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"Glee's" Jane Lynch Is Glad Ellen Came Out So She Didn't Have To

Jane Lynch, of Christopher Guest hilarity and infamy, has had a quick and thunderous rise to comedic success over the last fifteen years or so. But where was she before that? Watching Glee, it's hard to imagine why any casting director would pass on her brilliant brand of funny. In a chat with Jesse Thorn on The Sound of Young America, Jane explains why she really didn't work until 40.

But that's not all she talks about.

Interview highlights include: Why Jane can't walk down the street unmolested, what happens when she auditions for male roles, and why she's so glad Ellen Degenerous took one for the team.

The Sound of Young America


We love the following statement: "I didn't have to have a coming out, it just happened seamlessly, and nobody really seems to care."

As Jesse Thorn points out, Jane's being modest. She's totally a "gay icon." (God we wish that title came with some kind of a superhero suit, or a cape, or a gay bat-signal that lit up the night sky.) But we love the idea of sexuality slowly becoming an afterthought in popular culture. So, maybe Jane should get a superhero look for being a comedic icon, and lesbianism is just part of her everyday apparel, like Clark Kent's glasses.




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