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The Hooksexup Interview: Kirby Dick by Phil Nugent
The director of Outrage on how closeted politicians are destroying America.
Dating Confessions by You
"You are going away for six weeks. I think it will be best for both of us if get a new boyfriend while you are gone."
Miss Information by Erin Bradley
High scorer? How to share your stats with a new partner. /advice/
Wildlife Sanctuary by Sarah Norris
Post-breakup, I kept strange bedfellows. /personal essays/
The Hot Line: Star Trek by John Constantine
Tracking forty years of interstellar lust.
Midnight Blue by Haitem
In water and in her, beauty utmost. /photography/
Dating Advice from . . . Costume Makers by Bianca Merbaum
Q: I want to surprise my boyfriend with a sexy outfit. Any suggestions? A: Lederhosen. Everyone likes a good little European boy scout. /advice/
No More Games by Diana Spechler
Can this pick-up artist ever fall in love? And does he really want to? /dispatches/

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