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To determine whether it is possible (and if possible, advisable) to have a discreet orgasm in public, using remote-controlled, vibrating underwear.

Hypothesis: State your hypothesis in the form of a prediction that can be verified by the results of the experiment.

Masturbation and I go way back. Ever since I discovered the many joys of a running faucet, getting myself off in new and varied ways has been a combination of pleasure-seeking and puzzle-solving that has landed me a good many toys, products and accoutrements over the years. However, despite my willingness to publicly write about sexing, I maintain Masonic levels of secrecy when it comes to the actual deed; the notion of getting off in public is thus at once titillating and a total nightmare. But given the proper circumstances (loud noises, incognito vibrations, several well-placed dirty thoughts), I am confident that heightened arousal is possible. Orgasm, ahoy.

Materials:Please list all the materials required for this experiment (including, if applicable, how they were obtained).

One generously donated Club Vibe remote-control bullet vibrator, complete with machine-washable thong, audio sensor and iPod hookup (tagline: Pleasure Remixed)
Two AAA batteries (Energizer)
One vagina (mine)
One city (New York)

Methods: Describe, step by step, what you did in your experiment.

After picking up my remote-controlled vibrator from Babeland, I ran (or to be more accurate, "skipped gleefully") to a nearby café to use their bathroom as a makeshift insertion laboratory. A few minutes later, I was strapped into a lacy, black one-size-fits-most thong, with a tiny, pink bullet-vibrator in my vagina, the remote control clipped onto my hip. The Club Vibe offers three settings: ambient, music and manual. In music mode, it connects directly to an iPod or mp3 player. In manual, it promises "seven ass-shaking vibration patterns." I set the control to "ambient," where the vibe responds to the tone and intensity of all of the noise surrounding you (the packaging recommends trying out a club setting, so that your nether regions will be "pulsating to the DJ's jams"). I cranked the controls up to eleven and set out to feel the world.

The second I stepped outside, a huge semi rumbled down the street and I had the distinct feeling that I was being paged — and the call was coming from inside my vagina. A honking horn amped the paging feeling up so much that I was sure some fellow pedestrian would notice and out me. The sensation itself fell somewhere between lounging in a massage chair and standing directly in front of the speakers at a particularly bass-heavy concert, the resonance rattling your sternum. Each of the city's white noises had its own corresponding buzz — the wind blowing at the right angle caused the vibe to shiver, car doors slamming gave a brief staccato burst. I was able to walk near enough to one loud, inscrutable argument that I felt like a participant, the machine hammering away at my g-spot as though it had an axe to grind. All of these were startling, but ultimately pleasant. Thusly stimulated, I met some friends at a bar for phase two of the experiment.

My goal was to keep my experiment secret; I hoped that would heighten the illicit aspect of the experience. But apparently word about electronic underpants travels faster than my speedy bullet. "It's like the clapper!" exclaimed a friend, putting his hands together very, very near to my vag. The experiment went rogue very quickly after that, and in a matter of a beer or two my remote control was passed around the table, while various folks played DJ with my pussy. I was hooked up to iPods and PSPs, and my vagina competed in a game of "Name That Tune!" Although my taste in music runs along the Wu Tang/sad-folk-singer spectrum, it appears that my vagina responds more intensely to show tunes and, um, Ave Maria.

The evening hit a vibratory high note once people began speaking, laughing, screaming and singing directly into the remote's internal speaker (Lisa Loeb's "Stay" made a brief, unfortunate appearance). One intrepid volunteer took charge of my remote and began singing songs from Disney movies (Beauty and the Beast and Pocahontas, specifically) into my vagina. Before he could hit one saccharine chorus, the room exploded with laughter, and my remote was overcome with the combination of song, laughter, and ambient bar noise. The bullet vibrated exuberantly, joyfully, like its little AAA life depended on it. I was near tears. It wasn't the same as hot, raw sexual arousal, but it was close.

Comments ( 32 )

Wow...I want one!!

TJC commented on Jun 25 09 at 12:14 am

you're adorable and i love you.

mg commented on Jun 25 09 at 12:20 am

To make this experiment to work, I think you should conduct it again, but then on other people then yourself. Don't tell them to have an orgasm, but just count the statistics of people that had an orgasm and how many did it discretely. I know this is a kind of daft proposition, but when you do this kind of experiments on your own, you are biased and therefore the results aren't clean (no punt intended).

SNK commented on Jun 24 09 at 1:53 pm

Wow - you're fun, smart, cute and adventurous! What a great combination!

mo commented on Jun 24 09 at 2:56 pm

Only in New York...

