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Talking to Strangers: New York, NY

Hooksexup asks deeply personal questions to people we've just met.

Ralph, 31

What do you do?
I own a bar. 

Has that ever gotten you laid?
Since I've been a bar owner, I've had a girlfriend, so I haven't been able to cash in on that yet. I've had the opportunity to, but I haven't. That's very important — please make sure you print the "have not" part. 

Got it. So when girls proposition you, what's the politest way to decline?
I usually just say I have a girlfriend. That will generally do the trick. 

There have got to be some stubborn ladies, not taking no for an answer. 
Oh yeah. I have a really gross story. So I was working a late night, which I don't do anymore. It was about 3:30. She was wasted and coming onto me really hard, you know, as it goes. I told her I had a girlfriend. She said she didn't care. So it's just her and me in the bar, I'm trying to close up and ignore her, and she falls off her bar stool. So I call her a car and literally have to cradle her and carry her outside, and as we're walking out, she's like, "I have to go to the bathroom." So she goes back inside and is in the bathroom for twenty minutes. Finally, I go get her again and carry her outside again. We're waiting for a car for her, I'm like, "Cool, have a good night," and she literally grabs the back of my head and jams her tongue down my throat. And she had clearly, clearly, just thrown up. It tasted like regurgitated Honey Nut Cheerios, which then, of course, caused me to puke. 

How long have you been with your girlfriend for?
It's been three and a half months. One of the bartenders here hooked us up. 

What'd you do on your first date?
First date... Very interesting actually, we hung out at her place. 

Wait. Do you know that that was a booty call? She booty called you.
It may have been. I think that's actually what she was interested in. But then we ended up hitting it off. The first time we met, we had a drink and then she called me the next day and was like "Oh, you should come over." 

What was her line? "Come over to watch a movie?"
No. It was awesome. She was totally upfront. When she said we should hang out, she meant, we should hang out. So that's what we did. We hung out for a couple of hours and then she was like, "We should go in my room," and we did, and stayed up all night drinking and talking. 

Did you have sex on the first date?
No. No, it was one of those situations where it was coming to that and we both agreed it would be more special if we waited. 


Charlie, 24

What do you do?
I'm a law student.

Has that ever gotten you laid?
No, because I've had a significant other since I started school.

How'd you guys meet?
I was doing an internship, and during a tour of the office for new interns, she saw me. She emailed my direct boss and asked if I could be her intern. And that was kind of it. Our first date was at an Ani DiFranco concert, because we're stereotypical lesbians. She tried to take me home that night, but my friend was visiting from out of town and I had to take him to the train station. So instead I went home with her the next night. We played strip Guitar Hero at her place.

So what was it like to have that kind of power dynamic in the workplace?
It was awesome because everyone in the office knew exactly what was going on. My fiancee was an adult already and I was some college intern, so it gave us a lot of pull because her company is run by creepy, disgusting old men and they were very into the fact that we were dating. We played it up to our advantage, definitely.

So it sounds like your fiancee is pretty dominant at work. Does that carry over to the bedroom?
Yeah, she's the boss. It doesn't always carry over though. If I'm in a crappy mood, I'm definitely the boss.

So when you're the boss what does she have to do?
Whatever I tell her to do. I don't know. Ah...

Say it.
She has this thing. She doesn't always let me go down on her. But when I'm the boss, that's happening.

Wait, why doesn't she want you to go down on her?
She just has never been into it apparently. She's far more experienced than I am. She has her shtick and that's just one of the things that came along with her. So I have to either convince her or make her let me do it. I like doing it!

So when you go down on her, is it a successful endeavor?
Yes! Very much so! And every time I do it, she says, "I don't know why I don't let you do that."

Awesome. So you're engaged. How are you feeling about marriage?
I'm feeling like it's a pain in the ass that I have to go all the way to Conneticut to get married. We're still figuring out the finances of it all. She's supporting us and I'm a poor law student.

Have you met your fiancee's family yet?
Oh yeah. They're very Catholic and Republican. We've been together for four years and until a year ago, we had to sleep on separate floors of the house when we visited. Her mother was kind of apprehensive at first, but she likes me so she behaves herself.

