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    A few days after WikiLeaks - the international whistleblower site - was in the news for releasing 91,000 Afghan War documents, the internet has responded as only it knows how - with clever, wide-spread parody. #WookieLeaks is a new a Twitter trend, in which users leak "secrets" about everyone's favorite galactic empire. Like most memes, it's silly, clever, and I really wish I'd thought of it:

    wookie leaks tweet

    wookieleaks tweet

    wookieleak tweet

    Wookieleaks tweet

    And the world of the meme comes full circle:

    wookie leaks tweet

    Commentarium (4 Comments)

    Jul 29 10 - 3:05pm


    Jul 29 10 - 3:06pm

    sometimes i wish i were a star wars fan, because it seems like they're always having the best time.

    Jul 29 10 - 3:17pm

    I second that noodles. I don't even know how to react to this...

    Jul 29 10 - 3:45pm

    I just found out that the documents also leaked the names of Afghan citizens helping NATO forces. This makes me happy again.