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Valerie proposed we play a game called "The Gift of the Selfish Lover." In the first round, player one asks player two, "What would you like me to do to you for three minutes?" and then vice-versa. In the second round, player one gets to do whatever he/she wants to do to player two for three minutes, and vice-versa. The exercise, Valerie explained, heightens your awareness of your own needs. This sounded like just the right practice for me.

"Make sure you communicate requests by 'sandwich complimenting.' For example, I say to Bruce, 'Ooh, I really like that you're licking my pussy. It would feel really great if you sucked a little harder on my clitoris... yeah, just like that... that's nice." Valerie spoke in a low, sultry tone that I imagined you'd hear on the other end of 1-800-CUMONME.

By this point, Bruce had placed his hand on Valerie's knee, and smiled at her with a spark in his eyes. I wondered if that was a cue for me to leave the room for a couple minutes. Instead, I said, "Um, I guess I'll start by being the giver." This meant I had to give to Bruce on his terms. This was the part I was used to.

Well, Bruce wanted his head rubbed. Now, I have a thing with hair and scalps, and despite Bruce's lovely curls, the thought of running my hands lightly through his hair made me cringe. But rules were rules.

I was about to fail at a sex game.

"Your hands are so warm," said Bruce, "I like that. Can you do just what you are doing but a little harder? Yeah, mmm... that's great."

This, I thought, could be a sexy game... if I weren't playing it with someone's boyfriend while his girlfriend was sprawled out on the massage table a foot away. I also often have an urge to laugh in awkward situations that others are taking seriously. I bit my lip hard to keep from giggling.

But when it was my turn to "receive" from Bruce, things didn't seem so funny anymore. "I don't know what I want!" I said to Valerie, feeling hopeless. You'd think it would be impossible to be sexually active for over five years and still not know what felt good for my body, but I was stumped. I was about to fail at a sex game, which is only a step above losing at patty cake on the depressingness scale.

"Allow yourself to be completely selfish," Valerie said. It's hard to be completely selfish when you've never thought that way before. Since time was running out, I asked Bruce to give me a light massage. He proceeded to do just that and I found myself "mmm-ing" and "aah-ing" at the feeling of his soft, warm hands going up and down the skin of my back. This selfish thing was turning out to be kind of fun.

"Okay, time's up!" cut in Valerie, just as I started to close my eyes and drift off.

In the second part of the game, Bruce asked me to lie down on my stomach and stretch out on the bed, then rubbed his hands over my hip and down my legs and gently kissed the nape of my neck. I in turn wondered if we could go back to the part when I was painfully detailing my sexual past. We wrapped up the session by discussing what parts of the game were hardest for me, and I explained, "It was like he was taking away a part of me. When I am in a situation where I'm submissive to the other person, I feel like my body is being taken away from me. I guess that's how I feel whenever I have sex." Wow, I thought, I'd never told anyone that before.

"Try not to think of it as someone 'taking away,'" advised Valerie, "but as someone giving you something. Intimacy is a balanced relationship between giving and receiving. The point of this exercise is to break down those interactions to identify what parts are keeping you from being fully intimate."

I left their apartment with a fresh bounce to my step. Now that I could see the mess that had been burdening me for so long, I had a feeling that great sex was within my reach.

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Q&A with Debby Herbenick, author of Because It Feels Good: A Woman’s Guide to Sexual Pleasure and Satisfaction

Comments ( 8 )

i'm sorry, the photo of the panties- is that real? girl needs to size up, that's gotta be uncomfortable.

cc commented on Apr 07 10 at 12:22 am

Ew. Am I the only one who finds the couple super-creepy?

Forced intimacy with needy strangers for money seems like a really good way to neglect real intimacy.

N commented on Apr 06 10 at 6:16 pm

Quite interesting, a good read all around IMO.

RE commented on Apr 06 10 at 7:25 pm

The person who wrote this seems very immature.

dl commented on Apr 06 10 at 7:52 pm

I agree, N. This was kind of odd. I couldnt imagine signing up for something like this.

Jayd commented on Apr 07 10 at 1:44 am

it is weird, but curiously interesting. I like her naive approach. I guess there is a time/moment for all of us when we realise that, YES, we can have what we want! And isn't it reassuring that now we can pay for it if we can't find it ourselves.

jf commented on Apr 07 10 at 5:05 am

I kind of enjoyed the writing style. I appreciate a well written paper, but when you can hear the individual's voice about a topic such as sex you get a better picture that there are indeed a host of people in the world with their own sexual problems and discoveries.

I never struggled while reading it, and I found it rather cute the inappropriate giggling and dialogue as I have a few female friends that have told me they think in a similar way to her.

I was actually a bit creeped out by Bruce and Valerie. They just seem like a couple that digs sex, and enjoys the idea of incorporating a person or couple into their sex life for payment. I mean congrats to her for going at it, but in my head I totally pictured Bruce with a huge Burt Reynold's stache and Valerie with a mole in the corner of her lip and a head full of golden locks.

xfsd commented on Apr 07 10 at 1:39 pm

I liked the writing. This was refreshing and honest.

For those of you who are disparaging her for being "immature," for partying all night, or for hooking up with drunk people, she's in her 20s for crying out loud. Have you completely forgotten what it's like to be young and foolish?

I appreciated her honesty and that she opened up a rather embarrassing part of her life to us to demonstrate a rather brave attempt at gaining some self-awareness.

Mand commented on Apr 08 10 at 11:09 am

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