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getting around

I've got that sinking feeling. Tonight, I'm in way over my head...

"Please welcome to the stage, Gimp the Pimp!"

Shit! There's no more time to plan. Not that I'd come up with anything better than what I'd already seen tonight. The mental gymnastics I'd done from my seat in the audience during those intervening moments between signing up and right the fuck now amounted to nothing but the mind's equivalent of a doodle on a napkin. Here goes nothing...

I'm greeted from the stage by an uncomfortable silence I'm used to, but tonight it's justified. I'm a competitor in the Toronto Air Sex Championship, a Japanese invention commonly described as like air guitar, but fucking, and I have spastic diplegia cerebral palsy — spastic being the operative word. The audience clearly doesn't think I have a shot in hell; even the DJ hesitates before playing my backing track (Nine Inch Nails' "Closer"). I have to cue her twice.

At this point, I agree with their assessment, especially since air sex seems more like synchronized swimming than air guitar, what with the judging, the in-time thrusting to music, and the elaborate costumes. Becoming Toronto's Air Sex Champion and winning a berth at the World Championships in Austin, Texas, is serious business. The competition can only be described — you'll forgive me — as stiff.

Take the first performer, Travis, who came out to Rammstein's Du Hast wearing a long-sleeved teal and fuschia floral shirt, too small to cover his midriff, acid-washed hot pants, and a bandana across his long, brown mop. The whole ensemble looked like it was jacked from his little sister's closet, but I was duly impressed when he whipped a kielbasa out of his fly and lit it on fire. It was the first act and already we had the fire marshal on stand-by. For the grand finale, he then pulled off what Marilyn Manson supposedly removed his ribs for, biting off his sausage tip and spitting into the audience.

In truth, I wasn't supposed to be on-stage at all. I had come as a sociological observer, but when the Jesus-look-a-like emcee made an open call to the audience, the thumbscrew of peer pressure wrenched in the participatory direction when the woman sitting next to me leaned over:

"You going to do it, or what?"

"Oh no, maybe next time. I'll just watch tonight."

I guess my waffling came down to the disability. If I was going to do it at all, I'd want to actually be good. When you're disabled, many people will give you heaps of praise just for showing up. That was the last thing I needed. 

Still, the woman beside me persisted, as if she didn't hear me the first time. "So you going to do it, or what?"

What was I afraid of? I'm a journalist — supposedly intrepid — and an air-sex competitor with a disability would be the closest most people would ever get to a disabled person fucking, unless you count the films of Bridget the Midget. I could bring awareness to the table, win or lose. Plus, sexual opportunities are few for most people with disabilities, but Iron Maiden got a record deal thanks to air guitar, so maybe I'd get laid thanks to air sex.

Commentarium (15 Comments)

Jul 29 09 - 4:39pm

So dude, did you win? Get a standing ovation, at the least? Did you get laid? Don't just end the story like that!

Jul 29 09 - 4:50pm

Agreed with ALR: good build-up, insufficient climax.

Jul 29 09 - 5:27pm

One of Hooksexup's better articles as of late. Dude, if i ever see you around here in toronto, i'm totally going to give you a high five. Lol @ 'Gimp the Pimp'

Jul 29 09 - 8:16pm

I would have paid money to see Gimp the Pimp work it - great story! You're truly one brave dude.

Jul 29 09 - 9:46pm

No man, but I got that standing ovation and a few high fives, but the juice was still worth the squeeze and I'd do it again next year.

Jul 29 09 - 10:04pm

Oh man you are my F*#$ing hero, in more ways than one!

Jul 29 09 - 10:49pm

Awesome article. Made me a little hard.

Jul 30 09 - 11:54am

That's insane, when I was getting texts on my cell a while back I thought it was porn spam hitting cell phones but it was you. That is some crazyness, I know I wouldn't get up on stage.

Jul 30 09 - 8:31am

Nice work, next time take video so we can see the performance. Nice writing.

Jul 30 09 - 2:48pm

"Unfortunately, my Night at the Roxbury-esque head bob probably looks more like a rooftop pigeon."
You are such a witty and talented writer Aaron. Congrats on the piece.. Definately hit the spot!

Jul 30 09 - 3:14pm

You're a phenomenal writer! Well written, very creative and shocking references.
And such courage to get up on stage.

Jul 30 09 - 3:23pm

Awesome stuff Aaron. If only I could say truthfully I hadn't envisioned this exact scenario before...Semi's Talent Night wouldn't have known what hit it.

Jul 30 09 - 3:37pm

Always a pleasure to read your articles. :) I'm glad you included a female character. I was wondering if any girls had the Hooksexup to go up. So she was the only one who went up alone? The others were what - dry humping their partners?

Um, you probably already located this, but where did this happen again? This takes way more guts if you did it in your hometown.

Jul 31 09 - 12:47pm

i'm guessing the "final round" of an air sex competition would be a circle jerk?

Jul 31 09 - 9:40pm

Great article man, I can definetly picture the whole act! Your words penetrate my mind and paint a picture I can't get rid of. Can't wait to see/hear about next year, hope you're already planning.

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