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Nell, 21

How's the D.C. dating scene?
I think it's easy. I could find a dude if I wanted to. But I just got out of a relationship.

Are you enjoying being single?
I want to give myself some space, because I know once I get into a relationship again, it will consume me. I'm really, really happy being on my own again right now. Because when I was in the relationship I was in a very needy space, where I needed him to do things for me and I stopped being as independent as I had been.
No rebounding for you?
I did, hard, with an ex-coworker. We were friends with benefits for a long time and now we're still friends. There was no pressure, though. It was nice.

Have any other good things come out of the breakup?
I got together with this dude I'd liked for two years. He came up to me a few months after the breakup and said "I've always been into you, but I never told you because of your relationship." We fooled around for a while and neither of us were looking for anything more. That was kind of cool because I had no idea he also felt that way.

What type of guys do you like?
I like manly men. I like dudes with a belly and worker attitude, guys who can fix my taillights and take charge. And a good sense of humor. But mostly confidence and the belly.

Where do you meet men?
Work. I've been waiting tables since I was eighteen. And friends of friends. 

Is the restaurant industry debauched?
When I go to a restaurant and there are a lot of young people working there, I always wonder how many of these people are fucking. Because they are. Trust me, they are.

At the workplace?
Sometimes! Maybe. Usually it's outside, like sneaking in the alley or into the bathroom or something. It's very hush hush because it's fun to sneak around. That's what was cool about that rebound guy. He was my manager, so we couldn't tell anybody. And then his brother's a manager too and we kind of fooled around one time — but that's my secret. 

Am I not allowed to include it?
No, because, what if he found it? Well... okay. If it gets me in trouble, it gets me in trouble. He's not really the internet type.


Aaron, 24

What's your best sexual experience of all time?
One time, a couple of years ago, I was extremely intoxicated and I met this girl off of Myspace. We'd been seeing each other for a couple of weeks. And the oral part was the best part, because that was the first time my balls had been sucked. At that time I was really into music, and during our sex I just started rapping out of nowhere. It was sort of embarrassing. I'm usually a trash talker, but for me to just start rapping out of nowhere...

Did she appreciate it?
She wondered if she was boring me.

Are you seeing someone right now?
Yes, I am.

How is it?
We clicked really well. She really likes it when I'm rough.

But what does rough mean?
I've actually knocked periods off their course. I really have.

That's called pregnancy, though.
But it's not. Really, it wasn't. Well... it might be. Maybe she was hiding something from me, but I doubt it.

That happened with the woman you're with now?
No. Sometimes it's hard for me to get sexual with her. I guess I've changed a lot when it comes to sex. I like stimulating a woman's mind. And I like the same treatment as well. But it's not what's on my mind the most right now.

Because you're happy with her in other ways.
I really am. That's what counts in my head. I've shown her some sexual attention, but to keep her interested in me. Because I really like her.


Sarah, 22

Does working in a tattoo parlor mean you get hit on a lot?
Yeah, all the time. I wear an engagement ring on my finger to get them to go away. It's not usually the most desirable people who hit on me. 

Who is desirable?
Someone with a job, with some sort of ambition. I work six days a week. I wouldn't be compatible with anyone who wasn't as motivated or didn't work as hard. I like to go out and tie one on every once in a while, but I wouldn't be able to date a guy who's all about getting messed up all the time. It isn't cool. My last relationship ended due to alcohol abuse, so I try to steer clear of that. And I need open-mindedness, because I have a lot of tattoos. 

Do you run into a lot of stereotypes because of your tattoos?
Yeah, a lot of guys will treat me like I'm easier. As a result, I think I've become a little more of a prude myself. I don't do the one-night stands like I used to. I don't want to feed into that stereotype. I've actually been abstinent for a long time now. At my age, no one wants to take you out on a real date anymore. They want to go get drunk with you and have sex. I'd rather go see a band — D.C. has a great music scene. And we can try a new restaurant, because I'm a foodie. But I hate dates that lack substance and I've been turning down a lot of propositions.

Do you miss your wilder days?
Sometimes I'll have a night out that reminds me of those crazier days, but in the morning I'm always glad I am the way I am now. There's less hassle and less worrying. Especially with STDs. And my job makes me sort of a germaphobe.

