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Sequoia Middle School parents collectively emitted one sonorous, deafening "WTF" after seeing a racist cartoon in their kids' weekly newsletters. According to the Contra Costa Times, last week's edition of the Northern California middle school's publication — which "normally includes announcements, tidbits about current events, and an occasional cartoon" — featured a depiction of an African-American Peanuts character with a noose around his neck, the words "white pride" scrawled above him.

                                              Image of racist graffiti on a campus mural which was included in a Sequoia Middle School newsletter (

Apparently, the image appeared in the newsletter as the result of a gaff by a substitute secretary with poor Photoshop (and  racism-recognition) skills. Although the image was actually a 2008 photograph of graffiti found on a mural outside the school, the secretary (somehow) mistook it for a charming, "Cathy"-for-the-middle-school-set-esque cartoon, and embedded it into the school newsletter. "We will be making procedural and security changes to prevent such travesties from happening again," Principal Connie Cirimelli wrote in a letter to the school community Sunday. Yeah, that's probably a good idea.

Tags racism

Commentarium (8 Comments)

Dec 21 11 - 3:46am

You should include the picture with an article like this, and please remove the captcha, I can't read that shit as a human being.

Dec 21 11 - 8:21am

Second on actually including a picture if possible, but the CAPTCHA is so much better than having to scroll through spam comments.

Dec 21 11 - 10:48am

Also... If you make an account you dont need to use the Captchas. so.... get an account or get over it?

Dec 21 11 - 11:55am

As far as I can tell, if Hooksexup Dating isn't available in your area, you can't even create a login.

Dec 21 11 - 6:50pm
HipHop Hippo

Also, what if you want an account, without dating? Not everyone is single who uses Hooksexup... surprisingly. :P

Dec 21 11 - 9:40pm

I fall in both of the above...

Dec 22 11 - 4:56am

Good to see the captcha is working for spam...

Jan 06 12 - 2:31am
Kent Wu

I go to this school. The administors are fat racist pigs

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