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Everyone has an answer for the "If you were going to die tomorrow, what would be your last meal be?" question. But let me ask you this: if you were going to be killed by elite U.S. forces, what kind of pornography would you look at? The full details haven't been released yet, but an extensive porn collection was found in Osama bin Laden's hideout by American commandos. The collection was said to be "modern, electronically recorded video and... fairly extensive."

How did the beleaguered terrorists obtain the goods? Unknown. But when a person wants porn, they find a way, damn it, regardless of internet connection, speed, or international manhunts. Enduring proof that when you say everyone looks at porn, you mean everyone. Who wants to take a stab at guessing his fetishes? 

Commentarium (13 Comments)

May 13 11 - 1:31pm

The killer app for mass killers.

May 13 11 - 1:53pm

I knew a guy in the army who cross-trained with some Egyptian soldiers in Germany. Apparently, they would spend their entire paychecks drinking and whoring because when they got back home they couldn't do any of that stuff. I also find it really telling that the last thing the 9/11 assholes did was go to a strip club and piss away their money on escorts. Maybe we can sponsor a "get terrorists laid" program.

May 14 11 - 9:21pm

This gives new life to the saying,
make love, not war.

May 13 11 - 2:13pm

@Joe, absolutely right. Most of these fuckers are so violent due to pent up sexual aggression. The radical islamic culture places such a restraint on contact between men and women that many of these men can barely function until they relocate to western society.

May 18 11 - 11:31pm

Ditto for Catholic priests.

May 13 11 - 3:31pm

@Tim The idea that /anyone/ is violent because of pent-up sexual frustration is absurd. I'd say plenty of sexually frustrated people in the world get by without hurting others.

May 18 11 - 11:32pm

Dude, if I didn't masturbate 3x a day, I'd so go nuclear on your sorry ass. But... I'll just let it pass, because... I just whacked off.

May 14 11 - 8:52am

The best and worst Slashdot comment on this said, "… probably goat porn." I loled.

May 17 11 - 2:40pm
Rick Baird

Would like to donate a lttle money for the people at Slave lake. How?

May 18 11 - 11:33pm
Dick Bared


May 17 11 - 2:42pm
Rick Baird

We here in Ottawa are not being told of any efforts.

May 18 11 - 11:34pm
Dick Bared

I think you've just successfully embarassed the fuck out of all Canadians, now.

Jan 26 12 - 12:38pm
Dick Weed

I thought those guys were real religious. I'm sure that was just capture pron from American devils that they had not had time to burn yet...yea that's the ticket...

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