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Private Dancer by Ada Calhoun
A Q&A with the Mountain Goats' John Darnielle, who loves both porn and Andrea Dworkin.
Dirty Pretty Things by Emily Mead
Eric Bogosian talks about his second novel, the story of a model-gone-wild and a man obsessed with his penis.
Lost Horizon by Lily Oei
In 1970s L.A., a cable channel changed the film industry, then vanished. A new documentary picks up the pieces.
The Weekly Pic by Jason Wishnow
Our favorite online video. This week: "Love Is"
Horoscopes by Neal Medlyn
Your week in sex.
Don't Bother to Knock by Melanie Ross and Katherine Hunt-Morr
Stripping in the girls' room. (Smoking optional.)
Film Reviews by Mike D'Angelo, Andy Duncan and Logan Hill
Orlando Bloom is flaccid in Kingdom of Heaven; Writer of O mixes bondage with sober bilingual commentary. Plus, Date DVD.
Miss Information by Erin Bradley
Your digital dating help desk. This week: Zen and the art of dating male sluts; how to pick up your waitress.
Sex Advice From: Publicists by Kate Sullivan
Q: What's a sexual practice everyone should try once?
A: A threesome, because you get more than one notch on your belt at the same time.
Come As You Are by Neal Medlyn
There's still one identity no one can get behind: bisexuality (and we don't mean girls making out at a party).
I Did It For Science: Balloon Fetish by Rev. Jen Miller
One night in bang, pop: infiltrating a looner party.
Scanner by Ada Calhoun
Welcome to upside-down world: Tina Fey is pregnant and Laura Bush is cracking dirty jokes.
Genius Loves Company by Ada Calhoun
Going undercover at a Mensa convention.

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