What kind of weird shit has happened at family dinners?
Her mom likes to instigate politically, so sometimes things get a little uncomfortable. But her family is fantastic and I do love them. Now we just try to avoid areas where we know we will disagree. I mean, we just have different beliefs. My family is a bunch of Jews from Brooklyn, so we tend to be pretty liberal.


Michelle, 29

What do you do?
I'm an art director.

Has that ever gotten you laid?
Yes. Perhaps Charlie told you about it?

Yes, but I'd like to hear your side.
All the interns are girls from Long Island who look exactly the same — perfectly tanned, straight hair, same clothes. But there was one who stood out. I nudged my coworker and I was like, "I'm going to get with her." So I emailed the head of the department and I was like, "Who's that girl you have? I think she'd work well on my team. We could really use some help down there in design — we're just swamped!" He didn't answer that email for about a month, and finally he sent her down with something to deliver to me, and I was so shocked to see her, when she tried to hand me the envelope, I dropped it. Then we saw each other at the same Ani DiFranco concert.

So what were you doing before you started dating Charlie?
A rotation. Keeping my lies straight? [laughs] I was really not looking for a relationship.

When did you come out?
In high school. Ninth grade, I guess? I had my first kiss with a girl and compared it to my first kiss with a guy and I was like, "Wow, okay, there are fireworks," and that hadn't happened with a guy. It opened up a new world for me. It wasn't that I wouldn't date guys after that, because I did. I just also dated women and I felt like I was so much more open to meeting the right person because I wasn't using gender as an obstacle anymore.

Why do you think bisexuals get such a bad rep?
I hate the word bisexual. It makes me think of frat parties and drunk girls making out with their friends for attention. I get a lot of that attention being a lesbian and it's really offensive, because my relationship is really dignified and I want people to see it that way — as a legitimate relationship, not a joke. I think because of the experimentation in college, people tend to think being a lesbian is a phase or it's a fantasy. It's not something you pursue and develop into a long-term, meaningful relationship and a family, which is what I intend to do.

Is there a word for your sexual orientation that you identify with?
No. I haven't come up with it yet. I never really sat down and thought about it because it doesn't matter to me. I know who I am without attaching a label to it. I also think sexuality is very fluid, so there would need to be a scale of words to express that.

Do you think sexuality is fluid for both men and women?
I think it's fluid for everyone, but I think it's especially difficult for men to be bisexual or gay. I think that gay men suffer a lot more abuse. Walking down the street, I don't fear for my safety, so much as my dignity. Gay or bisexual men have to fear for their safety; gay or bisexual women fear for their dignity.

So what do you expect from your relationship in the future?
Our relationship is fucking fantastic. I know a lot of people say they're married to their best friend, but it's really like that for us. Every night is a sleepover, we have the best time, we love the same things, it doesn't matter how shitty my day was, seeing her when I come home makes everything better and the sex is fucking fantastic. I think the next stage for us is budgeting for children. We want a house, a yard, we want it all.

How are you going to go about having children?
My conscience says I should adopt. I know there are a lot of children who need homes. But everybody wants to have their own children. And really — who wouldn't want these genes? [gesturing to Charlie]

So, sperm bank?
I want the father to be around. If my kids want to know who their dad is, I don't want them to feel like they have to search to find him. I think it's really important for that man to be available to them. I also want our kids to be exposed to men in their lives — I want them to have a balanced upbringing.

Commentarium (38 Comments)

Apr 20 11 - 11:29pm

Jen, really? Le sad

Apr 21 11 - 12:05am

It just kept getting worse and worse!

Apr 21 11 - 12:04am

The couple was awesome. I want to invite them over for dinner. Jen - your life will begin when you ditch that guy.

Apr 21 11 - 1:43pm

i'm in the exact same position and i'm just starting to realize that

Apr 21 11 - 1:01am

Hey, Charlie, who's a chick right?, does she remind anyone else of Pat from It's Pat! from Saturday Night Live? Boy,sure am dating myself on that one.

Apr 27 11 - 3:40am

I thought the exact same thing!

Apr 21 11 - 1:02am

Jen - move onwards and upwards, dude. The sooner the better.

