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This week on Hooksexup, we ran an interview with Taylor Kitsch in which he admitted, "I'm the guy at the bar who won't take 'no' for an answer." Over at Hooksexup Dating, we asked you whether you thought that was a good approach.

The results were revealing. 70% of you answered "If you're charming, you can get away with it." Only a meek 25% responded "No — it's better to play it cool." We can't ignore the small group that replied, "Sure — knowing what you want is attractive," but given their small numbers, it's safe to say that unchecked aggression is few people's favorite pickup approach.

Voters in favor of Kitsch's methods went on to comment that even if you're charming (or "charming and damn lucky," as one noted), you should only try "for a specific period of time." But there may be factors more pertinent than charm, luck, or persistence; one Hooksexup Dating subscriber noted that "If you look like Taylor Kitsch, it's doubtful most ladies would say no." Which a) puts us in mind of this Saturday Night Live bit, and b) raises the question of what else Taylor Kitsch could get away with. (Genocide? A place in the Republican party? Scientology?) Those washboard abs and intense eyes could justify a lot.

Those who preferred playing it cool expressed their distaste for "aggro-bros" and said they "...suppose some people can get away with it, but they're more the exception that proves the rule." This minority firmly stands their ground on bowing out gracefully when told "no." They may have less casual sex, but they probably get punched less, too.

For more interesting insights on love, sex, and pop culture, head over to Hooksexup Dating. You'll probably learn something, and you might meet a muscley Canadian while you're at it.

Commentarium (6 Comments)

Mar 08 12 - 11:48pm

The problem with "If you're charming, you can get away with it" is that a lot of guys erroneously think they're charming once they've had a few drinks.

Mar 09 12 - 9:42am

You are so correct.

Mar 09 12 - 4:13pm


Mar 10 12 - 11:32am
King Pellinore


Mar 09 12 - 10:32am

"raises the question of what else Taylor Kitsch could get away with. (Genocide? A place in the Republican party? Scientology?) "

uh, date rape?

Mar 10 12 - 3:03pm

Hooksexup Dating Poll:

You need a basic college-level statistics class. You don't supply n. You don't even have dating available in significant numbers in my city. For all we know your poll is filled with 4 testers in your offices?


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