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I Did It For Science by Grant Stoddard

To literally have sex with myself.

State your hypothesis in the form of a prediction that can be verified by the results of the experiment.

Woody Allen once called masturbation "sex with someone you love." Paul Anka crooned, "You always hurt the one you love." Where these truisms intersect, we shall file my thirtieth and final experiment. At the end of this trial, I will have gone some way toward settling my balance at the karmic bank, as well as that of any hetero guy who ever begged his girl for a back-door key.

Please list all the materials required for this experiment (including, if applicable, how they were obtained).

Make Your Own Dildo kit:
Penis tube
Scrotum bowl
Molding Gel in powdered form
Rubber solution (a)
Rubber solution (b)
Stirring stick
Easy-to-follow instructions

Asssortment of pornography

In this portion of your report, you must describe, step-by-step, what you did in your lab. It should be specific enough that someone who has not seen the lab can follow the directions and recreate the same lab.

Recently, I met Hooksexup's editor for lunch. With a heavy heart, I told him that after nearly three years of writing about my monthly sexual experiments, there was little left for me to do. "Well, you can fuck yourself," he scowled from across the table.

"Listen, I don't mean to leave you in the lurch, Michael," I said. "But I just don't see where I can go from here." (He had previously decided that all of my new ideas — most of which involved being dispatched to the Perfect 10 mansion — would only prove to be experiments in shark jumping.)

"No, I mean fuck yourself for science."

"How do you propose I do that?"

"Mold your dick, then have someone strap it on." Obviously. "It would be a great finale to the column."

In the past, I had received plenty of emails suggesting that I take it from a girl wearing a strap-on, and had quickly deleted them. Michael's twist on the idea was as terrifying as it was completely brilliant.

If you could suck your own dick, would you? In high school, it was a truth-or-dare question I would always take the dare on. But like most men, I'd already logged countless hours — and risked irreversible spinal trauma — trying to make it happen. For the record, I came tantalizingly close but ultimately decided it's a gift you're either born with or you're not. Sort of like making that weird shamrock shape with your tongue. However, if there were a correlation between Pilates and the ability to blow one's own horn, I'm certain that it would overtake baseball as the No. 1 youth activity in the country. The Dungeons and Dragons franchise would be devastated.

But I digress. Recruiting lab assistants had proved difficult in previous experiments. But the prospect of putting me through some measure of discomfort and humiliation brought volunteers out in droves. Even people I hardly knew slid out of the woodwork. Ultimately I chose Kat, a tri-sexual woman I'd briefly dated. Kat was renowned for having tried — and mastered — almost every deviant sexual act known to man. As such, she was virtually unshockable. I was comfortable with her, in the way you might be comfortable with a nurse, a rabbi or your drifter uncle.

The company that enabled this experiment is the plaintively titled They didn't invent cock molding, but they've certainly been integral in bringing it to the populace at large. Most recently, the Make Your Own Dildo kit was featured in an episode of The Osbournes. I prevailed upon the company to send me a kit, then dutifully blocked out a weekend (along with any notion that my high-school peers would ever read this).

Comments ( 71 )

