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Jullian Assange

Interpol has placed WikiLeaks founder and International Man of Mystery Julian Assange on its most-wanted list. The move is unrelated to his organization's pot-stirring releases of government documents, instead stemming from an ongoing rape investigation in Sweden.

Unless, in a strange twist, the allegations of "rape, sexual molestation, and unlawful coercion" that Sweden's lobbing at Assange are somehow tied to WikiLeaks, in which case his life would officially move into James Bond-villain territory.

Assange has said before that any sexual encounters he might have had with the Swedes involved in the charges were consensual, but it's kind of hard to trust a guy whose whereabouts are unknown, so there's no telling what's what here. Anyway, if you happen see Julian Assange mulling about, be sure to let him know that some people out there want to ask him a few questions. 

Comments ( 7 )

He's like Blofeld crossed with Bin Laden at this point. He must be stopped.

bearman33 commented on Dec 01 10 at 9:35 am

Unfortunately, Wikileaks has had to take over the duty of the press, who now sees itself pandering to the will of government and other idiots who profess to be standing up for the rights of citizens but in reality are only looking out for themselves. Long live WikiLeaks and its founder. Thanks to him, people around the world are now more informed about the shallow nature of all of their governments and leaders.

Twolane commented on Dec 01 10 at 10:11 am

it's bullshit, the two women know each other and didn't know julian was fucking both of them, they got upset when they found out and decided to make his life hard. the case would never have gotten this far except that some swedish prosectors are nazis and want to get at julian.

juandoe commented on Dec 01 10 at 11:38 am

This guy blatantly disregards the privileged secrecy of the powers that be on this planet and suddenly he's wanted for sex crimes? How convenient for those who want him to go away...

Murg commented on Dec 01 10 at 12:14 pm

How convenient, when the first set of leaks endangered US troops and those in Iraq and Afghanistan assisting the troops nothing was done, but this latest leak, now that makes the administration look bad and Assange is now a wanted man.

Hmm. commented on Dec 01 10 at 1:53 pm

Since when does Interpol get involved in a rape case? No, this isn't suspicious at all.

I'm sure it's just a matter of time before we hear that he 'slipped in the bathtub' or 'overdosed.'

FT commented on Dec 01 10 at 1:57 pm

I'm calling it for auto-erotic asphyxiation accident.

thinkywritey commented on Dec 02 10 at 9:50 am

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