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In Which Someone Hacks Barbie and Ken to Be Anatomically Correct


Writer John Hargrave performed a multi-tiered prank/ DIY project themed around anatomically correct Barbie and Ken. It starts as a prank call to Mattel, develops into rigging of Barb & Ken to have all the parts they would have if whole, and continues on two more steps from there. But really, Hargrave had me at this:

"Then I thought: someone should try to make a man-dong for Ken. And that someone should be me."

 Here's an excerpt from the initial prank call to Mattel.

HARGRAVE: I got her home and disrobed her, only to find out her body is just smooth molded plastic.

MATTEL: [Pause] Her body is smooth molded plastic.

HARGRAVE: And I read that she was supposed to be "anatomically correct."

MATTEL: No. I'm sorry sir, we don't make anatomically correct dolls.

HARGRAVE: She looks like a hood ornament. And I was disappointed, because I don't know how young girls are supposed to learn about the female figure from this toy. Do you know what I mean, Leslie?

MATTEL: No sir. I don't have a clue. I'll be glad to pass your concerns along, though. 

And to get an idea of what you're in for, here is Ken's merkin, made from hair from the back of his head, and dong-to-be, made from his thumb.


See the whole process and prankening here.


The Real Story Behind Barbie... And The Truth About That Ken Dude

Video of the Day: Barbie and Ken (and Some Guy) Make a Porno

The Rare Knocked Up Midge Doll

Comments ( 2 )

What a brilliant idea. In fact the Chinese economy could quadruple overnight. Maybe trickle down might help us.

Anonymous commented on Apr 10 09 at 10:02 pm

"MAN-dong"? As opposed to...

Anonymous commented on Apr 13 09 at 9:19 am

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