A great column Grant. But where's the pictures? Sorry it's your last column.
JM commented on Mar 18 04 at 1:09 am
Don't normally send fan mail, but all of the "Science..." columns were as revelatory as they were brilliant. I'll miss them in the future.
DS commented on Mar 18 04 at 1:13 am
Dear Grant Stoddard With a wince of regret I read today that this months 'I did it for science' was the last. It was in my humble opinion the best series at Hooksexup, and I would have delighted in reading more monthly reports. On the other side it is understandable that one could get a bit weary after nearly four years of going through extraordinary ... well, things, every month. Perhaps you could pour these articles into a book? I would be happy to buy one, and more for my friends here in Germany. I'd even translate :) Your column will be missed and I hope you will write again; and if you are ever in need of a tour guide in Berlin, don't hesitate to ask. Best Wishes,
N.F. commented on Mar 18 04 at 1:38 am
Nooooooooooooo! Don't leave us Grant!
ts commented on Mar 17 04 at 3:03 pm
this column was by far the best thing that ran on Hooksexup. i'm gonna miss it. i hope we'll still be treated to other frequent writings by mr. stoddard.
CL commented on Mar 17 04 at 3:21 pm
BRAVO MAN. We're gonna miss you.
ACG commented on Mar 17 04 at 3:26 pm
you know, ever since i started reading this column, i fantasized about one day having sex with you, grant, and being part of one of these adventures. but i suppose you have no more need for volunteers... thankfully, the fact the column won't continue doesn't mean you're becoming celibate, right? so i still have hope. come back to new york!
yy commented on Mar 17 04 at 5:05 pm
grant!!! i cant believe this is it.
mo commented on Mar 17 04 at 5:07 pm
Grant, I have enjoyed your column for years. I thank you for bringing light to topics that I might have, in the past, ignored or deemed too crazy to do...and I have done some crazy shit. Anyways, thanks for the great stories. Best of luck.
GB commented on Mar 17 04 at 5:36 pm
Grant, I will hand the article out as a manifesto for any guy requesting the same. Thanks for paving the way.
CM commented on Mar 17 04 at 5:49 pm
Grant and Hooksexup, Just wanted to say thank you to Grant for being a great sport and a great writer. I've really enjoyed (and yes, looked forward to) your column in Hooksexup. This last 'experiment' is definitely the icing on the cake, and it's great to see that you 'took it like a man'. I hope you'll continue to write for Hooksexup and give the rest of society something interesting to talk or think about. Thanks again, cheers! John
JW commented on Mar 17 04 at 6:23 pm
Grant, don't let this be your last. There's plenty of shit you can still do! Fuck a chicken! Do watersports! Uhhh....... *something!* At least switch to a tri-monthy schedule. Could you do that?
VHD commented on Mar 17 04 at 6:27 pm
So, are we gonna get a female Did it for Sciencer?
commented on Mar 17 04 at 7:40 pm
As a hetero woman, I'd like to say that there is little sexier than a man willing to take in the backside. I'm proud of you, Grant.
MA commented on Mar 17 04 at 8:22 pm
Grant, you are worthy. "A". (Pics required for "A+" ;-)
wbs commented on Mar 17 04 at 8:27 pm
Grant, you rock. I'm going to miss "I Did It for Science" so much.
KAC commented on Mar 17 04 at 8:29 pm
Thanks for a great run and a great series of stories. I have to say i am truely sad to read this as your last article. These stories and you have been my hero for the past few years, reminding me to write wittier edgier stories, be more willing to make an ass of myself in a gamble for more life adventures, and just be freakier in the sack. I hope you'll keep taking it in the ass and telling us all about it in future columns for Hooksexup. Thanks so much again for this great great column. really! thank you!
YAL commented on Mar 17 04 at 8:49 pm
as a fairly recent viewer of the Hooksexup site, i was somewhat disappointed to find that the I Did It For Science column is leaving... however, it did make me subscribe so that i could read your archived reports. brilliant job! good luck on your next projects!
RES commented on Mar 17 04 at 9:30 pm
Fantastic, bloody hilarious mate. Like most others i thought this was the best column at Hooksexup, you never ceased to make me laugh. If you ever decide to come to Australia let me know, its the best place to be down under!! Cheers
RDT commented on Mar 17 04 at 11:13 pm
I'm so sad! You're why I read Hooksexup! Boo hoo.
commented on Mar 18 04 at 1:23 pm
