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We got all Freud on your asses when we asked how your mother influenced your dating life in our latest Hooksexup poll. But even with Mother's Day in recent memory, Mom's influence might not be all it's chalked up to be: 44% answered, "Not so much — we don't really go there." "When I was a girl, my mom told me to only discuss boys with my dad," said one person, sending me into a flashback to my own childhood, when my father told me the opposite. 

22% answered, "None — I look at what she does and try to do the opposite," which is certainly a common approach for plenty of children, adult and otherwise. Still, not everyone on Hooksexup is without filial piety; 33% answered that their romantic outlook owed their mothers "a lot — we've had a bunch of conversations about it." (One added, "My mother is such a hilarious feminist and now, so am I.")

Kudos to the mothers who did a bang-up job raising their little hatchlings and didn't royally screw them up. Whether your parents screwed you up or not, you can find someone who will enjoy your antics here on Hooksexup.

Commentarium (1 Comment)

May 16 12 - 6:15pm

men are just blotters for my mascara.

Now you say something

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