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True Stories: Speed Dating and Erotic Tai Chi

My night started out weird and ended up weirder.

by Carlos Kotkin

“Have you done this before?” Same speed-dating question, different speed-dating day. This time I wore a gray sweater with a white-collared shirt, blue corduroy slacks, and the fancy shoes. I was not a jerk to anyone during my third attempt at speed dating; I did not allow my initial hostility toward being zero for forty-five get the best of me. I was going to do this, damn it. Florence and her whistle greeted me with pronounced sympathy. When she saw me arrive, she said something about the third time being the charm and gave me a thumbs-up. She was obviously aware of my record.

 I had gotten through four blah dates when I met Jasmine. 

The third time did seem to be the charm. I had gotten through four blah dates when I met Jasmine. Jasmine had come to this alone. She looked like she did not want to be there. My kind of girl. She had short reddish-brown hair, doe eyes, and a smattering of freckles stylishly spread across her face. I sat down. We introduced ourselves. Her voice was nearly a whisper. Once we wrote our names down, Jasmine asked the required question. “Have you done this before?”

“Yes, I have. I’ve done this twice. I met forty-five women all together. And all forty-five of them rejected me.”

Jasmine laughed, in spite of herself. “You should not tell people that,” she advised.

“Let’s get out of here,” I suggested to Jasmine as I sat across from her at the speed-dating table.

Jasmine seemed to give escape serious consideration. “We’ve only been on five dates. Shouldn’t we meet everyone?”

“It’s only going to get worse. I’ve done this. I’m a veteran. I know what I’m talking about. By the end of the night, you’re going to need a week to recharge your soul. You’re going to need to go to Bora Bora to replenish.”

She laughed and asked, “Have you been?” When I told her I’d been there twice, her eyes lit up. “What’s it like?” she asked. I spoke of Bora Bora’s captivating beauty, its turquoise waters and golden sunshine. Jasmine took in a deep breath as if wishing she were there at this very moment. “Sounds romantic.”

I confirmed it was. “Of course it would have been more romantic had I gone with someone other than my parents the first time, and my friend Brian the second.”

Jasmine laughed again, shaking her head. “You should not be telling me these things. You should be trying to impress me.”

“I was valedictorian of my high school. Does that count?” Florence blew her whistle at the end of my sentence. Three minutes with Jasmine felt like two minutes. For the first time since the countless number of times I had heard Florence’s whistle (fifty), I regretted having to move on. I remained seated across from Jasmine, as the next guy showed up. Suddenly, I was the jerk who wouldn’t leave. Leaning closer to Jasmine, I whispered, “Even though I’m seeing other people, I’d like to go out with you again.” She nodded and smiled as I left.

None of the other speed dates compared to Jasmine. I waited for things to be over so I could hopefully talk to her more. Florence finally blew the last whistle. Once the speed dating had officially ended, Jasmine was swarmed by guys seeking to extend their time with her. I am terrible at fighting for attention. Most of the men surrounding Jasmine were taller than me. Had I gone over there, I would have come across as the runt, the little boy battling for whatever paltry scraps were left behind. I began to walk out of the restaurant, hoping Jasmine would be the first speed dater in history to put me down as a yes. Then maybe we could have a longer conversation. But what was this? What inspired, unexpected, but happily accepted stroke of good fortune was taking place? Jasmine left the men and their dangling tongues to join me. We walked out of the restaurant together. Booyah.

“I feel so drained. You were right,” sighed Jasmine. “How could you possibly do that three times?”

“Well, I kind of had to. I’m a Navy SEAL, in training. They make us go speed dating. It strengthens our ability to withstand torture.” Another laugh from Jasmine. It was refreshing not to have to tell her I was kidding. I walked her to her car. Trying not to sound too nervous, I revealed that I had put her down as a yes on my pamphlet, suggesting that if she also put me down as a yes then we should exchange phone numbers. It would save the time of having to log onto a computer. Besides, I didn’t trust my computer when it came to speed dating. Jasmine hesitated. I thought the house of cards was about to come tumbling down. But she gave me her number. As I walked back to my car, I threw my official speed-dating pamphlet away, not interested in whether any other girls had put me down as a yes. I assumed they all did. It didn’t matter. Too late, ladies.

