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Watch 'Broad City's Ilana Glazer Ask Strangers about Their First Time

"At the end of the day, friction is friction."

by kate hakala

Here at Hooksexup, we have our own My First Time series, a place where strangers from around the world talk about their funny, exhilarating, and sometimes awkward first sexual experiences. With first times in mind, the hilarious and irreverent Ilana Glazer — one half of the genius Broad City duo — took to the streets to ask complete strangers what it was like to lose it. It's a one-of-a-kind segment called "Stranger Exchanges" from her very own Chronic Gamer Girl web series. Watch as Ilana asks the hard hitting questions like, "Do you like my tits?" and "Are you comfortable with this being shown on YouTube?" to random people hanging out in the park.


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