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Queerty reports that controversial infidelity site Ashley Madison has launched a partner site dedicated to straight men looking to cheat on their female partners with men, appropriately named "Ashley Madison on the Down Low." Under the header "Oral Sex Questions," Ashley Madison explains what it means to receive a blowjob from another man:

You do not need to feel guilty or conflicted about your sexual curiosity. Instead, you should understand that you are heteroflexible and therefore completely normal. Heteroflexible is a term that refers to a person who enjoys occasional sexual activities with members of the same sex but still considers himself straight.

The answer goes on to evoke the ancient Greeks and Romans and their non-binary understanding of sexuality, emphasizing that these desires are normal.

I actually applaud the site for championing the idea that sexuality exists on a spectrum and that very few people are completely homosexual or heterosexual. That said, the term "down low" has traditionally been associated with men who are not "heteroflexible," but who are actually gay and have married women because of discomfort with their sexual orientation.

It's difficult to make a judgment call on a site that only exists to facilitate infidelity. Also, I've seen several interviews with the CEO, and the dude seems like a huge dick. But is it really so bad to assist men in the infidelity and exploration they already want to pursue?

Commentarium (28 Comments)

Apr 14 11 - 2:36pm

They're just making a shiny interface for it. Apparently you've never seen the hookup section of craigslist? Lots of straight dudes looking for other straight dudes to jerk em off or give em a bj

Apr 14 11 - 3:29pm

Yeah, I remember Hooksexup doing a Best of Craigslist on that exact topic.

Apr 14 11 - 3:09pm

I smell an I Did It For Science...

Apr 14 11 - 6:30pm

Hell yes. Make it so, Hooksexup.

Apr 14 11 - 4:10pm

That's a contradiction: "...dedicated to straight men looking to cheat on their female partners with men.." Gay is as gay does. I'm not saying gay is wrong, but don't tell me a guy getting a BJ from another guy is straight.

Apr 14 11 - 4:46pm


Apr 14 11 - 4:52pm
Edward SF

Why is there only gay / straight / bi? There are many many points on the spectrum.

Apr 14 11 - 6:31pm

Half a century later and the Kinsey scale is still a radical idea...

Apr 15 11 - 2:11pm

@edwardsf - Of course there are many points in the spectrum. But the article specifically said straight men which clearly they are not if they are getting head from another guy.

Apr 14 11 - 4:51pm
Edward SF

I think I just discovered my new fav website!

Apr 14 11 - 4:53pm
Jump how high?

I agree with Contra. Homosexual sex is sex between members of the same sex.A blow-job is a form of sexual intercourse. If it's two men then shoe most certainly fits!

Apr 15 11 - 11:37am

So when I use a dildo, I'm plasti-sexual?

Apr 15 11 - 1:38pm

No, that's when you pay for a prostitute with a credit card.

Apr 14 11 - 7:02pm

The point, I think, is this the exact type of crap that effs up society!

Apr 14 11 - 7:49pm

I hate these sites! Since when is it okay to cheat? For the one being cheated on, it is the worst thing you can find out about your significant other. I will have trust issues for the rest of my life because I was cheated on...and the worst part was that it was through a craigslist hookup!

Apr 15 11 - 8:57am

I don't think it's the worst thing. I think people are socialized to act like it is, But there are many far worse things. Would you rather have a cheating spouse or a physically abusive one? What about a junkie? Con-artist? Werewolf? See, there are many worse things than cheating.

Ok, honey, now that you've pondered that, I have a confession... I've been hooking up on

Apr 14 11 - 9:03pm
@k. bourdet

Why do you find it "difficult to make a judgment call on a site that only exists to facilitate infidelity"?

Apr 15 11 - 12:40am

Should actually be called "closeted men seeking bjs"

Apr 15 11 - 8:59am

Or "not even closeted men". I know a gay guy* who is not closeted at all, but when he hooks up he pretends to be straight and married. He says he gets a lot more responses to his ad that way.

*yeah, you all think it's me....

Apr 17 11 - 5:42pm

There are SO many men who are heteroflexible, more so than any of them will admit. I can't even count how many of my straight-identifed male friends have not only blown or gotten blown by a guy, but also fucked or been fucked by one. And yet they call themselves straight. It's not all that different from women who will sleep with another woman just to try it out/for the sex, but has romantic relationships only with men. The spectrum for sexuality is a lot wider than it seems. That said, it kind of sucks that we're pushing people to do things dishonestly. One day...

Apr 24 11 - 6:29pm

This is by far Homosexual sex!!! Man on Man Gay!

Apr 25 11 - 6:50pm
mr. goodhead

love it!!!!! where do i sign up?

May 26 11 - 6:40pm

I haven't seen that Topic yet. what is the Subject that it is under on craig's list?

Nov 04 11 - 12:07pm

I did join that website. I'm "straight" but obviously I'm a closeted bi-sexual. I'm also married. But it is cheating and I haven't gone out to meet anyone. Think I will just keep the fantasies and cancel my free membership...Wife deserves better!

Nov 20 11 - 11:10am

Wow, that's a really clever way of thikinng about it!

Nov 20 11 - 12:44pm

ME137i qajyambglidp

Nov 24 11 - 1:46pm

THWZp9 yspcgsyadheu

Aug 14 12 - 7:56am

Why the labels? None are needed in science. Sex is sex is sex for men that is. It is a little different for women but no man other than one with deep rooted cultural sexual hangups would refuse oral sex from another male. It is simply pleasure and no label needed. It has nothing to do with sexual orientation at all. Sexual orientation is when two people fall in love and or desire each other for more than just sex.

This is just sex and one one recieving is not displaying any sort of sexual orientation. He displays a need of the moment that needs to be satisfied. Everyone knows men do not have the gag reflex women have thus; no one can give better oral sex to a man than another man.

Every Friday after work, I go to the home of a male who prefers only other men and he is clean and tends to wait for only me and I take my pants down and he gives me about four hours of total pleasure. I just sit back and enjoy the orgasms and have about four of them before I leave. I zip up and go home and come back the next week for more pleasure. He likes doing it for me and it feels great getting it done but I am attracted to women.