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Catholic Church

Catholic Church thinks federal birth control mandate is totally uncool

Catholic Church thinks federal birth control mandate is totally uncool

In a move that will surprise a grand total of zero persons, the Catholic Church is protesting a new White House mandate requiring employers to…
Researchers say the Catholic Church should offer nuns the Pill

Researchers say the Catholic Church should offer nuns the Pill

Two Australian researchers, in an article published in medical journal The Lancet, suggest that the Catholic Church make oral contraception pills…
Catholic Church-owned publishing house accused of peddling smut

Catholic Church-owned publishing house accused of peddling smut

To borrow a simile from the 1999 Adam Sandler classic Big Daddy, when it comes to matters of sex, the Catholic Church and hypocrisy go together…
The Pope is on Twitter

The Pope is on Twitter

No longer content with just poking you on Facebook, Pope Benedict has officially entered the world of Twitter. You might've missed the tweet…
This Week in Sex: Condoms vs. Jesus

This Week in Sex: Condoms vs. Jesus

Birth control for Catholics and kids, and more from the world of sex.
Links: PETA's new naked woman ad enrages the Catholic Church

Links: PETA's new naked woman ad enrages the Catholic Church

Wow, this story has a veritable panoply of guaranteed-to-outrage elements: PETA, nutty enough on their own, made some more naked-woman…
Vatican officially bans confession via the new app for iPhone

Vatican officially bans confession via the new app for iPhone

Bad news for all you tech-savvy Catholics — you'll have to suffer with the guilt of your sins until you can get yourself in front of a…
Watch: Catholic TV anchor explains why America needs a Christian dictator

Watch: Catholic TV anchor explains why America needs a Christian dictator

At this point it's not really a surprise, per se, that a video exists of a Real Catholic TV anchor pinning America's only political hope…
Vatican letter warned against reporting child abuse to the police

Vatican letter warned against reporting child abuse to the police

In a development that the Catholic Church is quickly characterizing as totally not a big deal at all, the AP has obtained a 1997 Vatican letter…
Pope Benedict says condom use is OK for male prostitutes

Pope Benedict says condom use is OK for male prostitutes

Here's one I never saw coming: Pope Benedict, who wants to roll civilization back to the Dark Ages (and possibly beyond), has just given…