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Who Would You Rather, Father-Son Edition: Jakob Dylan vs. Bob Dylan?


Before we were fully aware of the genius that is Bob Dylan, we crushed hard on the fruit of his loin, Jakob, the frontman for the Wallflowers (three-hit wonders?). While the Wallflowers are still working toward that fourth hit (hey, we're looking forward to it even if you're not), Jakob has been working on some solo material. And that got us thinking, if given the opportunity, right now, to have sex with father or son, we'd have a pretty tough decision to make.

At first we thought 'no brainer, Bob.' But he often mails it in on stage these days, and you can tell a lot about the way a man will perform in bed by the way he performs on stage. Bob Dylan doesn't have anything to prove to anyone anymore. Jakob, on the other hand, has everything to prove and always will, so he'd probably work extra hard to make sure we were completely satisfied. But would we really pass up the opportunity to fuck fucking Bob Dylan? Shouldn't we jump at the chance to please him even if he just lays there and grumbles "It ain't me, babe, but suck it anyway." He's given us so much...


Comments ( 5 )

Considering that I 'm married...I think the only way I'd get forgiveness is if it were's Bob fucking Dylan...
Anonymous commented on May 08 08 at 11:24 am
I just have to comment that the way a person performs onstage has *absolutely no relation* to how they perform in bed. Learned that one the hard way...
hotnsour commented on May 08 08 at 7:08 pm
I've always thought Jakob was hotter, in general... Though Bob was absolutely before my time... Add to that, though, that he mumbles so much, who's to know if he's having a good time or not?
Anonymous commented on May 08 08 at 11:09 pm
Silly question. Fucking Bob Dylan would be an actual story I'd take to the grave, a way to impress people and, like, experience history, if you need a reason to do him in 2008 and not in 1963 His son is very handsome, but his music is forgettable. I think- wasn't his hit in 1995 or something?
Anonymous commented on May 09 08 at 5:34 am
Can we do a who-would-you-rather father and son edition starring Bryan and Otis Ferry? In which case I'd probably say both? Ok. Nevermind.
browncorduroy commented on May 10 08 at 4:07 am

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