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Clint McCance is the school board member from Midland, Arkansas who posted on his Facebook that he was incensed that people were wearing purple ribbons to honor those who committed suicide over anti-LGBT bullying. Instead, he said, "The only way im [sic] wearin [sic] it for them is if they all commit suicide." (Seriously, just [sic] all over the place on this one.) He also mentioned that he enjoys it when "fags" get AIDS and die.

Remember, this is a school board member. McCance was incommunicado for a little while after the story broke, but last night he went on Anderson Cooper 360 to discuss his actions.

Part One:

Part Two:

I know that's long, but it's fascinating for the following reasons:

  1. McCance clearly knows he fucked up big time.
  2. He also knows he has to be extremely apologetic, but...
  3. No one wants to believe/admit they are a hateful or bad person, so...
  4. He can't apologize for the real issue, which is not his word choice, but how much he hates gay people.

The strain on his face as he tries to to accomplish all this reminds me of one of Asimov's robots trying to resolve a conflict of the Three Laws. But man, that Anderson's really been on a roll lately, huh?

Comments ( 4 )

I wish I had a miniature Anderson Cooper on my shoulder or in my pocket.

Brotato commented on Oct 29 10 at 1:03 pm

David Truong's self-control and message of compassion in that second video is stunning. That's a man humbled by grief, angry beyond belief, and yet he can still call for compassion for such a bigoted man. His comments about McCance's right to call himself a Christian are spot on.

ed commented on Oct 29 10 at 1:59 pm

how can he say "it was never my intention to hurt"? did he actually understand the words he used on his awful rant? what a phony asshole! i'm not as strong and awesome like those parentes, and i hope he ends up homeless and jobless.

mal commented on Oct 29 10 at 2:26 pm

Picked the wrong words to use? What words would he have used to say what he believes?

MSM commented on Nov 01 10 at 11:44 am

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