It's a shame to see it end, Grant. To tell you the truth, your final remarks could have been more substantive. Designating "men should get fucked in the ass" as an over-arching theme to your tenure was a bit cheap considering your rich and diverse experiences. I was hoping for something more philosophical. But that's just quibbling over a few details. You series was great and your tone is fabulous. I don't know what your new direction is, but I wish you well.
ndm commented on Mar 18 04 at 2:59 am
If I ever lived vicariously through someone else's experiences in my life, it would be yours, Grant. Hats off for bravely doing what I would never have the balls to do myself. It's been a wonderful ride - hope to see you continuing to write for Hooksexup in some capacity for other. Cheers mate.
TB commented on Mar 18 04 at 6:10 am
I'm sad to hear that this is your last article, I have really enjoyed your pieces. Thank you!
FS commented on Mar 18 04 at 8:33 am
i feel robbed. i only started reading "Hooksexup" in July & i've come to look forward to reading grant's adventures on a monthly basis. grant--thank you allowing me to live vicariously through your column. continue with the good work in other areas of "Hooksexup."
bbbb commented on Mar 18 04 at 11:11 am
"We've talked, and neither of us consider this a breech [sic] of our agreement." Interesting Freudian slip there!
REM commented on Mar 18 04 at 11:43 am
GRANT!!! Don't say I didn't tell you this one would change the way you viewed sex and yourself. I'm proud of you. Though, if this is really your last column, Hooksexup is a far, far, far bleaker place. For too long, you've sadly been the best thing Hooksexup has to offer. It's a big loss for what, a few years ago, used to be one of my favorite websites. Once again with this column you showed why you were perfect to write these: it was open, emotional, and vulnerable. Well done, as always, Grant. The perfect finish for a great column. You will be sorely missed.
ME commented on Mar 18 04 at 12:32 pm
Grant, That was one of the most honest pieces I've read in years... thanks so much for being so open to possibilities like you have been. It leaves me with just two questions: Are you single, and where do you live? Heh. :) Jenn
JDR commented on Mar 18 04 at 3:19 pm
grant. enjoyed the "openess" to your writing. it was a great piece and finale.
PC commented on Mar 18 04 at 4:17 pm
Good-bye, Grant! It has been SO much fun reading of your adventures throughout the years. Best of luck!
AWV commented on Mar 18 04 at 5:05 pm
Grant! dont go! ---- just wanted to say that your columns rock...even though this last one was a bit freaky........ What do you mean you can't think of anything else to do? Can there really only be 30 freaky things to do? Why not have a "suggestion box" on the site? I'll leave you with a comment I used to get a lot from my mother when I was a kid. I would say, "Mom, I'm bored, there's nothing to do" and she would reply, "If you're bored, then you're a boring person! Be creative."
MD commented on Mar 18 04 at 5:12 pm
Sorry to see the end of this Grant. I really enjoyed the IDIFS column.
bm commented on Mar 18 04 at 5:57 pm
I am heart broken that there will be no more Grant exploits. I actually printed out the pictures of you and the sex doll, they are on my fridge. People always want to know who you are. Why didn't we get to see an image of the completed toy? Now that would have been interesting!
dxh commented on Mar 18 04 at 6:46 pm
Grant say it isn't so how will i get kinky ideas for future dates. Try a variation on this columum. like "I did it for fun" or just do the experiments over agian and try varying the contoled conditions. well it has been cool. so stay cool Grant
JJJJ commented on Mar 18 04 at 7:54 pm
IDIFS was the primary reason for my subscription. It brought me back every month. I thought every article was outstanding! Please let this be you working for an encore, and if so, consider the responses the audience cheering refusing to leave their seats. DON'T GO, GRANT!
bc commented on Mar 18 04 at 9:08 pm
A more appropriate moment for a 'bravo' has never before been witnessed. Congratulations, Grant, on all of your work for this ongoing piece. I've enjoyed basically all of them, and this one is really the icing on the cake. Next time a new idea occurs to you tho, don't be afraid to write it and post it as a special occasion. I'll be reading.
GC commented on Mar 19 04 at 12:37 am
Of all the things I've learned from your column over the years, who knew that the most interesting would be that the girl who gave it to you up the ass and I both keep our sex toys/condoms in Muppet lunchboxes!
