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High school teacher on leave after porn past surfaces


Public high school teacher starred in porno movies released last year:

Kevin Hogan is a crew coach and English department chair at the Mystic Valley Regional Charter School in Malden, Mass. He's also the star of films like "Just Gone Gay 8," "Fetish World," and "Ass Fucked by a DILF," under the name Hytch Cawke. If your first reaction to those last two sentences was "AUDIBLE GASP GOOD HEAVENS WON'T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN?!?!", you'll be pretty happy to see Mike Beaudet of Boston Fox News harass Hogan with questions like, "Do your students know that you've been in these movies?" and "Do you really think it's appropriate to be working with kids?" You stay classy, Boston Fox News!

As a result of Beaudet's report, Hogan, who starred in the movies last year, is now on paid leave from the school, which is conducting its own investigation (OMG, movie marathon in the vice-principal's office!) The school has released a statement saying, "We value the health and safety of our students," as well as an e-mail to parents and staff urging applicants to fully disclose their past employment.

Pearl-clutching and chest-grabbing aside, haven't we been through this already? And didn't we collectively decide that it was no use freaking out over what the people who teach our kids do in their private lives, as long as it's safe and consensual and legal and not brought into the classroom? Oh, wait... we didn't collectively decide that? Never mind. Have there been any wardrobe malfunctions on TV dancing competitions recently that we can bug the fuck out about?

Commentarium (29 Comments)

Nov 30 11 - 10:31pm

Well said, Hooksexup, but it is Fox News, which is almost as bad as TMZ.

Nov 30 11 - 10:50pm

Fox News was launched in the 90's. Up until that time America had law forbidding foreigners from running U.S. news organizations. If you compare the American Culture of the 60's, 70's and 80's to the culture we have today, you can clearly see WHY we had such laws. Rupert Murdoch with these McCarthy-like witch hunts, has created a fear-driven culture where Corporations control what we think and feel. This poor man is being persecuted because of something that he had every right to do. He broke no laws. The only criminal I see here is Rupert Murdoch. (In Europe his nick name is "The Dirty Digger") Boycott Fox News! Boycotts The New York Post!!!!

Nov 30 11 - 11:36pm

You know who's a faggot that should be beat to death? That hack reporter piece of shit Mike Bueadet. That guys the sleaziest piece of shit. You got to wonder how he came across that teachers gay porn past. I don't know maybe jerking off to gay porn. I know you'll delete this because god forbid I'm not a PC liberal, but that cunt journo really should have his teeth knocked the fuck out.

Dec 01 11 - 1:06pm

Yes, clearly the answer to this is homicide. Good thinking.

Nov 30 11 - 11:49pm
Abe froman

So now we want our teachers,gay or straight, to have imbd credits for porn? Just checking

Dec 01 11 - 5:26am

If teachers earned more, they wouldn't need to work in porn...

Nov 30 11 - 11:55pm

"Do you really think it's appropriate to be working with kids?" That's what really pissed me off. I can understand that some people may not agree with his choices, and they might even respect him less because their own morality tells them this was a bad thing to do, but this was a fucking loaded question. They're implying that because he was in a porn that he might be interacting inappropriately with children. Where were these investigations when Jerry Sandusky was doing his thing? I really wonder if this would have even been an issue if he was filmed in hetero porn...

Dec 01 11 - 2:06am


Dec 01 11 - 2:07pm

"I really wonder if this would have even been an issue if he was filmed in hetero porn..."

Yes. It would.

Nov 30 11 - 11:59pm

He's suspended while they investigate? Does that just mean watch all his porn?

Dec 01 11 - 12:23am

Hytch Cawke?

Dec 01 11 - 12:15pm

Never mind that.... this article was written by EJ Dicks-on .... even better !

Dec 01 11 - 12:56pm

Actually, when he does porn he's BJ Dickson. Obvi.

(Sorry, EJ. It was just too easy to pass up.)

Dec 01 11 - 2:26pm

Dude's an English Dept Chair. A witty nom de porn is expected here I reckon.

Dec 01 11 - 12:59am
give me a break

what a bunch of douchebags! just becuase something comes out last year doesnt mean it was made last year.. and still who gives a fuck what a teacher does in his private life.. He wasnt involved with kiddie porn so who gives a shit what he did to earn a living before working at this school. Hell we all know teachers in america are underpaid and underappreciated!

Dec 01 11 - 2:33pm

Well pArt of that is the out-of-control tenure system, enabling bung teachers to choke the oxygen out of the pond. Checkout "Waiting for Superman".

Dec 01 11 - 2:16am

Good job Fox News on getting a guy fired on something you probably only discovered because you were watching his pornos. and no, the kids DIDNT know he was in pornos until YOU made it public. way to ruin more lives fox.

Dec 01 11 - 9:33am

Ironically, that local news has more dicks in it than all the gay porn the teacher ever did.

Dec 01 11 - 10:34am

More importantly, could we enact a moratorium on the Internet's Professional Offended At/Morally Superior To America's Vast Benighted employment of: "You stay classy, [X]."

Dec 01 11 - 12:35pm

Good to know that Fox reporters have nothing better to do than watch gay porn all day, instead of actually doing real research.

Dec 01 11 - 1:38pm

Fox News is run by closeted Republicans- doesn't surprise me that they unearthed this garbage!

Dec 01 11 - 2:10pm

They are closeted Republicans but out in the open Democrats?

Dec 01 11 - 12:54pm

Previous employment in the sex industry that was unreported? An investigation is reasonable. I'm glad I'm not the one that has to conduct it and make the recommendation to the school board though.

Dec 01 11 - 3:11pm

As if working in the sex industry is like having a felony? There is no law requiring the disclosure of having worked in porn.

Dec 01 11 - 3:56pm

I made neither claim although a comprehensive work history is likely a qualification for employment as a teacher in Massachusetts. A felony conviction is not required to be disqualifying for a position of trust involving children.

Dec 01 11 - 4:55pm
You don't get it

You are not legally entitled to disclose every fucking job you've ever done.

Dec 03 11 - 2:11am

A resume is NOT a legally binding document, and having sex with other consenting adults-- something I should note that most of us do EVERY SINGLE DAY (albeit not on camera) doesn't mean that we're untrustworthy with children.

Dec 01 11 - 9:30pm

Mark Ockerbloom! That's even better than Brick Tamland.

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