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sexy woman painted as an american flag

The US has been ranked along with other countries worldwide, and once again, came out the loser. Not only are Americans really bad at math and unhappy and overweight, we're also not very flirtatious. (Surely there is no relation between those facts.) In truth, the only thing we're flirting with is coming in dead last on the list -- a mere 1/100th of a percent more flirtatious than Ecuador. Spain came in first, followed by a somewhat surprising Poland. 

The global networking site Badoo named the twenty flirtiest countries by measuring ninety million contacts made on the site between men and women. "Flirtatiousness" was ranked by the number of women on the site who initiate contact with men.   

Now, I might be an American who's bad at math, but that seems like a slightly arbitrary way of calculating this sort of thing. What about the fact that men also message women, potentially with amorous ideas? And how can we leave out men messaging men and women messaging women? That said, it's probably pretty likely that our status as "not very flirty" would hold across all categories.

Which sucks. But perhaps, at least, it means that there's less competition, and therefore higher rewards, for those of us who do dare to be outgoing. 

Commentarium (14 Comments)

Nov 10 10 - 8:08pm

Canada is only a border away. Go up for a long weekend.

Nov 10 10 - 8:25pm
Amanda Green

Doing that this weekend, actually...

Nov 11 10 - 8:57am

maybe if you could stop calling america amm a country?

Nov 11 10 - 9:07am

Seriously, who here uses Badoo? Never heard of it.

Nov 11 10 - 9:43am

As someone who spent a half year in Poland when I was younger - it's totally true. Especially along the coast during the summer -- GdaƄsk was tons of fun.

Nov 11 10 - 12:20pm

Planning my summer vacation to Poland...oh, Eastern European boys...

Nov 11 10 - 1:39pm

I think the stigma of slut and whore have finally set in. Everyone is so afraid of attaining those self images that we shell ourselves up. Even as a male, I tend to respect personal space quite a lot, unless I have permission

Nov 11 10 - 2:49pm

I would in no way conflate "initiating contact with someone on a website" with being outgoing. In fact...

Nov 11 10 - 5:43pm

America sucks. Fact.

Nov 11 10 - 9:05pm

maybe its the quality of woman in the united states..

Dec 29 10 - 11:08am

Maybe it's the fact that if you flirt with the wrong jagoff, you'll be slapped with a lawsuit here. The U.S. has something like 90% of all the lawyers in the world.

May 06 11 - 12:05pm

Cause we are a lawsuit-happy nation.

May 11 11 - 10:01pm
Bible Belt

Hey, it can't be because of the stifling neo-con right wing religitard bible belt mentality in half of the country. Gosh, no. Golly beaver.