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Everyone's new favorite softcore-BDSM-erotic-novel-aimed-at-women, Fifty Shades of Grey, was all over the news this week. It was also probably all over the subway, but you didn't notice because women now have stealthy e-books

While some people are perfectly comfortable reading literary classics like K'Wan's Flexin' and Sexin' on the A train, others prefer to keep their preferences a little more discreet. So we asked Hooksexup Dating members: do you own any books you feel sheepish about?

Reassuringly, our open-minded users answered with a resounding "hell no." 83% of you said that your life is an open book, and so are your books. Good for you, you sexy literate heathens. I wish I could say I've read softcore porn in public too, but alas, the most shameful thing I've read lately was The Help

13% of Hooksexup Dating members took the middle road, saying there are just a few things you'd prefer people don't know you read. By this I can only assume you probably mean you're totally on the third book of The Hunger Games.  

And just 4% of you answered that yes, you are embarrassed to read certain things in public because you own some scandalous stuff. Either you went to Catholic school or you are actually cooler than the rest of us. Care to share some suggestions? Without any banned books list round these parts, it's hard to know where the good reading is these days. 

If you want to meet someone to covertly read trashy books with, check out Hooksexup Dating.

Commentarium (3 Comments)

Mar 19 12 - 10:10am

Actually, there is one: "Girlvert" by Oriana Small, aka Ashley Blue, the porn star. Known as an extreme submissive back in the day when Sasha Grey was still in Jr. High, I was curious about her - she both repulsed and aroused me. I lost track of her for years (don't watch THAT much porn), but then saw her book at my local bookstore. It features a drawing of her in her signature pose - practically swallowing her own hand to the wrist to show her deep throat fetish. "Oh yeah, I remember her," I thought, scanned some reviews (pretty good, actually) and picked it up.

The book's not bad. Despite it's graphic nature, it is more sad than erotic. But was I ever tempted to read it openly at Starbuck's? Not so much.

Apr 27 12 - 10:13pm
Tods Bag

For almost five years Gauguin lived in the Peruvian capital of Lima. The experiences he had while living in the city would largely inspire his painting art. At the age of seven Paul Gauguin travelled back to France to live with his grandfather in Orleans.Tods Bag

Jul 05 12 - 4:32am

It's not about embarrassment, more that I prefer privacy. Books are viscerally personal for me. I do 99% of my reading at home, where I can savor it.

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