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The 10 Best Things About Gay Sex You Don't Find in Straight Sex

"Women...are just softer."


It's a joyous day in the world of gay Americans. Today, the Justice Department plans to announce they will recognize same-sex marriages to the greatest extent of the law, even in the 34 states where same-sex marriage isn't legal. And it looks like the NFL will finally get its first openly gay player. So what better day to celebrate the other triumphs of same-sex couples, namely their completely amazing and satisfying sex lives? Leave it to the hive mind Reddit to call upon the resident bisexuals to reveal exactly what's so hot, fulfilling, and sexy about gay sex that you simply can't find in your regular old run-of-the-mill PIV.

1. Women are basically human pillows.

2. There's way more emphasis on the butt.

3. Lesbians don't deal with stubble.


4. Unless you like a scratchy face.

5. It's all about the prostate.

6. What's that pregnancy scare? Yeah, that's nonexistent in gay sex.

6. Gay men don't need much of a warm up period.

7. Women can last longer. Sexual refractory period? Never heard of it.

8. You're getting a blowjob from someone who gets blowjobs. Think about it.

9. Four boobs are better than two.

10. With their body comes a reassuring sense of familiarity. Some may call it "home."

Image via Flickr.


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