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Lena Dunham's Tight Shots, Episode 8

In preparation for Lena Dunham's upcoming HBO series, Girls, we're rerunning Tight Shots, an original video series Dunham made for Hooksexup in 2007. Tight Shots is about film students working on a project about the "budding sexuality" of a teenage girl in the Deep South. None of them have ever been to the South, but they do have some experience with budding sexuality — in the traditional fashion of art students everywhere, they're all sleeping with each other. Check out the eighth episode above, and click here for the others.

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Commentarium (3 Comments)

Apr 06 12 - 5:48pm

I've been loving this series, but that girl was super annoying.

Apr 07 12 - 1:39am
el profe

Am I the only one who can't stand this? I feel like I should I like it, but I just can't get into it. Kinda like "30 Rock" and "The Office".

May 12 12 - 6:36am

finally someone is calling all the twaty boys out on their bullshit. Lena D is a genius!

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