Apr 21 11 - 3:32am

I beg you, Hooksexup... I beg! Please feature cities other than New York, Montreal and Atlanta. Surely it's in your budget to make a trip over the state line. Hoboken is just on the other side.

Apr 21 11 - 11:32am

It's the stories that are important, not the cities. If it bothers you so much, why not submit an application to do one yourself?

Apr 21 11 - 8:01am

These people are all kind of awesome. I mean, Jen is sad, and headed for romantic disaster, but she seems like a nice person. And the couple! They're like a billboard for gay marriage.

Apr 21 11 - 8:15am

lol'd at Iram's threesome story

Apr 21 11 - 10:40am

I know Mo! How weird!

Apr 21 11 - 10:40am

Mo looks exactly like the husband of someone I know. Who is also named Mo.

Mind? Blown.

Otherwise, JEN. Holy crap. Just back away.

Apr 21 11 - 11:57am

"No, she's not a cool girl. You can quote me on that." That's a FANTASTIC putdown, way more scathing than if he'd called her a bunch of names.

Apr 21 11 - 12:04pm

I loved Jen! I've certainly been in a shitty situation like that and hung out waiting for someone who refused to come around. It takes guts to admit that, especially to the internet! Jen, you seem super lovely and deserve someone who knows that and wants to be with you, no caveats involved. I got your back girl!

Apr 21 11 - 12:24pm

Reading Jen's interview makes me feel like I should call every girl I ever strung along and apologize.

Also, Charlie and Michelle, best couple ever. Even though I thought Charlie was a dude at first.

Apr 21 11 - 3:30pm


Apr 21 11 - 3:30pm

ditto on the first part, not the second part btw.

Apr 21 11 - 12:50pm

Such an awesome couple, Id be down to chill with them. Also Irams a babe! Id be down to chill with him too.

Apr 21 11 - 1:55pm

I thought Charlie was a dude at first too. She and Michelle make a cute couple. Michelle is hot!

Apr 21 11 - 2:03pm

I <3 Iram!

Apr 22 11 - 11:46am

Is it me or is Jen hopeless and delusional...and if she thinks that he is using protection with everyone else, I want the name of her dealer because she's smoking some really good shit!

May 01 11 - 4:04am

Nail-Head. that's all I got.

Apr 22 11 - 11:46am

Mo seems sexy to me...actually all the guys do...I like Mo's story. That's fucking hot!!!!

Apr 22 11 - 11:47am

Michelle and Charlie seem cool too...

Apr 22 11 - 12:22pm

Charlie and Michelle ftw!

Apr 22 11 - 2:45pm

Thank you for not interviewing two pages' worth of 22 year-old hipsters trying to figure their shit out. Thank you.

Apr 22 11 - 3:04pm

Michelle is so fucking smart. That's exactly how I feel about sexuality.

Apr 22 11 - 7:32pm

I don't believe Mo's "story" for a second.

Apr 26 11 - 2:41pm
jeff r.

Of course you don't. Because it actually happens believe it or not--but would never to someone like you...cynical hater.

Apr 27 11 - 1:42pm

Cynical, yes. Hater? No, I actually thought it was a good story, if unlikely. Good for him if it did happen.

Apr 23 11 - 4:03pm

Loved the lesbian couple. Best one in a while. Except poor Jen, kinda sad

Apr 26 11 - 2:41pm
jeff r.

yeah, what's up with Jen?

Apr 23 11 - 5:44pm

Iram is gorgeous. Please call me!

Apr 24 11 - 12:00pm

Iram looks like a beaver actually..

Apr 27 11 - 2:54am

Dear Jen

I have also been in a similar situation.

I have learnt and observed that how you are treated is a reflection of how you allow someone to treat you. If you are ok with this situation - then I suppose it's all good (and maybe you really are happy with it, it's just easy for an observer to pick out vulnerabilities of a situation like this when reading it off the internet) but if you want more, then bite the bullet and talk to him about it, being ready for the possiblity of walking away if he is not ready for a relationship. You are better than a fallback option. He'll either see it too, or let you go (unless he's a real dick and keep stringing you along) but either way it's a start in a better direction.

May 01 11 - 3:06pm

Mo's story was hot! Can't believe the whole sex in an office thing actually happens.

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