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MSNBC: Obama = Osama


Barack Obama, known to Wonkettes as Barry Hussein (get it-- his middle name is the same as Saddam's last name), is up against the ignorance that brought us George Bush, chewing tobacc'a, and Pabst Blue Ribbon. In short, he is facing the American electorate in states long ignored by the thinkers and philosophers, and MSNBC is making sure to pander to them, jumping into the pig troughs and throwing the shit at each other to fill up every news hour.

The geniuses who brought you the Pimped Out Chelsea Clinton and other insults directed at her parents, particularly by head jackass-of-all-trades Chris Matthews, have now done themselves one better. On Monday night's Hardball, Matthews was speaking of Senator Obama when a graphic of the other Muslim terrorist appeared (no, not Dennis Kucinich), Osama Bin Laden, that Crazy Liberal from the East:


The other classy American news institution, CNN, committed same error last year, in a way:

Mitt Romney made the same, um, "mistake" during his campaign when blurted out Senator "Osama" when he meant to say "that guy the leader of my party never bothered to catch before or after 9/11."

Yep, above's another winner, Senator Lindsay Graham of one of those Carolina states that still practices lynching and uses different water fountains for Jews and darkies, seen here at a McCain event. They love that alliteration shit-- I guess it's better than literacy, folks! Yuck yuck yuck.

Here are some more gems from the Scanner vaults... yes, we save everything... otherwise, it'll get buried by NBC and their lackeys in the MSM.




Comments ( 3 )

Feb 20 08 at 12:51 pm

So, um.. David Koresh= David Cassidy? Great thinnking, newsfolks!

Feb 20 08 at 5:49 pm

Our path is clear.

I have said all along that obama is a muslim plant, who will wither us from within. Our duty as defenders of freedom is to save the country from foreign diluters. This confirms my thinking is now mainstream. The time to act is now. You have been warned>

Feb 22 08 at 8:01 pm

You say Osama, I say Obama... let's call the whole thing off.

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