Do you have a fantasy of what your first time after abstinence will be like?
Rough. Some visible bruises the next morning. Rough and slightly desperate. One of the most important things for me in my sex life is that I think sex is funny. You should be able to laugh about it. I like joking and laughing and having a good time during sex and I don't think it should be taken super-seriously. I also think it's really important to have respect for your partner. Whether it's a booty call or whatever — you're sharing that experience and you have to have respect for them as your partner. To be part of my sex life, you have to be my buddy. You're inside of me. We've got to be on the same page as far as respect goes. The egos aren't necessary. In the end you're both naked in bed together and you'll see all your flaws anyway.

Comments ( 25 )

Mar 03 11 at 3:20 am

Lacy and Sarah were totally great! Go tattoo parlor girls!

Mar 03 11 at 6:19 am

Sarah is a really cool chick. Her honesty with herself and about the world at large is exceptionally refreshing. She will make someone very happy.

Mar 03 11 at 10:40 am

Why, why, why can you not interview just one attractive woman????Why are they always fat alterna-hipster chicks????

Mar 03 11 at 11:06 am

ummmm, Lacy???

Mar 03 11 at 2:03 pm

No shit. Lacy was mad hot.

Mar 03 11 at 3:21 pm

Agree. I didn't find any of them very attractive except for Lacy, but her nose piercing is just ugly.

Mar 03 11 at 4:08 pm

There was only one good-looking guy, too. Anyhow, the attractive people on Talking with Strangers tend to be boring.

Mar 03 11 at 4:12 pm

I've read a lot of these and it is amazing how the 22-year-old hotties are almost always seriously dull compared to the weathered 30-year-olds.

Mar 03 11 at 11:13 am

I love Alex! It's so cute that he loves sundresses - a guy should appreciate those kind of things.

Mar 03 11 at 10:29 pm

Who doesn't love sundresses? I know I do :)

Mar 03 11 at 11:16 am

I lived in DC for over 3 years and none of these people sound like that actually live in the DC I know. Also I was just there and the scene I lived in stayed the same.... Meaning... That I think these people are not representative. Go back to DC and try again, maybe some of us who work in the international community, or someone who is in the gay community... Try again... And do NOT give DC a bad name because it's awesome!!!

Mar 03 11 at 3:34 pm

Completely agree. I graduated from GW last year and these people are not a wide representative of DC dating life.

And is it just me, but does Nell look so much older than 21?

Mar 03 11 at 11:19 am

Someone should tell Lacy and Nell: The lip and nose rings? Not attractive on anyone, including the two of you.

Mar 03 11 at 12:43 pm

Wow...Alex seemed like a douche. Maybe this sort of shtick is charismatic to some women, but blech.

Mar 03 11 at 4:02 pm
Edward SF

Alex has a killer profile. Grrrrr.......

Mar 03 11 at 4:31 pm

I think Kristen is cute as hell! I'd date her

Mar 03 11 at 7:58 pm

I love that Alex can appreciate a girl's outfits, but he sounds like an insecure dick in this interview.

Mar 04 11 at 1:46 pm

Right?! Maybe he was being ironic.
No, just a dick.

Mar 04 11 at 12:40 am

Ok... as far as the photos go... keep in mind all of these interviews began with a random person walking into a place of business and asking someone if they wanted to talk about sex... no one's looking their best mid busy day at work... unless you're a fashion model haha

Otherwise I'm really flattered to be on this... negative or positive input I appreciate it folks!

Mar 04 11 at 9:22 am

"I love the guys who will spit the game"

Um, WTF does this mean?

Mar 04 11 at 7:30 pm

Probably something like being good at charming, bantering, flirtation, etc. At least, that's what "spit some game" means in my neck of the woods.

Mar 04 11 at 9:09 pm

I LOVE LACY!! Shit, I want a guy to go get me a sandwich too :)

Mar 05 11 at 3:04 pm

Sarah is the bomb-hottie. I Like that quiet confidence...and great eyes. And for someone so young to be that wise. Oh yeah, and redheads kill!

Mar 10 11 at 12:23 pm

Whats wrong with a C.B. radio???

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