Commentarium (19 Comments)

Mar 14 12 - 8:18am
Walk, Don't Run

You know, she could be odd or not, there's just not enough data to tell. However...about Carlos... It's been 15 years since I've dated, but do you really go for the ass-grab right after just a cup of tea? This boy could learn some patience.

Mar 14 12 - 11:29am

This made me uncomfortable. You were obviously pushing way too hard way too early.

Mar 14 12 - 11:55am

It made me uncomfortable, too. At first it was mildly humorous but then it veered into creepy. "Nice guy?" Sounds more like someone who doesn't take "no" or "don't do that" very seriously. No wonder the woman kept hesitating and then didn't call him back.

Also: "A little voice inside my head encouraged me to ask Jasmine if she was a prostitute" - really? Not funny.

Mar 14 12 - 2:34pm

Poor Jasmine! That sounds like one of the worst dates of all time.

Mar 14 12 - 11:46am

What? I thought this was great. "Three minutes with Jasmine felt like two minutes." Hilarious!

Mar 14 12 - 12:50pm

"Unfortunately, in one form or another, I had heard other women ask if they could communicate something to me before. Since we had our clothes on, I wasn’t too concerned about what Jasmine needed to impart."

Yowch. I guess now we know why the rejections from the others.

What the fuck is wrong with people?

Mar 14 12 - 1:14pm

This was very awkward, both in writing and story, probably because it's being told from the perspective of a creep.

Mar 14 12 - 1:34pm

I get the feeling he's like 23 years old and hasn't yet discovered the difference between cocky asshole and cocky charming........ creepy

Mar 14 12 - 5:13pm
Amy Wallen

Pretty cool. I'm so buying this book for me and all my friends, at least anyone who has ever dated because this reality with a good dose of humor (aka truth telling). I love the part where you don't have to tell her you're kidding. Geez, that was numero uno rule on when to dump a guy for me. Luckily, I've found a funny guy who makes me laugh too. Way to go Carlos!

Mar 14 12 - 8:11pm

I bought this book (cha ching, Kotkin) on the basis of this piece. I must say, the more I read, the less I liked Carlos. With the exception of one chapter in which he recounts taking some awkward family friend to the prom, he comes off as a twee, self-satisfied creep with this weird tea affectation and a really disturbing reluctance to try anything he wrote off as a precocious, obnoxious ten year old--sort of like an adult who won't eat vegetables.

Mar 15 12 - 12:09am

Carlos' writing is great but ew what a speed-slut. I was creeped out on the land grab, too.

Mar 15 12 - 2:15am

creeeeeeeep. If your girl is hesitating the entire time and not only not taking the lead but also backing away, you need to take a hint.

Mar 15 12 - 11:55am

I bought this book and enjoyed it very much. Carlos came off as a sad sack at times but his intentions seemed genuine. The H Word story from where the title comes from is hilarious.

Mar 16 12 - 12:04am

"Would you like to go out and kiss me on the Veranda?"

"No, the lips are fine"

Mar 16 12 - 4:49am

Hint: If a girl says she doesn't want to kiss you, don't try to kiss her and certainly don't press it by going in for the "kill" time after time. If a guy doesn't respect my "no I don't want to do this" regardless of what "this" is, I certainly wouldn't call him back nor want to see him again. Surprised he is single? Not in the least bit.

Mar 16 12 - 10:28am

"She seductively whispered in my ear, 'We can do anything you want, except kiss."
If a girl said that to me - forget kissing - we'd be doing cirque de solei acts in the parking lot.

Mar 19 12 - 3:19am

nice demonstration of douchiness.

Mar 20 12 - 5:18pm

I'm thinking some of you folks don't get it.

May 13 12 - 11:58pm

A dating website that has an interesting twist that is missing from other online dating websites: a blog.

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