on trial for theft, robbery, murder, fraud, embezzlement offering up a defense of "yeah, well I think it was totally fun! And endearing!"

Also, American Apparel's damn shirts shrink up and stretch out until they're all eighties style crop tops. I just culled four of them out of my clothes. Crap quality. But I like the no sweatshop thing a whole lot...

twirl2 commented on Jan 11 08 at 5:49 pm

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