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London ice cream parlor to start serving breast milk ice cream

Truthfully, the main reason I would never try this concoction is the price, which is $23 a serving. If I'm going to spend that much cash on ice cream, it will be the sweet, artery-clogging manna that comes from Cold Stone Creamery. But at least now we all have the option of enjoying (or really not enjoying) dessert made from human breast milk. The flavor, soon to be served at the Icecreamist in London's Covent Garden, is called "Baby Gaga" and is made with vanilla and lemon flavors.

Who would volunteer to supply the product for such a thing? Here's what one of the fifteen women to do so had to say:

Hiley works with women who have problems breast-feeding their babies. She said she believes that if adults realized how tasty breast milk actually is, then new mothers would be more willing to breast-feed their own newborns.

"What could be more natural than fresh, free-range mother's milk in an ice cream? And for me it's a recession beater too — what's the harm in using my assets for a bit of extra cash," Hiley said in a statement.

"I tried the product for the first time today — it's very nice, it really melts in the mouth."

I am feeling her on the cash tip, and milk from humans is definitely free-range unless the owner of this shop is involved in the slave trade, but would breast milk actually be considered organic? I feel like we take enough weird shit into our body to sink a small elephant, given all our medicines and plastics and cell-phone rays. All things considered, you can count me out on this innovation.

Comments ( 4 )

Feb 25 11 at 11:56 am

i'm not comfortable with this. i'm also not comfortable with calling this ice cream "free-range." i'm not even sure i like ice cream anymore.

Feb 25 11 at 1:08 pm
A Guy

I'd like to volunteer as a quality inspector for this new product. I will have to go to the source and thoroughly inspect it for size, shape, nipple color, and responsiveness to touch before approving it's contents for distribution. Yeah, it's tough work, but I'm up for it in multiple ways.

Feb 25 11 at 8:24 pm

"free-range"???? Does that mean there's an alternative, breast milk from mothers kept in tiny cramped cages? This just gets weirder (waiting for the video from that company in the old armory in San Fran).

Feb 25 11 at 11:24 pm

I imagine the "free range" status just means she lives in a house with a yard, instead of just an apartment.

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