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One-third of German students would consider prostitution to pay for school

So, as it turns out, if you’re in Berlin, seeking the company of a prostitute (which is fully legal in Germany) and he or she tells you "I'm only doing this to pay for school," they may be telling the truth. A third of students in Berlin say they'd consider sex work as a means of financing their education, and four percent said they'd already done it.

Although it's still unlikely that you'll run into that one stripper who's actually working her way through med school, this study is a great find. With the average student debt in the United States at $24,000 at graduation, and student loans currently ineligible for dismissal under bankruptcy, does this phenomenon really still seem so ridiculous?

Yes, of course, prostitution has its dark side, I'm not debating that. But it’s also a fact of human existence — go to Craigslist and check out "casual encounters" for a quick sampling. Would you consider prostitution if you lived in a country where it was legal and had a system set up to govern it? If it meant you could skip the library job and graduate debt free? I would, if I thought I’d get any customers.  

Commentarium (18 Comments)

May 20 11 - 2:17am

I would say that this is a new low for the Catholic church, but I guess it's not really even close.

May 20 11 - 10:00am

Why do they still have ANY authority or respect?

May 20 11 - 12:49pm

This is really weak... They must've spent all their money on litigation, because apparently they have no resources left for P.R.

@KS: This is the same old low, a throwback to the days of exterminating non-christians (i.e. all natives/africans/polenesians that balked at conversion). The Church has been pulling this calibre of B.S. for hundreds of years, it's just that newsn traveled much more slowly in the past.
@ Joe: They don't...

May 20 11 - 1:32pm

I'd definitely agree that teenage guys, for the most part, are gunna masturbate regardless. But girls are so deeply shamed and mystified about their genitals, so i think a masturbation movement of sorts seems like it can't possibly hurt.

May 20 11 - 5:20pm

that's true... a lot of girls have very little idea of what goes on inside them.the movie teeth was about exactly this,although it was a satire, it hit the hail on the head.Des Bishop has a lot to say on female masturbation and although it caused an awkward evenings viewing for my parents and I, he made a good point.people have to get rid of the stigma that is female masturbation

May 20 11 - 6:46pm

Hooray for Gov. Walker. Look, if you believe in a God, then homosexuality is wrong. If you don't believe in a God, then homosexuality is proof of natural selection; you can't breed and therefore are an abherration.

May 21 11 - 3:22pm

Heterosexuals who don't want to have a child are also aberrations against nature. There should be laws against such abominations. They're not normal people, therefore they don't deserve the rights of regular people. Really they all just belong in prison. Just like priests. Who also don't have children.

May 23 11 - 11:39am

"if you believe in a God, then homosexuality is wrong" .... I don't know what God you're referring to, but it isn't mine. Please don't presume to think you know everything about all religions, or really anything about theology at all. Because you obviously don't.

Also, one could argue that having an autoimmune disease such as type 1 diabetes or M.S. is also a form of "natural selection". You seem to also forget the thousands of (hetero) people who suffer with fertility issues every year. Aberrations, by your count, yes? Does this mean we should treat them like second-class citizens, or anything less than any other human being? If you can possibly answer yes, you clearly have a very twisted take on humanity, natural rights and compassion.

May 23 11 - 2:05pm

Homosexuality may have a very positive effect on natural selection. Paternity can be in doubt, but maternity is always established, so children with a childless, homosexual maternal uncle or aunt can benefit from having additional resources. I.e., a gay man or woman may not pass on genes directly, but can through a hetero sibling, especially a sister.

Sep 24 11 - 1:11pm

Your understanding of natural selection is obviously as flawed as your understanding of theology. "... homosexuality is proof of natural selection; you can't breed and therefore are an abherration." if anything the opposite is true, if being gay was something that could be 'weeded' from a population purely by reproducing it would have already happened.

May 21 11 - 8:59am

nuh-uh watches gay porn, has bad thoughts in the shower and let me rawdog him in a mens room at he airport. He's not gay though.

May 21 11 - 12:29pm

Yeah, that must be it, PMO. Everybody who is straight is really a closeted gay, right? That's the kind of incoherent response I would expect from somebody whose first time was with their father. Good luck with the therapy.

May 21 11 - 8:22pm
So Lewshun

So maybe the hippies were indeed responsible for all these things. How does blaming them now help to solve these problems?

May 23 11 - 3:42pm

You wait until now to remind us it's Masturbation Month? I am going to wear myself out catching up!

May 23 11 - 7:31pm

Your comment about doing some prostitution if you thought you'd get any customers makes me wonder if there are totally unsuccessful prostitutes. Like: "Hey man, want to party?" John: "Uh, noooooo...." (Repeat throughout the night.)


May 24 11 - 11:35am

Well, we didn't manage to bring down any governments or stop war; it's nice to think we could at least crush the Catholic church. All that acid and all those boring be-ins weren't in vain after all.

May 25 11 - 3:01pm

I wonder if AMERICAN APPAREL was present back in those days...would hippies boycott it for lack of authenticity?

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