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John Boehner mistress scandal

Although you won't be reading about it in the mainstream media this morning, House Minority Leader John Boehner (pronounced "Bay-nerr" or "Boe-nerr" if you're twelve) is dodging questions about an alleged affair with a lobbyist. The married Ohio Republican ignored a question from a blogger about a possible sexcapade with Lisbeth Lyons, the VP of Government Affairs for the Printing Industries of America.

Lisbeth Lyons

Boehner would likely lead the House of Representatives if (and when) the GOP sweeps the November elections, so it's not entirely surprising that rumors indicate the New York Times. You may recall that the Times ran with similar vague allegations two years ago without evidence when McCain looked like he had an even remote possibility of winning the Presidential election. 

A quick Google News search brought up no major media hits for this story as late as the wee hours of this morning, although we heard about it all the way back on Friday.

I can't stand to listen to this guy talk, even in a one-minute YouTube video, but here you go:

Comments ( 6 )

Sep 27 10 at 10:24 am

Yes, let us give all the crazy wingnuts credibility with press conferences televised 31.

Sep 27 10 at 10:47 am

I would use the boner pronunciation, considering what he said about not extending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy on Meet The Press.

Sep 27 10 at 12:47 pm

As the "VP of Government Affairs" she was just doing her job of having an affair with Boehner. If history is any sort of a guide, the truth about these "family values" guys is usually far freakier than anyone suspects.

Sep 27 10 at 2:22 pm

Oh yeah, once a politician espouses family values, you know they're engaging in the opposite. I don't think the word "scandal" should even be used anymore in the context of pols fucking up, it's so par for the course now. It would be more of a scandal if a politician chose not to exploit his position and power for tawdry purposes. I'm living in a postcynical world, nothing I can do about it.

Sep 28 10 at 4:09 am

He must've heard everyone complaining about Republicans being in bed with lobbyists and assumed everyone else was doing it too.

Sep 28 10 at 7:11 am

Printing Industries of America? Well maybe she was just his "type."

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