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Seventy percent of women use birth-control, regardless of religion

A recent study of 7,000 women in the USA has shown that a woman's religious beliefs don't have any effect on her use of contraception. About seventy percent of women use some form of birth-control — regardless of whether they’re Catholic (a religion that prohibits condom use) or atheist hippies.

The stat undermines a lot of very public anti-condom, pro-abstinence talk you hear in this country — since the pundits attack family planning in public, but the numbers suggest they use condoms just like rest of us. Which makes sense, since having eleven children is kind of a detriment to a career in politics or conservative news broadcasting.

Only two percent of women rely on “natural family planning,” which the source article doesn’t really go into, but I’d imagine it’s mostly the good old “pull-out method” with a good dose of anal sex and frottage thrown in for variety. And that it leads to a lot of babies.

Commentarium (8 Comments)

Apr 15 11 - 1:17am

i would like to see the demographic of the women surveyed

Apr 15 11 - 8:42am

you know it's bad when going into the military and going into prison both have the same likelihood of getting you raped.

Apr 15 11 - 9:57am

Condoms + 11 year old me = water bombs!

Would have been so much fun too....

Apr 15 11 - 2:26pm

In response to the staring at strangers......

I find whispering in his ear about how sexy she is and would he like to watch me seduce her, brings His attention right back to me.....


Apr 21 11 - 5:52pm

You really think that natural family planning consists of "...the good old “pull-out method” with a good dose of anal sex and frottage thrown in for variety." You are truly ignorant for an author on a site mainly about sex. Do some actual research before you spout a worthless opinion.
Still liberal,

Apr 22 11 - 11:06pm

Agree with the above poster - we use no condoms or hormonal birth control, and yes we do use "the good old pull-out method" but we also don't do penetration anytime close to ovulation. There's a lot more that goes into it than "pull and pray"

Apr 24 11 - 1:41am

Agree with Duh and Betsy. Also, molly please stop advertising, it's annoying.

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