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Mario, 21

What were you just listening to?
Ramshackle Glory. The song has a long name: "Vampires Are For Poseurs (Song For The Living)."

Who's Ramshackle Glory?
It's this guitarist-singer guy named Pat the Bunny — I'm not sure what his real name is — but he was in Wingnut Dishwashers Union and Johnny Hobo and the Freight Trains. And he got into some shit, and now he started some weird folk band.

Listen: Ramshackle Glory,"Vampires Are For Poseurs (Song For The Living)"


Do you usually listen to folk music?
Yeah, generally. I'm not really into the old, folky kind of stuff — I'm more into folk-punk, like Andrew Jackson Jihad.

If you were ever making a mixtape for a woman, what would you put on it?
Who makes mixtapes anymore?

People do!
I don't know. I'd probably put Tom Waits on it, I guess. There are so many Tom Waits songs.

But he sounds drunk in all of them — I don't know if I would get really aroused listening to Tom Waits.
Well, then, you're not someone I'd want to give a mixtape to!

If you were to start a band, what kind of band would you start?
Well, I would probably want to start a band that sounds exactly like Isis, and be Isis, but they're already a band so that can't happen. The only thing I would do differently is not break up. And I probably would have gotten rid of that last album — I didn't like it very much.

What was the last song that made you cry?
Cry? I don't know. That's a good question.

Wow. You don't want to give girls mixtapes, you don't cry...
I'm just a machine.

You have a heart of stone. Who's an artist you would recommend to others?
Six Organs of Admittance. It's one guy — Ben Chasney — and it's just this weird kind of spacey, drone-y folk music. On his newest album, Asleep On The Floodplain, there's one song called "S/word And Leviathan" and it goes on for like fourteen minutes of just guitar and talking in the background. 

Listen: Six Organs of Admittance, "Light of Light"


So are you into that post-rock, like Godspeed You! Black Emperor, and stuff like that?
I mean, I don't really like Godspeed, but yeah.

Would that be an exciting concert?
I saw Isis, which is post-metal I guess, but a lot of people were like, "This was such a music-snob crowd." Everyone was just standing there like this [folds arms] and going like this [bobs head]. But I enjoy it. It's fun. And there are usually like, intense variations on the regular songs, so it's not as though they're regurgitating what's on the album. So it might not be a physically enjoyable show — they're not jumping up and down and stuff like that — but they're just doing new things you haven't heard before.

Do you have any dancey music on your iTunes?
Yeah, there's this Swedish band called Movits! that are really fun to dance to.

They have that song "Sammy Davis, Jr.," right?
Yeah. And the album's called "Ut ur min skalle," which means "Out of My Head." It's kind of like Black Eyed Peas if they didn't suck and they were Swedish. 

A Swedish Will. I. Am. is what I'm looking for.
Yeah, and they all look really Swedish too. They all look like they could be scientists.

Comments ( 12 )

Oct 28 11 at 3:04 am

Well Emily sounds adorable.

Oct 28 11 at 10:23 am

She definitely is adorable. Darn gorgeous too.

Oct 28 11 at 11:58 am

Looks and sounds adorable.

Oct 28 11 at 4:29 am

I just don't understand The Weeknd hype.

Oct 28 11 at 4:39 am
Tom Jeans

This music sounds like shit. Next!

Oct 28 11 at 2:47 pm

Something tells me Mario is the kind of dude who spends way too much time on 4chan and doesn't get invited to parties

Oct 28 11 at 4:27 pm

I don't know what you are talking about Mr. KC. If he is or were gay I would gobble him up :o

Oct 28 11 at 11:18 pm

" I sort of wish Jay-Z weren't on the album at all. If I could skip through all his parts, I would." This statement is a travesty. Jay-Z carried the album. CARRIED IT. Semi-automatic dealbreaker.

Oct 29 11 at 8:55 am

Haha wow, this is exceedingly awful. Emily in particular is like a cartoon version of a hipster. Thank you Hooksexup for slowly but surely dismantling my desire to move to New York. Every time this feature comes around, I learn a little more about what kinds of people actually live in New York. Funny; the movies made it look so much better. But then I guess they didn't go around exposing the natives as the risible hipster clones they are. Thanks for the reality check.

Oct 29 11 at 10:52 am

And NY heaves a collective sigh of relief.

Oct 29 11 at 7:33 pm

Wow. You're a judgemental prick.

Oct 29 11 at 11:30 am

Do you feel better having let out your righteous indignation? Do you now feel superior, having been so condescending towards a city of MILLIONS of different kinds of people on an internet comments boards? Jeez, no one would want such a critical bitch in their city anyway.

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