cbr commented on Mar 19 04 at 4:52 pm
Grant, way to go out like a real trooper. I was one of those readers, begging for a girl to fuck you up the ass and you did it as your finale. My sadness to your leaving is probably very similar to your "open" feeilng: empty yet satisfied. Cheers!
mt commented on Mar 19 04 at 9:53 pm
I'm so sorry to see this incredibly funny, always entertaining feature come to an end. Grant's writing has always conveyed a sense of "Hey, we're friends, can I tell you something?" And it's thanks to him that I've learned what some of that freaky shit is like, since I'll most likely not have the chance to see for myself. Takes a lot for a guy to let a woman strap one on and go to town. Thanks for making Hooksexup one of my all-time favorite sites. We love you, Grant!!!
JB commented on Mar 19 04 at 10:04 pm
That was a great way to go out. Sorry to see Grant end the colum, but I can completely understand why. I would hope Hooksexup would revive this colum with a new 'experimenter'. Perhaps we can get a woman's point of view!
Sara commented on Mar 20 04 at 12:54 am
We'll miss you Grant! I love the idea of a woman taking over the reins on IDIFS. Or, oooohh! Maybe a couple! Like a lascivious science team!
bet commented on Mar 20 04 at 2:10 am
Oh, Grant. Your father and I will have to move now. Mom
ms commented on Mar 20 04 at 3:40 pm
What a fitting end to a brilliant column! Grant, I'm truly saddened that this was your last foray into the realm of sexual (mis)adventures. Your column was defintely one of the best on Hooksexup and I look foward to hopefully seeing other writings from you in the future. By the way, I think you're incredibly hot...:-)! Good luck in the future...
BT commented on Mar 21 04 at 12:54 am
A certain red haired mistress sent me to your story. It was a fair read. Quite entertaining. I am reminded of a certain australian fellow I know who used to lead a gay/straight mens workshop once a week. He would be all about cuddling and male bonding until touch got within any area of a pair of boxer briefs. One day we were sitting and chatting in his front yard and he told me about getting stroked as you mentioned by a girlfriend. As a gay man I found it hilarious. If the fear is to loose your machoness to another man, then I thought wouldn't loosing it to a woman be worse? What about just be amazed with all the ways your own body can provide elements of pleasure? We pick up so much baggage between 10 and 17. It takes years to unwind from it. Consider my gayness, I could be bi but most american woman, frankly all have balked at having sex with me not that my conquest attempts are large. But I have beded the standard spartan 100 or more of men in my time in one way or another. Men are alot cheaper to date. Next time you fuck your self try flushing first with an enema you will find less pain that way. Another fun tool is a Zuccinni, peel and coat with olive oil. you may never look at them on your plate the same way again. ciao Timefire.
pvs commented on Mar 21 04 at 2:04 am
This column is/was the best thing on Well, minus the personals. I'm looking forward to reading whatever you write in the future!
MES commented on Mar 21 04 at 4:22 pm
1 <3 you, grant!
lect commented on Mar 21 04 at 7:49 pm
Too tired to write much- that article really took a lot out of me! Whewww... But I must say- YOU CAN'T LEAVE! I look forward to this column every month- it's the exact kind of twisted humor / knowledge / entertainment that is so rare to find... Are you going to compile these into a book? Do you need more ideas for the columns? Hmm. Best of luck- thanjs for making me smile-
SaD commented on Mar 21 04 at 10:11 pm
Congrulations on going all the way, but it needn't have hurt you so much. An experienced strap-on chick like Kat could have trained you over successive encounters to accept a cock as large as your own. Nobody should feel the pressure to "take it all" the first time. I hope you will keep writing for Hooksexup. xxx Camille.
CC commented on Mar 21 04 at 11:30 pm
i can't believe this is the very last "i did it for science." thanks for making it a good one.
np commented on Mar 23 04 at 7:52 pm
Haha! i must say... that was a good read. especially the last bits..rock on man!
jak. commented on Mar 24 04 at 10:16 am
I just hope this really isn't the end of his column. Fantastic stuff- and genuinely funny, as well as informative. PLEASE keep him doing it- or at least writing for you for a while!
mds commented on Mar 24 04 at 4:07 pm

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