DC commented on Jun 24 09 at 6:24 pm

A friend of mine who does sex parties had an "Easter egg hunt" in which several women agreed to wear the insertable vibrating egg, and then the wireless remotes were handed out, and whoever figured out the egg-wearers won some sort of prize. I didn't go, so I'm not sure how it went, but of course this reminded me of that concept.

mpb commented on Jun 24 09 at 7:41 pm

i loved this! i love you! more please :)

mlk commented on Jun 25 09 at 2:36 pm

This is brilliantly written and executed. You almost wrote an ad for this device. I'll be getting one.

pjw commented on Jun 25 09 at 7:46 pm

I think that it might be fun to have multiple implants that would stimulate erogenous zones of all kinds. Then one could play games like MPH suggests on a grander scale. Fun article. At some point all sex may become virtual - will this qualify to win the Turing prize, or at least the Annie Sprinkle version?

TFT commented on Jun 25 09 at 8:08 pm

"Having now experienced a gay man singing into my vagina", is without a doubt, the wackiest bit of writing I've read. Very funny!

AET commented on Jun 25 09 at 9:50 pm

I love this. Keep up the experiment, every day.

bf commented on Jun 26 09 at 12:00 pm

i will launch an investigation immediately

dwp commented on Jun 26 09 at 1:07 pm

The funniest article I have ever studied... and yeh intresting too...

HA commented on Jun 26 09 at 7:39 pm

You'd have enjoyed it a lot more and even had a BIG O if your experiment was double-blinded - i.e., you didn't know the exact type of music that would excite you and you had no knowledge of the people msg'ing the iPod!

nra commented on Jun 26 09 at 7:54 pm

I love this story. I would never be able to keep publicly acceptable behavoir about my self. They would swear I was having sezures.

sc commented on Jun 26 09 at 8:27 pm

been looking into gettin one,want to give my boyfriend CONTROL when we go out to eat i want him to push the button e'time he wants to see me smile!

bei commented on Jun 26 09 at 10:44 pm

Very entertaining piece--I hope you do more of them. Still, I can't help but think that that device has to be one of the purest examples of American let's-sell-people-shit-they-really-don't-need consumerism. Is there ANYTHING that can't be commercialized? Can't the orgasm be safe? They're free!

LT commented on Jun 26 09 at 11:53 pm

Excellent! god am I going to try it

ME commented on Jun 28 09 at 4:16 pm

loved this! especially loved the documentation! every did it for science should have photographic evidence.

lb commented on Jun 30 09 at 6:08 pm


qsdf commented on Jul 02 09 at 2:42 am

Remember "When Harry Met Sally"? Imagine if she had been wearing this in that cafe scene.

MMG commented on Jul 04 09 at 12:01 pm

If there was a counterpart product for guys to wear, just imagine how embarrassing, and then how wet, this could become!

LD commented on Jul 04 09 at 12:02 pm

Unfortunately I dont have a vagina. But I can replace that vibrator!

Jo commented on Jul 06 09 at 7:37 am

Good writing! Fun info and well written.

SJR commented on Jul 06 09 at 4:38 pm

wow thts pretty awesome, i want one!!!! >.<

EB commented on Jul 08 09 at 11:08 am

Women have told me that a bullet in the vagina begins to make them feel numb down there after a while. I wonder about other girls experiences with it.

D.D. commented on Jul 08 09 at 10:14 pm

awesome!! that's an amazingly written testimonial!!

jc commented on Jul 13 09 at 8:31 pm

Excellent writing, very witty. I find myself wondering what sonic frequency/ rhythm is most likely to produce an orgasmic result. But vaginas are moody creatures. I don't have one, myself (though I've always been a big fan and supporter), but my own experiments suggest they aren't just utterly Pavlovian in their response to stimulus; set, setting and emotional state seem to more often than not have an e
affect on these dear, ever mysterious critters.

WAK commented on Jul 25 09 at 3:02 pm

You should try this again with the vibrator on your clit, where it's about 100 times more likely to make you come. There are numerous models designed to wear under your clothes:

mtc commented on Aug 04 09 at 3:43 pm

Now I wish I was a woman to make this experiment myself. Damn...

afi commented on Dec 09 09 at 4:27 pm

best blog ever!!!
is it IP addressable?

mpo commented on Dec 21 09 at 10:31 pm

Some days I wish I had a vagina. I think it might be fun, what with always wanting to fuck and such.

RB commented on Mar 30 10 at 1:13 am

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