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Keith Olbermann Gets Misty -- And Awesome -- Over "Horrible" Prop 8 Gay Marriage Ban


Maybe you didn't catch Keith Olbermann's special comment on Prop 8 Monday night? And if you didn't, check it out. Because while it's easy to make fun of his mannerisms, word choices, delivery, and general blowhard on a soapbox demeanor -- and Ben Affleck did all that on SNL -- what Olbermann did with this topic was give the kind of impassioned and logical defense of gay marriage that no mainstream politicians seem to have the willingness (or the stones) to give, and very few TV talking heads would have dared say aloud, either.

Whether you agree with gay marriage or not, what Olbermann said was kinda deep, and kinda brave. And kinda impressive, since we might have all figured Keith would have nothing to moan about in a post-Obama worHA HA ha ha ha ha, ok... we weren't buying that one either. Ah well, it was worth a shot.

Anyways, maybe it shouldn't matter that this all came from a heterosexual, but it does -- and perhaps that'll make the argument harder to dismiss?

-- Jake Kalish is the author of Santa vs. Satan: The Official Compendium of Imaginary Fights

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